Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Might have to run a 30 min rule from 6 53 am and 7 00 am though on many pairs though

If those highs or lows breached before 7 33 am say - then we know more of the same - if not a slow turn going on
6 58 am

Whilst the UCad still teases up - the EU as been a scalp sell from 6 39 am and 1023

I am in at 1019 - but so far cannot get under 14 and so might just pull and leave 30% on from entry


7 10 am

It took my 30% stake out before dropping under 14

We know now bounces staying under 19 should be sells again - but gthen need under 1010
ucad is beautiful............aussies selling .......even euro

hard work though ...usd struggling to gain now :confused:

ucad and eu best so far ..........but marginal pips to date


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    ucad the peach entry.JPG
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7 12 am

As N says from after 5 30 am ( and even earlier on this pair) its been a bear and price falling approx 15 pips so far

Bounces staying under 5241 still sells for now
7.09.....lets see if we get more from the usd express...........

I like Ucad and gu
hmmmmm....i'm tight on my earlier Ucad.............usd is slowing in momentum now
EJ - not my cup of tea atm - UJ better PA and in bull mode from after 5 30 am

yep .......uJ has been good ...........I tend not to play that joker....I like to have usd and yen moving together .that makes scalping much easier ......

2495 high and looks as though after 7 21 am a sell now

Out of buy anyway

I took a few and bailed as well........back later .........i'm not missing much here and have a feeling we may see usd falling soon...........2 hours of bull now

Not a productive last 15 mins - maybe the 8 00 am Swissy news is being used an excuse to not start things going ??

AU low gone over 30 mins with no breach - but we need now over 7798 and 7800 to stay with scalp buy - whichI am still in - but only 30% now
I took a few and bailed as well........back later .........i'm not missing much here and have a feeling we may see usd falling soon...........2 hours of bull now


GU still falling for now and my cut off is 36 on sells
7.09.....lets see if we get more from the usd express...........

I like Ucad and gu

gu has taken 7-8 pips since here ............wasn't on it though and my ucad came out of trend and I bailed ...................that's scalping ...........

you can see below I am right to attack usd buys in last half hour or so ....................


a little help needed sometimes as you cant trade all the damn usd pairs at once !!!



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    buy usd.JPG
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