Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Quick summary approx 20 mins prior to E O at 7 00 am UK time

Price at 0893 approx

LitS at 0875 - 85 - so above and in a bull bias PS atm with a high this morning at 0902 and a low around 0860 yesterday

6 39 am said scalp buy it - but we need over 0900 to stay with that buy

6 34 am

I will start with this pair as it was my first scalp of the morning - at 5 59 am

I will also post a chart of it during this next 15 mins as it was all nicely lined up

I did not catch it from 135 19/ 20 - only got in at 17 - but it quickly fell 9 pips

Ideally i want to scalp sell it again under 17 /18 after the bounce from after 6 26 am


6 45 AM

Well got that one spot on -

135 17 - and its just dropped 10 pips in less than a minute (y)

Even though its in a bull session bias for now - I have taken 2 scalp sells because it wants to test lower supports and the LitS area

This is also the same on the EU

Quick summary approx 20 mins prior to E O at 7 00 am UK time

Price at 0893 approx

LitS at 0875 - 85 - so above and in a bull bias PS atm with a high this morning at 0902 and a low around 0860 yesterday

6 39 am said scalp buy it - but we need over 0900 to stay with that buy


6 50 am

The scalp buy was over in 4 mins for about the same pips if lucky

I did not catch the drop - but did on the EJ as I had that one planned and the EU was more of a hedge - and basically I only got out at approx 1 pip of profit

The EU is in sync with the EJ - and although they were both over the LitS area - thats now being tested

Price now at 0886 and still a scalp sell atm

I said I would post a EJ chart and will do that next

I am still in at 30% on a sell with a tight stop in profit at 135 06/7
EJ - Live call in advance of move - scalp sell at 135 17


6 34 am

I will start with this pair as it was my first scalp of the morning - at 5 59 am

I will also post a chart of it during this next 15 mins as it was all nicely lined up

I did not catch it from 135 19/ 20 - only got in at 17 - but it quickly fell 9 pips

Ideally i want to scalp sell it again under 17 /18 after the bounce from after 6 26 am

That was the call and I was after a second scalp sell - which lined up nicely and so far dropped over 20 pips

The move started at approx 10 / 11 mins after the post



  • EJ - 170715 am.png
    EJ - 170715 am.png
    73.3 KB · Views: 395

7 06 am

6 57 and 7 05 am started the scalp buys - so exited 30% stake and did not wait to hit stop in profit

The key question will be at 15 to 19 area

7 10 am

Not caught a scalp buy on it - been busy with EJ and EU - but this pair was a scalp buy from 6 51 am and after 7 04 / 5 am as well

i would like to try and get in on a buy on retraces staying above 5633 / 35 area
Talking of Pound bull bias - same on GJ - its in a bullish PS session above 193 77 area

We need over 193 10 and 20 to stay with buys next

7 19 am

Not convinced on next moves

Keeping an eye on the 30 min rule on their last interim low

Both should fall more - BUT - supports might stop that happening
Hi F!!
I am new in here for about a week or two, pretty old on forex but unsuccefull until now, i am learning a lot from u guys, appreciate the hard work u do.
Just wanted to say that gn and ga are going nord pretty well again from this morning.
7 26 am

The games have started with these holding moves - as lows gone 30 mins

Might have to wait longer as may be the trickery is starting - let see if after 7 30 am we get more clues

I will be here for the LO at 8 00 am - but out at 8 10 am this morning and back after 9 00 am
Strong UK pound this morning


7 10 am

Not caught a scalp buy on it - been busy with EJ and EU - but this pair was a scalp buy from 6 51 am and after 7 04 / 5 am as well

i would like to try and get in on a buy on retraces staying above 5633 / 35 area

Talking of Pound bull bias - same on GJ - its in a bullish PS session above 193 77 area

We need over 193 10 and 20 to stay with buys next

7 34 am

Late getting in on GU and GJ - but now both have made me just over 46 pips in total all within the last 7 mins and they are still rising

Nice busy morning again


7 38 am

Both have recent interim lows that have held over 30 mins - favouring reversals atm

Not scalping them atm - been busier on the Pound crosses - pity I have missed out on the GA as well
Hi F!!
I am new in here for about a week or two, pretty old on forex but unsuccefull until now, i am learning a lot from u guys, appreciate the hard work u do.
Just wanted to say that gn and ga are going nord pretty well again from this morning.

Morning fly

You are welcome

I hope we can get you on the right road to FX intraday success

Its not easy - but its all possible

Please feel free to comment and post ideas and charts etc and if I can help you more - no problem

I know its a long thread and a complicated method - but it does work - although might take many months to really get into it

Have a good day


7 50 am

Glad i have stayed with the GU and GJ - although maybe too late on GA

The EU and EJ are just teasing - ie cannot trust them either way atm - although both look bearish we are still around support areas

Meanwhile GU as moved up over 40 pips and GJ close on 50 pips

London Open in 8 mins - so might lock in some more profits to be safe
7 56 am

Coming up to LO and Pound strength having a rest atm

EU / EJ and Uchf - all in tease mode still - cannot trust them atm

Not really looked to AU / UJ / UCad etc - but will try and do later

8 00 am

Not scalped it at all this morning

After 7 00 am it was under its LitS area and basically been a sell - but only dropped about 13 pips - so not first choice compared to initial EJ moves and then Pound crosses

Bounces staying under 2957 are still sells
7 56 am saw the start of scalp sells on GU / GJ and even GA

Not jumped in them all - just peeled down on scalp buys for now
PA on the UChf / EU / EJ fairly ugly atm - not my cup of tea

Need more clues etc for clarity

You can "wrap" either side price - ie above 0895 buys and under 0875 sells on EU - but had a busy 2 hrs already so can afford just to wait for now
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