Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I am long 3 59... stopped out earlier 3 55


I think that 3 55 pm candle you got stopped out on was a falsey

The candle reversed and then 3 56 pm onwards it just kept trying higher again

A deliberate false set up there - BUT - remained above the 3 39 pm low - so than afterwards 30 mins with no breach
stopped out but with +5.1 pips

If you take a look at MM results - many times he will just end up with 2 or 3 pips - but still a profit

I think you realise if you can plan for 10 + trades over say 3 / 4 hours - then you might have 2 or 3 of those trades carry on to make you 15 or 25 or even 30+ pips and then a few losses at minus 3 or minus 5 are nothing and just part of cost of doing business
Another long +4.7 pips

5 35 pm

Top was 0933 so far - and with it being a double top within 15 mins it was a a signal for a scalp sell at 5 27/ 28 pm

Now would agree with gft - a BTTZ from say 0905 to 0935

Would need a break out of that area next for more clues
6 30 am

Wednesday Morning

Sorry guys - will be a bit later starting - having to help neighbour with a lift to train station

Back after 7 15 am

Good Trading and see you in a bit
Wednesday 25th March 2015 - 7 15 am UK time

GM to all FX Intraday traders

Well i was up slightly earlier this morning at 5 55 am rather than normal 6 10 - 6 15 am time - mainly because I knew I had a school run from after 7 50 am and so was hoping to get 2 or 3 trades in before hand

So instead of taking a 6 21 am or 6 30 am scalp - I managed to start trading with first scalp of the morning at end of 6 am TW of 6 09 am with a scalp sell on the AU

I then had a phone call to help a friend an near neighbour who's car would not start - so dropped him off at the station - leaving 30% stake on my AU sell

Scalp at 70% made 12 pips and now my 30% stake is up in total 24 pips at 7 10 am with stop now very tight at in profit at 7859

Not a normal morning at all - as I will be out in next 20 mins again - but hope to get back to normal after 8 35 am and before EU red news at 9 00 am

Before i pop out again - will do a quick update on some other key pairs

Rest of the day - I hope to get at least 5 -7 hrs of trading in - with several breaks etc in between

Meanwhile - i suppose I cannot complain too much as my first trade of the day as turned out far better than I thought - picked a good pair to scalp sell more by luck I reckon

Have a good day


EU, I'm reading it bears still in control from 930/40 zone at this time, so trading with a short bias at the moment . See which way it breaks today. (but, I wish they'd get on with it !, one way or the other ! ) :)


7 18 AM

Low so far 7851 - exited sell now at 56 rather than wait for stop in profit to be taken out

Bounces under 65 are still sells again for now
EU, I'm reading it bears still in control from 930/40 zone at this time, so trading with a short bias at the moment . See which way it breaks today. (but, I wish they'd get on with it !, one way or the other ! ) :)

Morning Spinola

Tricky one on the EU

Market loves playing games and as we know the EU is a classic one to fool all with

I am scalp buying this pair currently - in fact late - due to being out but in from 0914

Price as I type - 7 mins after entry is now up 19 pips

Cannot complain about that move

We know we need over 43 and say 0948 to stay with scalp buys - but so far supports from 0890 to 0900 to 0907 all holding

I reckon will only scalp sell under 0900 and 0890 for now

Have a good day Spinola

7 27 am

Fairly flat with price at 4860 area

Need above 83 and 87 to be holding scalp buys on and a breach under 4830 to be scalp selling down to lower supports above 4800

7 29 am

Like GU - fairly flat

Under 2480 more sells and over 2527 and 37 more scalp buys


Under 9600 area for me is still in a session bearish mode for now

OK - got to get ready again for another trip out

Back by 8 35 am guys

Morning Spinola

Tricky one on the EU

Market loves playing games and as we know the EU is a classic one to fool all with

I am scalp buying this pair currently - in fact late - due to being out but in from 0914

Price as I type - 7 mins after entry is now up 19 pips

Cannot complain about that move

We know we need over 43 and say 0948 to stay with scalp buys - but so far supports from 0890 to 0900 to 0907 all holding

I reckon will only scalp sell under 0900 and 0890 for now

Have a good day Spinola

Yeah, 35 pip range, more or less , up and down, since yesterday afternoon !! :)
8 37 am

Back now for an hour or two

EU as been kind for me

I added another buy before i went out and put in a target before I went out of 0949 on that scalp - and have left 30% on my original scalp buy with a stop at 0922

So far its made 0968/69 and above 0945/48 area still in session scalp buy mode

8 41 am

Not scalped it yet - but similar price structure as EU and its risen now approx 60 pips from the EO

For me above 130 80 on pullbacks under say 130 95 - then we can still look at buying it again

Would need under 95 and 85 and then 70 to stay with any scalp sell

Above 130 98 and 131 20 - favours more scalp buys
Dollar as been weaker for last 3 hrs or so resulting in price falls on UJ / UCad / UChf etc

Not had time to trade them yet - having popped out twice already - so only had trades so far on AU and EU

7 27 am

Fairly flat with price at 4860 area

Need above 83 and 87 to be holding scalp buys on and a breach under 4830 to be scalp selling down to lower supports above 4800


8 46 am

Topped so far at 4896 and then after 8 00 am dropped 25 pips

Hope to be able to scalp buy above 4855/60 if we get the right clues in next TW

8 50am

Price now at 0966

Would only look at scalp selling under 0950 for now and then supports at 0940 and several more over 0890

We need now over 0980 to stay with buys for another try at 1000+
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