Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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ok guys - got to scoot ........closing these out as its slooooooooow town now

moral for me and something I do realise is that Europeans go sleepy byes later in us session

GU - HH's and LH's and LL's today

If you have time this evening or whenever is convenient can you point me in the direction of the HH LL and significance of each please.

GU was a sell at exactly 2.09 for me -)

Hi Nick

OK lets start with GU Chart today

For me and Intraday trading - my main ordnance survey map for accuracy and following the route is a 1 minute LR chart.

A tick chart or 1 to 3 mins can be used - but everything over 5 min + is really too slow for scalping - and not always accurate enough - the devil is in the detail

So lets look at chart over main part of day - ie after EO to after London close - over 10 - 12 hrs really.


You are interested in after 2 09 pm - as a scalp lined up perfectly for a sell

The GU had been bullish since early morning for 5 hrs to approx 9 30 am - when it did its high of the day circled

For the rest of the day - it never made over it - and we had LH's and then after 3 and 4 00 pm LL's

From 9 30 am to 2 00 pm UK time - it was still bullish - but did not make any HH's

So in that 4 hr plus period you could easily scalp both ways - as the range was approx 50 pips - ie sell under 5650 - buy over 5605 +

After lunch it started to change with a LH circled - but still no LL under 5606 or even 5615/17

By then my LRs and new LitS were saying - a change in PS

Under the RED long LR at 5620 area - sells

I then did a call later on this after noon saying structure could change under 5617 - 15 etc etc

Then we see it drop to 5578 area and bounces now under 5520 re still sells again

All significant Levels for Highs and Lows circled up to LC

I always suggest for accuracy and intraday trading - use the 1 to 3 min levels to work out significant Highs or Lows etc etc

I have used besides my LR's also price channels and TLs

The more information - the more Knowledge can be found from it - for what I call my "clues"

PA and HH's etc are all important and then time ( rules and actual TW's ) and then LRs etc etc

Hope that helps Nick - we can pick out other pairs if you want etc



PS my KT marked is 2 21 pm - 2 09 pm was better as you noted


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in all seriousness this live call stuff is very very difficult to do when scalping ...........

if I see them I try to get a post in immediately AFTER ive entered .........i'm not going to miss a trade just to post a comment !!!!


To be honest, you guys are very good and not to mention fast.
For me if I put on a trade I either will manage it, especially if it's decent size, then I will check either open positions or other trades I want to do.
The last thing on my mind is to placate some nutterz sitting lurking on an internet thread. At this stage all F's trades are known to anyone who would spend a little time and get familiar with his system.

As for you NVP we know you either love the dollar or you hate the dollar, simple:cheesy:
Morning F and guys,
Thanks for your answer last night F, much appreciated.
If you get a chance at some point would you mind to recap the 30 minute rule.
Thanks for your patience as searching this thread has become difficult due to its size.

I note a couple of great trades thrown up after I went out, EU GU, so my dinner was very expensive, like many a school run for you. Managed to compensate by a bit of Dow before bedtime so not all bad.

GL today.
Thursday 23rd July 2015 - Pre Opens

Good Morning Guys

Not a normal day for me today

Still hope to get at least 5 hrs of trading in today - but going to be missing out on a lot of the initial session from 6 00 am to 10 00 am due to family commitments and some domestic jobs that are happening during the day.

Already started this morning on the scalps - a 6 07 am scalp sell on the EJ - 6 00 am did not line up and maybe 6 09 / 10 am would have been too late

Will get the LitS out over next 15 mins or so and then will not be here between about 7 20 am and 8 30 am and out again approx 9 35 am to 10 00 am ish

Notice we have a few red news announcements during the day - first at 9 30 am on the UK Pound

Other than that - normal stuff - all FX Intraday traders are welcome to contribute with charts - calls - comments - forecasts - methods etc etc - although must stay this thread and method is not really for newbies

Have a great day


6 35 am

LitS area for the Morning session on a few Key Pairs

EU - 0917 - 0930 ish

GU - 5605 - 5615 ish

EJ - 135 35 - 135 50 ish

UChf - 9590 - 9605 ish

UCad - 3030 - 3040 ish

GJ - 193 50 - 193 70 ish

UJ - 123 95 - 124 05 ish

AU - 7365 - 7380 ish

6 37 am

My first scalp sell at 6 07 am from 135 733 and now just dropped to 135 62

I am banking 70% and will leave sell on atm with tight stop in profit at 135 70

6 41 am

Had not taken a 6 00 or 6 09 am scalp sell on this pair as thought market was slow and so only went with EJ

This pair as also dropped 10 pips - but not caught any of then for now

Under 0945 is sells but we should be able to scalp buy above 0918 -23 area

If you remember from yesterday under 0920 and 17 is a support area and so you would expect to stay with scalp sells then

6 45 am

Above its LitS for now and so bullish - but 9 30 am Red UK Pound news - so it all could change - or if not all could carry on bullish up to 5700 +

We need under 5713 and 5700 etc to be scalp selling more for pullbacks into the 5600 area

Above 5620 - 25 + then carry on scalp buying again looking for tests higher with 40 to 50 being the R area

6 54am

Moving my 30% stake in profit stop down to 135 677 for now as 62 is holding so unless we drop under there - we will bounce and try over the 65 which was last interim LH
6 57 am


Always a good clue on what EU might be doing as oppositely correlated most of the time

Since 3 30 am - its been rising - but only about 15 pips and its at a R area at 9593 - 96 area

Unless we make back over 9600 - its going to fall again and maybe then the EU will try and stay above 0920 and rise again
hey all

tight range usd so far...makes it hard to generate even small scalps on usd pairs


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Morning F and guys,
Thanks for your answer last night F, much appreciated.
If you get a chance at some point would you mind to recap the 30 minute rule.
Thanks for your patience as searching this thread has become difficult due to its size.

I note a couple of great trades thrown up after I went out, EU GU, so my dinner was very expensive, like many a school run for you. Managed to compensate by a bit of Dow before bedtime so not all bad.

GL today.

Will do later on - yes the time rules are fairly complex and still investigating into them more but will update on latest info etc

I have been using 30 min rule for over 6 years - but only know of one other trader / guru who has really researched then - an Indian Professor/ Dr and he uses them slightly differently to how I use them

Have a great day



7 09 am

Lot of action at 6 59 / 7 00 am Uk time and start of EO

We had a "railroad" at 7 00 am a candle reversal formation on the 1 min - that was assisted by down bias from PA and so sold at 5621 after a 24 interim high

Now approx 8 mins later down at 5612 and still falling atm - but as we know that can soon change
some blood in the veins now as usd goes north .........selling eu and buying uchf
7 12 am

EJ is the odd one out of the 3 - cannot drop under 62 atm - whereas the EU and GU both made LL's

As i type the EJ tests 61 so its is trying to join the party
Will do later on - yes the time rules are fairly complex and still investigating into them more but will update on latest info etc

I have been using 30 min rule for over 6 years - but only know of one other trader / guru who has really researched then - an Indian Professor/ Dr and he uses them slightly differently to how I use them

Have a great day



Thank you very much, it is greatly appreciated.
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