Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Excellent by the look of it MM

Will check the stats more - but looks as first glance - as usual Very good

You will end up far better than me - it just takes time and commitment and maybe you will end up over 25 or even 50 lots per pip one day




PS - are you about tomorrow
i think it works out as about 0.35/0.4% a minute for 2 hours
gu possibly a buy shortly?


  • guy.PNG
    132.2 KB · Views: 76
PM trades, one still open , the **** can fall out of it now... see if we get much downside , or ... not.. :)


Pipped my remainder. Back in reshort same zone. Booked some pips, on this last trade, might have legs south. Try again !

No worries, many ways to skin the same cat. I use support , resistance levels, combined with relative intraday strength or weakness. If the market is weak, it should, at horizontal resistance zone , meet selling, or a liquidity supply coming into the market. This is where any indicator , including Moving averages, will begin to turn, but you can visualise , and sort of know that short term , by looking at price bars .
A bit like Morph does, looking at the relative high , lows strengths, and . horizontal support resistance. He had the same levels clocked for my longs on the EU , longs from 80/85 earlier , and selling, like I've been this PM from 106.17/20 zone.

Then I'll book in some pips, tighten the stop to B/E + , and let the market to it, (cos anything can happen :) The random element ) until I manually close , get piipped out, or if I sense the market rotate . I get out, and wait to reposition at good level.
looking at the relative high , lows strengths,

i need more skill at this, as i cant see it properly all the time.
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