Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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You are a born scalper - but we need to slow you down - I reckon you are on steroids and pumped up N - lol

I don't trade those volumes of a few months back F ..........but still pushing the 50+ in a day so not great............
ok guys - I have to talk to some agencies but back later

signing off
Hi All,

Hope you're all doing well today.

Good day here today, probably managed around £70, and then £197 (if you include the EY overnight swing), all minus comms - usual stake sizes. I know it says 526.7 pips, but really we all know it's the bottom line that counts. Pretty happy with that though!

All using M5 123 as my entry pattern, and obviously TA to decipher other important stuff. Can't really do the 1 minute thing for now, and I ignore TW's - not a crit, but think I need to be able to do the slower pace stuff consistently before I tackle the other aspects of F's style.

The mains things I have been observing are 30min rules, BTTZ's, and general price reading PS and PA. Which is very useful. That is enough to deal with for the moment. I don't consider myself a newbie, but with only around two years experience (give or take a few months), split over a number of years, I can see I need to do a lot more before I can get a handle on the finer points of F's work.

So for the moment sticking to the slower stuff, but will be back to M1, Ticks and TW's in the not too distant - if nothing else, it's a really good way to stretch myself, which is very important to improve.

EU - After 1 30 pm news and then after 2 11 pm low


1 min LR Chart with TW's and TL's etc

SELL after the 1 30 pm news - dollar strength

Low so far 2 11pm - just outside TW

Was ok to buy after 2 20 pm onwards

Now marked next R area



  • EU - 230715PM.png
    EU - 230715PM.png
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Hi All,

Hope you're all doing well today.

Good day here today, probably managed around £70, and then £197 (if you include the EY overnight swing), all minus comms - usual stake sizes. I know it says 526.7 pips, but really we all know it's the bottom line that counts. Pretty happy with that though!

All using M5 123 as my entry pattern, and obviously TA to decipher other important stuff. Can't really do the 1 minute thing for now, and I ignore TW's - not a crit, but think I need to be able to do the slower pace stuff consistently before I tackle the other aspects of F's style.

The mains things I have been observing are 30min rules, BTTZ's, and general price reading PS and PA. Which is very useful. That is enough to deal with for the moment. I don't consider myself a newbie, but with only around two years experience (give or take a few months), split over a number of years, I can see I need to do a lot more before I can get a handle on the finer points of F's work.

So for the moment sticking to the slower stuff, but will be back to M1, Ticks and TW's in the not too distant - if nothing else, it's a really good way to stretch myself, which is very important to improve.

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Hi G

Well Done again - you are improving I feel sure and i reckon following the market moves etc well

Its not really been that easy again - so if you can do well on days like today - you will trounce the easy days

Keep it up

Major Magnum is on his holidays but back next week - so he will tell you what he went through etc to get to the level he's at now

Good Trading


3 10 pm


Focused on this pair after news etc as always a pair everyone follows - even though its not always the easiest or best pair to make you money

We had the pullbacks from 0990 area in the early part of 3 00 m TW - but none over 13 pips and then after 3 01 pm - more buys taking price up to just about 1000 again now

Pullbacks staying above 79 / 81 are just buys again for now

Basically having another early day

Will pop in every 30 -45 mins or so and just update

All the best and GL


I am running out of superlatives for you.
Been out sat down and see a nice GU and EU bang bang and watch in peace. Super.
I think I disagreed with you earlier on a GU need to find and check. It was an 'under and sells' from you but I thought it had turned. Will try to find it.
I am running out of superlatives for you.
Been out sat down and see a nice GU and EU bang bang and watch in peace. Super.
I think I disagreed with you earlier on a GU need to find and check. It was an 'under and sells' from you but I thought it had turned. Will try to find it.

Nice to hear Nick

I will also later on tonight discuss the time rules and clarify etc

The EU topped so far at 0999 / 1000 area and now gone over 30 mins with no breach

Its back in a range I dont like now - ie 1005 to say 0960/65 - 40 pips or so

the easy part is over 1005 and high more buys - OR under 0960 -50 and more sells

70 to 90 is just scalp land and possible another BTTZ

Its not been a bad Wednesday really - but got lazy again this afternoon and looking forward to another sailing holiday planned ;-)
Hi G

Well Done again - you are improving I feel sure and i reckon following the market moves etc well

Its not really been that easy again - so if you can do well on days like today - you will trounce the easy days

Keep it up

Major Magnum is on his holidays but back next week - so he will tell you what he went through etc to get to the level he's at now

Good Trading



Thanks F,

I'm sure I am improving too. Giving much more consideration to price structure and price action is helping a lot I think.

I know I have bemoaned those tutors and the general market media before, who suggest there isn't much to know, but, in the early days I remember tutors/people just talking about reading the HH HL or LH LL sequences, and using that for direction, but that is just too basic imo - it's useful for sure, but in no way sufficient. Reading price is turning out to be quite nuanced I think.

Well anyway, I shall stop rattling on, but I will say the more I look, the more I see, and I quite enjoy reading the PA and PS, even though I am far from proficient.

Thanks for your help F!

GU - Afternoon session after 2 00 pm


1 Min LR chart with some KT's and TLs and of course LR's

We had a buy after 2 11 pm low - like with EU

then we had some more sells and now GU made another low for day so far at 5516 ish



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    GU - 230715 pm.png
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GJ - after 9 30 am UK Pound news


With it being Pound news today I wanted to get a trade on the GJ after the outcome

Its been nice and easy when you leave 30% stake on with stop in profit and then move it more into profit during the day

1 Min LR chart below



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    GJ - 230715.png
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hey all ...............didn't really get back to the table today but did ok prior to that

really sounds like a lot of good traders now blossoming here ..............that's all T2Win can ask for in my opinion ..........the rest is noise

Sorry, forget to say well done F on the 1 Mill hits, and your continued effort, help, and patience. Most impressive and much appreciated by many I am sure!


p.s. Should be a 'tip hat' emoticon.
Time Rules

Morning F and guys,
Thanks for your answer last night F, much appreciated.
If you get a chance at some point would you mind to recap the 30 minute rule.
Thanks for your patience as searching this thread has become difficult due to its size.

I note a couple of great trades thrown up after I went out, EU GU, so my dinner was very expensive, like many a school run for you. Managed to compensate by a bit of Dow before bedtime so not all bad.

GL today.

Hi Nick

Cannot take claim for all the time rules as a trader / guru first alerted me to the 30 min rule about 7 or 8 yrs ago. His name was a Dr S Sivaraman and he had a Phd in applied statistics. I followed him for about a year before he got deep into algo trading and for me basically lost his direction.

He did not use charts ( a weakness) but just price - levels and time.

He used the 30 min rule purely on the first high or low of a session - but not on every interim high or low - so lost opportunities on intraday trading

Normally any high or low that goes over 30 mins ( can be from 21 mins to 34 mins ) with no breach by more than say 2 pips - then favours a reversal

The next 21 - 33 mins become critical - as after 55 - 60 mins the price can test under the interim high or low - but by using LRs and PA from a chart - we can work out whether that will happen or not

Any interim high or low that goes over 1 hr plus from printing becomes stronger until another level - higher or lower holds 30 mins etc

So - it becomes a test of time and levels and in between when you get tight ranges of say only 20 to 40 pips you can end up with BTTZ tease areas - with both high and low of ranges holding 30 mins with no breach

I covered Stats for 2 years in my Economics degree over 37 yrs ago so was always intrigued with maths info and common links and of course probabilities. I am no geek - but will say spent the last 5 yrs still trying to discover more on the time probability theory / rules especially now that we have more automated trading that as to take into considerations of the time of the day.

That's how i discovered my own KT's and time windows and they do links with what seems to be going on most days

Its a never ending journey - and will need fine tuning and continually reviewing to stay at the top of the game

Hope that helps and if any other FX traders have spotted other common time themes - please let me know


Also, meant to say earlier, I have been re-trading EY in 2008, on my training platform. Wow, what a crazy time that was. I had only recently started my trading journey back then, and only looked at the FTSE - FX was bonkers in 2008 by the looks of it. You all must have had some crazy good days!?
Thanks F,
Very decent of you to help, as always.
I actually did a fair bit of applied statistics myself in University. Lonnnnggggg time ago.
GL all for today and good morning.
Friday 24th July 2015 - Pre Opens

Good Morning Guys

Last day of the trading week and a late one for me - was not ready for and 6 00 am TW trades this morning and the 6 09 am scalp buy on the EJ does not look very strong so ignored it.

I would like to thank all the T2W members who assisted in getting this thread up to 1 million page hits in what must be a record time - ie under 20 months. I thought even early on this year when it was at 800k that it would take 2+ years to get there - but instead page hits over the last few months have really increased and I hope my contributions have proved useful on your own Forex trading journey

Normal stuff again today - will do the LitS areas and then will make sume quick reviews and updates along with my plans on intraday trading some popular pairs

All FX related contributions - ie charts - calls - forecasts - ideas - other methods - etc etc welcome - feel free to comment and don't worry if your call is wrong - its all part of trading

Have a great day


two 7 point scalps this morning.
not a chance to look at many other pairs as was playing Hang Seng.
I am in London next week, think I will have to get up at 03.00 for a fix.
6 26 am

Must still be half as sleep - that 6 09 am scalp buy on the EJ as now moved 10 pips - and I ignored it thinking looked to slow etc - No coffee yet is my excuse lol

OK LitS area
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