Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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...USD has been forming a coil, and EU testing those offers up @ 85. We make get a break in a bit... let's see.

Well we had the break... and it effectively failed. Bids came into EU under 80, it broke 85, and at 90 offers came in heavy. I had half my position close at +5 pips, held the rest for about 3 mins and flattened the rest for similar when the heavy selling hit. (Wondering if someone is protecting that option level). I guess the key take away here is that when scalping, it's possible to get the call 'wrong' and still make some money (or at least lose less).


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10 20 am


Not back in time to take advantage of the 15 pips drop - instead stopped out with just my 2 pips lol

Still scalp bullish above 0675 for now but needs over 95 and 0700 to stay with buys
EU, trying to get relative value longs up here . Lock in pips, see if it grinds higher. Bit of slow boat to 107.00 :)


10 24 am

i can live with that buy whilst we stay above 21 on pullbacks - but need really over 45 and 50 to add more scalp buys on

10 34 am

Not traded it at all today

Ideally would like to get a scalp sell under 121 13/ 15 for a pullback under 121 00 down to 120 85/90

If we try over 16 and 22 - forget it and stay with buys

10 48am

Out scalp buy on EU and would pull the EJ one now at 34 - as moved stop in profit up to there

Will try and get back in scalp buy on EU above 77 / 79 area - if it lines up with time and LR's
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