Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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8 34 am

Range for now - 5483 to 5463

Below both more sells for lower

Above both - back to scalp buys

Out in 5 mins - should be back for 9 30 am ish then around for a couple of hrs
morning all - jees had to reboot and reset some stuff this morning to get into the damn charts

anyway i see easy pickings as usd goes north ................missed a shedload of pips .....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Morning N

In and out from desk up to about 9 30 am

Hope to be around at least 2 hrs then and 3 hrs or so this afternoon

Have a good day

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right - i'll happily scalp any usd pair ............Europeans and cad al in zone for me as sells

starting to wind up the setups ............I do watch a lot of F's key signals ..........and am going to play again with his L/R's ............I use more currency Index based signals to trigger....but am keen to have 1 more pair based signals in armoury


8 34 am

Range for now - 5483 to 5463

Below both more sells for lower

Above both - back to scalp buys

Out in 5 mins - should be back for 9 30 am ish then around for a couple of hrs

that's interesting see to me I am happy to attack this dude as a sell NOW at 5483...............but F sees the game and wants 20 pips comfort re Highs / lows for going in

to me I see usd rising again after a breather and I go woth the best bets on eurocad team as a sell
0944 hunting the eu sells ................just waiting for usd to go north again
dammitt......the falling euro has walked into a wall of usd sells .............
Got a nice 8 points from EU low.
Too busy to read here but did you get it F or were you in a short still?
im out B/E ...........I would have gone GU by the time the usd turned .............nothing lost ......
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