Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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hey F

usd still bailing south...........time must be up soon

back later

7 17 am

Looks like the support are for now is 0825 - 0830 area now - but we need to see 0870 and 0880 to hold on any scalp buys longer for proper tries back up to 0900 +

I notice we have a Euro group meeting on through out today - but no real red news at a time
It is not true what you saying, F and I are good mates, and as a good friend you make things clear, to me claiming 150 pips a day every day is a bit of nonsense, I politely asked him not a statement but how he gets in and out.....if you thing that I am asking too much, then I think there is an underlying problem here.

I need to trade, chat later....
It is not true what you saying, F and I are good mates, and as a good mates you make things clear, to me claiming 150 pips a day every day is a bit of nonsense, I politely asked him not a statement but how he gets in and out.....if you thing that I am asking too much, then I think there is an underlying problem here.

hey F ....understood take on Forexperian is probably different to most as I was comfortable he was the real deal pretty early on we will agree to disagree ;)

It is not true what you saying, F and I are good mates, and as a good mates you make things clear, to me claiming 150 pips a day every day is a bit of nonsense, I politely asked him not a statement but how he gets in and out.....if you thing that I am asking too much, then I think there is an underlying problem here.

Hi Fugazsy

No I dont make 150 to 200+ pips every day

In this last year I have had 36 trading days when I have not even made my target of 50 pips - although more importantly - no losing day - even after a few days of having both 6 and 7 losses during my trading session

I dont mind what you ask for - and then maybe Major Magnum will do it for you on his charts and show alongside his daily statement etc.

I think he might no to be so keen to show anything once he is trading with any account over $25 k - but as of last week - he is still working on his small live account - which I think he still the withdraws down to £1000 and banks any other profits until he is ready to look at scalps on over 2 and 3 lots per pip on a regular basis

Remember - he is the student. If I had been a proper tutor or teacher - he may have picked up my method in under 4 months rather than nearly 6 -7 months - but at least he is more representative of my method - not me - as I have been doing too long now - and so i don't think it shows other FX traders a proper representation as that of MM.

I see now ny interpretation of entries on a chart is different to yours - please can you show on of yours or Bob Volmans - ie how he does it on past entries etc

Have a good day


hey F ....understood take on Forexperian is probably different to most as I was comfortable he was the real deal pretty early on we will agree to disagree ;)


Morning N

Cheers Neil for your explanations etc etc

I had to be the real deal to have the confidence to show the ugliest and silliest charts any FX traders had seen prior to me joining - lol

I remember some wit saying was I only 7 yrs old and no real trader could use rubbish like that - lol

I am sure he was a commercial trader - and so maybe did not have a clue about retail FX trading and being abale to follow every pip.

I mean - it would be silly enough to do that - as we all know - it cannot be done - Can it ???

Well i break all the rules as you know - just to wind up the commercials and the bank traders even more - not forgetting all the rubbish and myths all out their in the internet world etc etc

I reckon there are many other retail traders like me - trouble is 95% would never want to share any of their own secrets if they are realyl that successful

Have a good week N

All the best


7 37 am

Well dipped my toe in at 2 lots for a start at 7 30 am and 5068 on a GU scalp buy

Entry was within a half second or so and I exited at 5074 - as 76 -78 all R for me atm

Platform seems 100% now - i hope
lol, i love how rock solid you are! you took a lot of stick bro, even from me, and even though i was clamoring for you to show more stuff too, i got to respect how you just kept serenely sticking to your guns no matter what everyone else was shouting.

much respect, good luck in your trading

Hi myattitude

Cheers - and same with you on your trading - hope all is going well

I dont know if you are doing much FX trading - or if more in indices etc - but if I can be any help on FX side - you know - just pop in and ask etc etc

Have a good month


Got a Monday morning school run in 15 mins - but should be back for around 8 30 am - but will miss the LO first 30 mins

Expect anything - then you will be OK

AU up at 7722 for now - a R area around there as well - with next one above at 7740 and then 50 /55

Got to get ready and see you a bit later

Lets all have a good week - and stay focused


a couple here possible if taken around 6.57........usd still falling (y)

usd still coming south .........those moves are expanding .........(y)

back later



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Morning N

Cheers Neil for your explanations etc etc

Well i break all the rules as you know - just to wind up the commercials and the bank traders even more - not forgetting all the rubbish and myths all out their in the internet world etc etc

I reckon there are many other retail traders like me - trouble is 95% would never want to share any of their own secrets if they are realyl that successful

Have a good week N

All the best


hey F ...........

I have been lucky with mentors .......they were all making a lot of serious and consistent money like you do .........and they would never have been seen dead near forums offering the help you do .....they had better things to do

I think that's why a lot of people struggle here to accept things......its actually in your DNA to be participative actually assists your trading style are not a lone wolf like a lot of the successful trader pack

anyway catch everyone later .......


7 37 am

Well dipped my toe in at 2 lots for a start at 7 30 am and 5068 on a GU scalp buy

Entry was within a half second or so and I exited at 5074 - as 76 -78 all R for me atm

Platform seems 100% now - i hope

hope to be around later but have calls to make etc!
this seems neat


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morning EU must be making you :D today

Morning BP and Fugazsy

Well I missed out on the near 30 pip rally up after LO - as was not here

Still in with 30% on AU that I managed to get on from 7714 before i went out - and that worked - but nothing EU / GU / EJ rises

Have a good day both of you


8 40 am

LO turned that down from 2608 to now dwon to 2590 after a 86 low

Bounces staying under 2602 should be sells again as long as low does not last 30 mins with no breach as well

8 43 am

Its seen price rise 50 pips from 5 00 am and 35 pips after EO time

It needs to stay under 131 80 /85 to sell off again with price so far made 131 60

Below 55 a scalp sell - above 32 / 35 another scalp buy and then if we make over 55 and 60 again on any more rises - look to sell again under 80 / 85 - if that makes sense ;-)

8 55 am

PA on this pair as been very nice after LO at 8 00 am

Pity I missed out on it - but it still trying up and now in this TW we might to be able to catch a pullback / scalp sell

A lot of R around 5115 -20 area

Price at 5109 high - so lets see if it keep going to after hr change

Above 5099 still scalp bullish but if we can scalp sell under 5120 down to there again etc and then buy again - that would be a nice set up

Under 5093 and 88 be in scalp sells for lower and 70 / 75 area again

Over 5120 stay with buys to see if 5130 stops them

9 03 am

Just touched 0900 on one platform

ABOVE 0888 still scalp bullish - but maybe next 9 mins we can get scalp sell on any pull backs

8 55 am

PA on this pair as been very nice after LO at 8 00 am

Pity I missed out on it - but it still trying up and now in this TW we might to be able to catch a pullback / scalp sell

A lot of R around 5115 -20 area

Price at 5109 high - so lets see if it keep going to after hr change

Above 5099 still scalp bullish but if we can scalp sell under 5120 down to there again etc and then buy again - that would be a nice set up

Under 5093 and 88 be in scalp sells for lower and 70 / 75 area again

Over 5120 stay with buys to see if 5130 stops them

Not got over 5112 so had first scalp sell on it - but can only stay with it under 95

Otherwise I just grab what I can
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