Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EU needs ideally 0940 area to hold for more tries up

And again - unless we get back over 0992 + then thats the end of rises today

Later on we might test under 0900 etc - but then rest and turn and try up again

All depends now on 0940 - above or below ???
EU , managed to buy in . taken couple quick tranches. Profit stop ,on rest for any revisit towards 110. See what happens

Nice work off the tick chart Spinola

its trying up again and now back over 0990

For me now cut off on more buys is around 0960 area then 0940 supports again
12 46 pm

Hectic on EU#

From 0936 to 1016 ins what 13 mins or so

Over 92 and 1003+ all scalp buy land

Can we make now over 25 and 30 ??
12 21 and 12 29 pm were scalp sells

12 33 and 39 pm and after scalp buys

If anyone got both sells and buys - they deserve a medal lol
Happy to take final tranche on speed of that move. Bulls still strong eu. But will be cherry picking any ops from here still , if they come along.


12 58 pm

Now 0970 to 1003 could become a BTTZ area

so under 0960 and 40 stay with sells etc

Back over 1005 and 10 + stay will buys

In between - have your lunch etc etc lol
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