Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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12 33 pm

Out 30% buy stake on GU at 5437/8 after a 41 high at 12 30pm

Can only look at scalp buys over 45 and 50 - otherwise will be looking for scalp sell pullbacks now but need under 34 and 29 to start them off
Ucad - so far today

Still got UCad as a scalp sell under 2490 - but without it going under 2480 - then we are just in limbo

I am pleased PA is not like this every session

Ucad needs under 2480 and 75 to come out of its failed attempt to try up - or above 2500 and then scalp buys


See you later

9 31 am

EU - made 1231 now - but so slow

GU bounced exactly at 9 00 am from 5384/5 - now at 5409

UCad now under 2480 - but only to 77

Good Trading


UCad prior to 1 30 pm news

Price now at 2452 - so down approx 35 pips or so over the morning

Price structure is bearish under 2500 and 2490 with maybe a rise back up over 75 would be first clue at any turn

Under 66 for now - still a sell
I think UJ was a very clean scalp buy from after 12 21 and at 12 28 / 29pm UK time

Would not risk jumping in pre news - but will see if we stay above 33 / 34 on pullbacks to scalp buy again
I think UJ was a very clean scalp buy from after 12 21 and at 12 28 / 29pm UK time

Would not risk jumping in pre news - but will see if we stay above 33 / 34 on pullbacks to scalp buy again

Stayed above and entered at 38 - but we need above 46 and 50 and so far only been up to 43 /44 - so had to exit

Looks as though GU would have been the better scalp as a sell - as now dropped over 17 pips consistently etc
GU Scalp Sell

14 ticks taken, Some left on with profit stop.

Nice one again Spinola

i think cut off now at 5436 on GU and under there still a sell with first interim supports 20/24 and then around 5410 /13 area

Both GU and EU have been nice scalp sells last 10 mins or so

Moving 30% stops down into more profits - but hope to get some scalp buys in after maybe 2 30 pm depending on levels
GU second half exit + 29 ticks. Feeling head tired now , and Ice cold beer in Fridge, and it's travelled half its day range... on a Friday.

Keep moving my stops down to more profit

never mind that part

EU now 1176 and GU 5397 - so stops both within 8 pips of lows
This beer is loveerrrrly ! :) Pretty miffed , I missed entry on the Eu short.... Tied up on cable at same time .
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