Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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10 07 am

After LO and 9 00 am -it been very bearish - like EU and as fallen already over 100 pips after going under its support area.

Under 129 10 / 15 - on any pullbacks - more sells - although next we need a low to hold for 30 mins etc to test how good supports are
After 10 am and 10 07 am - both EU and EJ have been scalp buys

we need to see bounces over 12 pips on both to stay with any scalp buys though - as both are still weak
10 27 am

its early dog walk I reckon

Just waiting to see if we get over 36 - otherwise will exit at 26 /28 area

Hope to be back after 11 30 am or Midday

Some nice longer moves this morning - but we might now be seeing the boring time

See you later guys and stay focused
Hello to all,

Had a late start today due to domestic stuff.

Checked the UJ chart and found a R zone at 120.02 thought it would bounce back to test the trend line. Obviously was wrong. I still dont use LRs, but currently reading FMs thread about them.
Hope this will help to improve
Now -2.8 pips.

Took 1 more trade on EU.
This time I tried to use trend as a resistance, worked well at first, then after retrace moved my stop loss to break even. Got stopped out after a HL.

10 03 am

Never made over the barrier / R area at 120 24 and then at 8 58 am dropped and so far been down to 120 05

Under 24 and 17 still a sell on any pullbacks staying under those levels


12 05

the 120 24 and 17 worked and we are now down to 119 85 - and yesterday we had various supports from 119 50 / 60 upwards

Moved 30% stop down to 92 and if stopped no problem now
Hello to all,

Had a late start today due to domestic stuff.

Checked the UJ chart and found a R zone at 120.02 thought it would bounce back to test the trend line. Obviously was wrong. I still dont use LRs, but currently reading FMs thread about them.
Hope this will help to improve
Now -2.8 pips.

Hi Kostas

Yes UJ as been consistent as a sell when it could not make over 120 24 again from 9 00 am time

We are comng to supports again now - but any pullbacks or scalp buys need over 120 00 to stay with - and small bounces can be sold again


12 11 pm

Before i left - I needed over 0736 and 43/ 45+ to stay with scalp buys - and prior to 11 00 am time - this was not happening and instead we tested lower supports at 0714 / 16 area.

Now an hour or so later - we are back up at 0748 and basically above 32/ 35 now in a scalp buy mode to test R's at 0750 / 60 area

Under 0800 and 0820 we are still in a bearish price session - so any scalp buys would need to retrace back up over 50+ pips to stay with them - otherwise - they become sells again

12 16

After the 9 30 am news - we got the 40 -50 pip bounce up - and then the full retrace


We never breached under 4750/ 55 supports - and once this held over 30 mins again - you had to favour more scalp buys

Now price up at 4794 after a 4814 high so far

Under 4800 is bearish for session - but also good supports now from 4760 to 4780 areas
UCad and UChf - both still in bullish price structures - as they have been since after 5 / 6 am this morning

Yes there are some scalp sells available - but unless we get pullbacks over 35 and 40 pips - you have to still favour more tries up prior to US session
Yen crosses - my 2 - EJ and UJ

Both been falling since after 5 am on EJ and after 9 00 am on UJ

Will be looking for lows holding 30 mins and supports to try some scalp buys off maybe this next 30 mins
Notice red Cad dollar news at 1 30 pm - but might not be around for that one - as out at lunchtime

Last day of the month - and although been OK - it not been as preferred etc

Hopefully after 2 00 pm and up to 5 00 pm - might be able to get some more decent scalps again
3 00 pm

Only been back 10 mins and on gft32 thread advising on EU and UJ

Will pop in here this hour too update - but a lot of ranges atm
3 39pm

Just in case you are not following in gftrader 32's journal thread - GU been best pair last 30 mins or so

It went up over 60 pips and also pulled the EU up as well - whilst UJ been a nice sell from 120 15
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