Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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i'm out usual the GU is not a slow currency ..........if I havnt taken my 5 pip targets inside a couple of minutes i'm gonna get hung out to dry on the retrace
in all seriousness this live call stuff is very very difficult to do when scalping ...........

if I see them I try to get a post in immediately AFTER ive entered .........i'm not going to miss a trade just to post a comment !!!!


Hi N

Totally agree

The trade comes first and then the call

If everything goes OK - you can get the call typed and out on the thread in under a minute or maximum 90 seconds when busy.

Trouble is then sometimes other followers on thread do not see the comment immediately its live on the thread - especially when say 2 or more traders are commenting at same time.

There's never a problem if the scalp lasts say 10 -15 mins plus and goes OK

Its the scalps that might only last 1 to 3 minutes that can confuse - but even then good experienced scalpers know sometimes you can grab 3 -7 + pips or so in 20 -30 seconds and be out - in fact we have all had scalps that make even 10 + pips in under 2 mins from entry and we are out smiling.

I don't like scalps that last over 3 mins from entry not moving 2 pips - those are the ones that frustrate etc

All the best


Must do Nicks question in a bit next
sell at 93 GU

on reflection and looking at my charts I should have had that 1-2 pips earlier ................every small percentage helps in ths game and if you are to slow to the door it can cost you the trade ........:cool:
if you are watching the gu we just saw it rise to 97 and then offer sells down to 91.............its all fast stuff and in truth hard to make money out of ...........
uchf just mullered 5 pips off a buy ......jees i'll pick the right pair in a minute
usd is a buy still..........just not happening at this time of day volatility
ucad again takes 5 pips off the bat on a buy ................why am I trading the Europeans ?
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