Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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2 42pm

EJ was also a scalp buy after 2 09 pm and above 130 40

Just made 59 - already down at 30% stake at 51 hoping to see over 65 if possible


3 05 pm

Well it made 130 65 and then after 3 00 pm - guess what ?


Now down with a low so far at 51 and bounces under 62 still sells

3 11 PM

Noticed back over 4900 again now

Been missing it out as PA not so clean - but now after 3 00 pm its shown it colours more moving up and testing 4910

Above 96 on pullbacks still in a scalp buy mode

2 51PM

76 TO 0890 would be a big test for EU to make -

Above 58 and 60 still bullish but under 90 and 76 then bearish - difficult one


3 21pm

its made over 76 and touched 84/5

I expect now between here and 0890 for it to top


Ifs its manipulated more - it might make 0900 and even 0910 - just to catch out more stops

Therefore wait for right time and a topping on a 1 min or tick chart etc

3 11 PM

Noticed back over 4900 again now

Been missing it out as PA not so clean - but now after 3 00 pm its shown it colours more moving up and testing 4910

Above 96 on pullbacks still in a scalp buy mode


3 32pm

We dropped inder 96 and really after 3 21 pm it was in scalp sell mode from 4906

So far made 83 as I type

Supports 75 -80

3 21pm

its made over 76 and touched 84/5

I expect now between here and 0890 for it to top


Ifs its manipulated more - it might make 0900 and even 0910 - just to catch out more stops

Therefore wait for right time and a topping on a 1 min or tick chart etc


3 36PM

I dont know if its topped at 0885 or not

Its fell and been a scalp sell - but - 0840 - 50 and 60 - all good supports so we could bounce and even try over 85 again - but thats more likely if 60 holds

I would only hold sells on - or take more under 0843 and 38 and under 0828

3 40 pm

Under 130 81 - its bearish

Above 130 52 - its still in a bullish session price structure from after 10 00 am this morning.

Price at 62 and yes been scalp selling under 75 and after 3 21pm - but still expect to scalp buy at some time

Going to have 20 mins off - see you after 4 00 pm
4 30 pm


EU - testing supports after breaching under 60

So far 45 and 50 held - but now under 70 and 60 a scalp sell until either 50 -45 -40 or 0830 hold

EJ- above 60 still bullish - but without going over 81 and 86 it will fall again
4 30 pm


EU - testing supports after breaching under 60

So far 45 and 50 held - but now under 70 and 60 a scalp sell until either 50 -45 -40 or 0830 hold

EJ- above 60 still bullish - but without going over 81 and 86 it will fall again


4 39 pm and end of half hr TW - price just made 0836 and I am out 70% stakes now and will leave 30% on with stop in profit at 0854

If we fall under 34 and 30 will lower my stop down into more profit
im watching the fx pairs right now, i can't do a video this week because i dont have a good wifi where i am, but i think im getting what you say between the lines better, will update my journal in a couple of days
im watching the fx pairs right now, i can't do a video this week because i dont have a good wifi where i am, but i think im getting what you say between the lines better, will update my journal in a couple of days


Thats good to hear - I will say - for a start my method is complex - but after say doing 50 trades or so using it - it will start to make more sense

Then its a case of improving your timing and reading of PA and levels on small frames - anything from 6 months to 2 years - then I know anybody who has mastered my way - would be making great pips and money - every day - even having a few losses etc - by taking ideally over 10 / 12 short term trades a day - you will make money consistently (y)

I am off mid next week but will catch up with you more before I go



Hope you have had a good holiday and all's OK

Just popped in to see if we tried under 0840 and 0830 - not planning to do any more trades

Away in a weeks time - but around most of this week

All the best


currnt short eu


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currnt short eu


Interesting when you entered there

In normal times I might have still be in the buy up to after the hour change - and I would have entered at 5 57pm rather than 5 54pm - but you might have gained half a pip + doing it that way.

I also spotted you would easily have got away with a 3-4 pip stop on entry as you were also in the perfect zone area - just under an interim level

Got a 0804 low so far and under 23/24 its still really in scalp sell mode again

Hope to see you around some time tomorrow


Wednesday 8th April 2015 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all FX Intraday Traders

Started off slightly different this morning - ie no 6 20 or 6 21 am scalp - but instead a 6 30 am one against the last 4 hrs or so of trend -ie there's been dollar weakness over a lot of the Asian session

We have to wait until 7 00 pm tonight for the main red news today - so over 12 hrs away and therefore its a case of pacing today - as we might get a fair amount of boring periods or as I call them BTTZ areas.

Only around to next Tuesday / Wednesday the away for approx 9 days - but hope whilst I am away there will be a few of you who will carry on commenting on the thread with your daily Intraday FX thoughts

Out this morning at 9 30 am with a Doctors appointment but hope to get a couple of hrs in beforehand

All queries and FX questions etc welcome as well as your own charts and thoughts etc

Have a good day



6 49am

It bottomed yesterday at 0804 area and as since risen back up to a 6 30 am scalp sell from interim high atm of 0853/4 price

Need under 42 to hold on any scalp sell - and I have already exited 70% at 46 but left 30%

If you check yesterday - or even Major Magnums sell entry yesterday afternoon / evening he posted - 0853-56 price is an important barrier level

We know 0860 is a S & R level - and so I would say we really need above 63 and 66 to think about taking more scalp buys etc for any try at 0880 / 0900 area

The price structure this early part of the morning is bullish above 0830 / 40
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