Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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9 54 am

OK - i am done for a bit

What a lovely wild 3+ hrs - a very hectic morning

Back after 11 00 am or 11 30 am and will be around later for US early session

Stay focused and it might slow down a bit now - but you never know with these markets - anything still can happen etc

See you later


What is an average number of trades per day?

Just seen you comment as I get ready to pop out

I average approx 14 trades a day over a quarter period

Busy hectic days - 17 -24 trades over say a 10 -12 hr period - but maybe only baby sitting them for a few hours

Slower normal days 9 -12 trades - those are the normal boring days when I struggle to make over daily target .

Every day can be different - I could easily take up to 30 or 40 trades in a full day session - like Major Magnum does now - but I find it too tiring etc - so 10 -20 trades is in my comfort zone

See you later

12 04 pm

Back now for a bit

Looks like we had 2 hrs of chopping wood - with not many nice moves over 20 pips

Will check a few pairs and update next

No red News over lunch neither - but still expect a bit of action before our friends across the pond come on board

12 06 PM

Low today at 0834

I want it to stay ideally above 0780 / 0800 - but in worst case scenario we could drop down lower and still be in April up bias above 0760 ish

R's at 50 / 60 and around 0880/90

It might try up back to 0880 / 90 and then fall again - and for now above 50 and 60 I would still be looking for scalp buys
EU - the 0865 mid interim level as gone over 30 mins with no breach and would need another 10+ mins for it to be breached - based on approx 60 mins

12 13pm

Surprised - its bounced up from mid morning lows approx 60 pips and above 4870 for now - still in bullish period of session

R's though from 4895 to 4920 next though - so might be difficult to overcome

12 17 pm

Its been a buy from after 10 32 am - at 130 09 / 10 - but the PA as not been nice - ie 10 -15 pips up - and then 8 -10 pips back down - so ugly even though it risen just 17 pips again over 60 pips on GU

Still scalp bullish above 130 15 /18 for me with all R's from 28 to 40

12 17 pm

Its been a buy from after 10 32 am - at 130 09 / 10 - but the PA as not been nice - ie 10 -15 pips up - and then 8 -10 pips back down - so ugly even though it risen just 17 pips again over 60 pips on GU

Still scalp bullish above 130 15 /18 for me with all R's from 28 to 40


12 21pm

Just touched 130 39 / 40 - 4 mins after my comments

That was a quick 13 pip - (y)

EU now at 0872 with R's from 0880 to 95 ish

EJ now at 130 42 with R's at 130 50 to 58

So hope to sell both this next hr - but were from dont know - just in case the players try and push through R 's area with a false breakout

12 41pm

Ideally want to sell it under 4920 and atm its at 4907 after a 75+ pip retrace from low

Above 4890 - we are still scalp bullish and under 4920 - then should revert to a change again
1 22pm

Sorry been on a couple of phone calls last 30 mins or so

Managed to get a couple of scalp sells on after 1 51pm for the 2 00 pm TW and glad I got one on GU as then had been rising for such a long time

In fact GU now made me 23 pips after we never made over 4910 never mind testing slightly higher
1 22pm

Sorry been on a couple of phone calls last 30 mins or so

Managed to get a couple of scalp sells on after 1 51pm for the 2 00 pm TW and glad I got one on GU as then had been rising for such a long time

In fact GU now made me 23 pips after we never made over 4910 never mind testing slightly higher


I am out GU sell after 1 22 pm low but failed to jump in a scalp buy as under 92 still a sell

If we can touch or make over 90 - I would look for buys then on pullbacks staying above 73/75

1 39pm

We are in a range atm from say 0830 / 34 to 0880/5 - so say 50-55 pips

Under 0834 and 30 - look for more scalp sells for tests at 0820 and 0800 area

If we stay above say 0837 - then we do need back above 0855 and 65 for more scalp buying for a test on the 0880 area again

Having a break for 15 mins - see you next hour

2 13pm

We really do need above 0858 and 61 to be holding or taking new scalp buys

If we peak out say 55 or 57 - then we might test 40 and lower again

Above 47/ 48 I am scalp buying - but you know what I am looking for

2 42pm

EJ was also a scalp buy after 2 09 pm and above 130 40

Just made 59 - already down at 30% stake at 51 hoping to see over 65 if possible

2 51PM

76 TO 0890 would be a big test for EU to make -

Above 58 and 60 still bullish but under 90 and 76 then bearish - difficult one
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