Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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9 34 am


A HL now from 0731 at 36/7 and was a scalp buy from 9 30 am

To hold we need over 52 and 57 - otherwise its just a 5 -10 pip scalp buy
From after 9 21 am and 9 30 am - we have seen dollar strength weaken

Resulting in sells on U's and scalp buys on normal EU / GU / AU / NU etc etc
9 50 am

EU - not made over 58 - only reached 55 and then after 9 39 am a scalp sell

We need to stay above at least 45 to scalp buy again and we know under 35 and 32 then back into more scalp sells etc

GU - still not turned up higher enough - like EU
Morning Guys, Have a great day.
Mine started like always... This week is crazy. My first 2-4 trades are always a losers and for the rest of the day i have to fix my negative balance :(

Sorry Kostas

Missed your comment this morning

I hope you have some nice green pips in your kitty


10 03 am

Look likes we seen the main action for now and last 3 hrs as been busy

Might slow down this hour or so as main news at 12 00pm / Midday

I am out at 10 30 am

We are still in a bearish structure on GU / EU / AU / NU etc and opposite on the U''s

That does not mean we cannot scalp buy europeans etc and scalp sell the U's - but you have to remember that until you breach interim levels on either side of price - you stay in ranges etc - and if the ranges become tight under say 25 pips - then you can get the BTTZ - tease zones
Hi Fugazsy

My target % gain based on 50 pips at full stakes would be approx 3-4% per day

Good days are 6% +

Average days 2 -4%

Bad days 1 - 2%

All based on stake sizes around 0 5% of capital with 30% stakes as low at 0 2%

MM - as be doing daily % gains of 15 -30% - mainly because of small account and using stake sizes up to 2% -

By just playing with stake size % of capital I could on say a small account easily look at 10% + a day - with even some compounding going on - but I dont compound on my main accounts - I just withdraw profits often

Have a good day



thank you
Hi Fugazsy

My target % gain based on 50 pips at full stakes would be approx 3-4% per day

Good days are 6% +

Average days 2 -4%

Bad days 1 - 2%

All based on stake sizes around 0 5% of capital with 30% stakes as low at 0 2%

MM - as be doing daily % gains of 15 -30% - mainly because of small account and using stake sizes up to 2% -

By just playing with stake size % of capital I could on say a small account easily look at 10% + a day - with even some compounding going on - but I dont compound on my main accounts - I just withdraw profits often

Have a good day




Can you explain this a bit in more details if you do not mind. Thank you.


Can you explain this a bit in more details if you do not mind. Thank you.


Hi Fugazsy

Say I take a scalp at 5 lots which is say approx 0 5% of my capital based on a 5 pip stop

Then after say 11 pips - I exit 70% and leave approx 30% of my initial stake of 5 pips still on with stop in profit

In this case instead of being exactly $15 per pip left on - it might be 2 lots - ie $20 a pip

Now my stop is in profit - so no additional risk exposed - but my stake size is really only 0 2 % approx of my capital - so to make 1% - I would need 5 times the basis of original stop size of 5 pips - so 5 x 5 = 25 pips - which would still then only be worth 1% gain on my account

Most of my larger pip amounts come off approx 30% stake sizes - not off 100% stake sizes like anything from 3 to 8 lots per pip - all depending on my perception of whether the probability is like AAA+++ or just AA + etc etc

So a day of 200 pips - 160 pips might all be on 30% stakes sizes so still only like 6% gain on that part

If I was only using $10 as 30% stake size - then 150 pips on my 30% stake would then only be worth like 3% capital account gain.

My gains are then based on my existing account levels and how well I feel I am reading the market etc - and so are not set rigidly in stone - ie fluid just like my trading style :)



12 26pm

Did not breach under 0730 level - but not made back over 0780 - 90 - a main R area

Under 0800 and 0790 still in bearish session price structure - but now good supports from 0730 and 0750

So which levels go first ??

That to explain in a bit

12 29 pm

4765 / 70 area held as supports for the turn up - but with out making over 4860 and 4880 + - we are still in a bearish prices session

Price at 4837 atm and above 4820 still scalp bullish but need above 45 and 60 to stay with any buys
Yen crosses - UJ and EJ

EJ in down bearish price session still - like EU

UJ turned into a bearish price session under 120 20 - with price now at 119 96

Supports from 119 80 and 93/95
AU and NU

Been different from EU and GU

More is a bullish price session after 10 00 am today - resulting in UCad and UChf now falling last few hours

Uchf for me still in more bullish price session above 9690 - but price at 9693 atm with supports at 9680 and 90 ish

12 26pm

Did not breach under 0730 level - but not made back over 0780 - 90 - a main R area

Under 0800 and 0790 still in bearish session price structure - but now good supports from 0730 and 0750

So which levels go first ??

That to explain in a bit


12 38 pm

We are still bearish under 0790 and 0800 - and so far we are not testing them as high at 0776 and after 12 21 and 12 30pm - price as been falling and in scalp sell mode

We know we have supports at 57 and then 50 and under there 44/45
Next main red news at 1 30 pm UK time - in approx 45mins

Both on US and Cad dollars - will check Cad out nearer the time

12 46pm

I notice 0755/57 is both dynamic and static interim supports - and then 50 is another one

So really hope to be able to scalp buy in next TW
let me know your times you are about for say 30 mins or so today - then I can pop in your thread and we can scalp together

I am out at 10 30 am for about an hour / 90 mins

Should be then around and about most of day up to 5 00 pm - with just normal breaks etc

i'm around now?
Any scalp buy on EU above 50 or 55 need a bounce over 66 to stay with it longer

Otherwise its just a scalp of 3 -7 pips etc
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