Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Notice the EU not been doing much at all

GU from 3 30 pm a nice 45 pip rise and then a 20 pip + drop after 4 00 pm

AU similar times and 30 pip rise

EJ - very volatile with lots of 10 -25 pip scalps going on - but not maybe for the inexperienced

EU meanwhile as I said - not easy and not a lot of movement

4 42 pm

We did not stay above 135 08 - and so no more scalp buys

For us to hold scalp sells on longer we need under 134 88 and 84

Currently at 134 97 after a 95 low this time - this is still in a BTTZ area - are really its best to wait until we are out of it - one way or the other
5 17 pm

I have finished now for the day on scalping etc

Plan to answer NVP 's earlier question on the trade journal thread - ie the devil in the detail title a bit later on

I hope you have had a good day

For now still looks as we have some dollar weakness - with GU / AU / EU rising and Ucad pulling back

See you tomorrow


UCad - after 5 21 pm and 5 30 pm

I had basically finished scalping after 5 00 pm and was only still at my desk because of a phone call from one of my cousins.

Whilst I was watching the charts and after I had come out of a Ucad sell - I could see a perfect set up starting

Its after London Close and normally I don't bother - but this looked a great set up

And - yes it was

I am posting 2 charts - first one with the scalp trade and I came out after 30 mins with 70% and left 30 % on

Another hour later - see where it went up

YES - my best trade of the day - at after I normally finish

Must buy my cousin a nice bottle of scotch - I am so glad he rang me - ;-)

Charts below - with TW's for scalp etc




  • UCAD - 100215 - Perfect Scalp.png
    UCAD - 100215 - Perfect Scalp.png
    75.3 KB · Views: 2,091
  • UCad - 102015 - After the perfect scalp.png
    UCad - 102015 - After the perfect scalp.png
    81.4 KB · Views: 2,068
Slightly different with me not being here for the London Open

Brief updates on key pairs until I get back

EU -

Price 1330 area and in a 300 pip range for me - between 1240 and 1540. For this morning - immediate range to BO - from 1265 to 1365 - say 100 pips - with bias atm fairly flat

Above 1345 and 55 favours scalp buys and under 1315 and 1300 favours scalp sells

GU -

Intraday range - 5195 to 5355 - say 160 pips with price currently at 5241

Above 5250 and 67 favours scalp buys - whereas under 5235 and 5210 favours scalp sell and tests of the 5200 support area

EJ -

A 260 pip range from say 132 65 up to 135 25 - with price atm at 134 34

Over 134 55 and 72 - favours scalp buys to test 135 and under 134 15 and 134 00 favours scalp sells

UCad -

Price atm at 2454 with a 120 pip range for now. Above 2482 + scalp buys for 2500 + and under 2427 scalp sells for 2400 supports

A lot of pairs are fairly Flat this morning

This should change after the LO

See you later


This was a quick view at just after 7 00 am and European Open this morning - and before I popped out for about 90 mins or so

Interested to see how it compares with tomorrow AM ( Wednesday ) at a similar time

See you in the morning


Wednesday 11th February 2015 - Pre Opens

GM to all FX Intraday Traders

Half way through the second week of February and so far a busy one

I have got a school run and also an early appointment this morning - so out between 7 50 am and approx 9 30 am today - but then in and around for most of the day.

Not checked the calender this morning and will also do a quick review update like yesterday on a few key pairs etc.

All FX Intraday traders are welcome to join in with their views and comments and of course any questions are welcome

Have a good day


The 2 main movers from yesterday seem to be the UCad and the yen crosses

Today - Japan as a Bank Holiday

Other pairs - especially the EU have not moved out of their immediate ranges
7 13 am

Got a slight problem this morning copying and pasting the 4 key updates - and revising them from yesterday.

Already done it - but not appeared - so going to check out what's happened

For now - the markets look very slow - but that could soon change in the next TW in 6 mins time
7 17 am

I will start with the 2 Yen crosses I normally trade - the EJ and UJ - as both were good movers from yesterday

The UJ is up at 119 60 area - after making 66

Supports from 119 20 and 30 - and we need a breach above 72 and 78 for a try up to 120 00 area

Currently a scalp sell from 7 00 at 65 - but we should be able to scalp buy above 48 /50
Got a few problems with this site this morning - I reckon I will exit it and then try again

Give me a few mins - In case i need to reboot
7 29 am


It fell only to 119 55 from 65 area and a scalp buy was on from above there ad now we have a new morning high of 119 72

Above 64 on pullbacks and we should be able to scalp buy again - as structure for morning session so far is scalp bullish above 45
7 20 am

EJ - similar to UJ and a scalp sell from 7 00 am at 135 38

EJ fell to 135 20 and then bounced with 7 21 am onwards - being a scalp buy again - which so far as made 135 40

Slightly different strength than UJ - dollar is showing stronger against the yen on these two pairs with EU weaker atm

This is also shown with EU falling in last 30 mins - but only 10 pips - and i will cover that pair next

7 36 AM

Under 1322 - the EU is a scalp sell - so far falling to 1304.

Supports are there and 1300 area and then 1290/95

Bounces staying under 1318 should be able to be scalp sold again
GU and AU - like EU atm - ie price structure favours bearish moves for this early session

Remember this can all change after London Open though - and I will not be here for that - but back for 9 30 am ish

Might update of a tablet in between - but only take new trades from desk and my monitors set ups etc

Got to get ready in next 5 mins

9 31 am

Still flatish in a range from 1300 to 1330 with price at 1314 - Boring

We need to see a proper breach either way - and although there is Eurogroup meetings today - no major news time

That could be tricky - and we need to take care on this pair on hour and half hr changes

I did make some pips on this pair early on with scalps - and we did manage to test 119 79/80

Above 119 50 /55 - we are still in a bullish session price structure

Will look for more scalp buys above that interim support area

Need under 45 and 35 to be holding any scalp sells on
Morning Fugazsy

Back now - missed last 90 mins

Just going to go through what's been happening

Have a good day


EU, started from franky with two nice swings both ways, I got one, then she went in a schizophrenic tight range, I will no trade it and I will finish early....Have good day.
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