Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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News in a couple of minutes - Not in any scalps.

EU and GU supports holding and swissy cannot get over 9027 - with R's at 25 to 30

If i was a player - I would be wanting EU and GU trailing stops and stop back up last 50 pips and on swissy want to take 30 -50 pips off that

Whether the news will assist them on that issue - I do not know ;-))

GL - will look at entries after dust dies own - if we get any dust ;-)
Unemployment claims - not much effect - unless number were factored in early today already.

Supports on EU and GU tc holding for now and Swissy not trying R area - and i would only look at scalp buying it again over 22 and 26
Saying that within a minute - EU prints another low at 3635 - could be false - but will wait and just see next 3- 5 mins now - not in any scalps yet
EU - EJ - EA - GU - etc all still look bearish - but before that might start again - we could easily see 15 -35 pip pullbacks - so thats why I wait - rather than just selling heavy here - i might be wrong - but I will be safe ;-)
Can only see Bermuda triangles here - even though we are getting pullbacks - ie tease zones for scalpers and ideal to take their money back ;-)

Out at 2pm for about 40 mins - hope to be back before 3.00 pm news.

Its been busy this morning - so US might be just digesting all before starting more action

I just hope I am back in time to catch it

GL guys
Back now - surprised on GU - we made 81 and 84 for scalp buys - but could not get over 90 and 93 -the next interim R's. Once back under 6478 and 75 it was scalp sells again and I notice by hr and US news it had made 6411 - a big drop - and missed it all being out.
EU - 3635 area is still trying to hold and above 39 and 42 scalp buys which can be held once price touches 63 and 66 - as any pullbacks then should stay above last HL at 39/40
GU should stay under 6465 on retraces up from 6411.

Wait to see if as now in another BT tease range - from say 20 to 52 - approx 32 pips.

it might stop in the range for a bit with no clear direction given
Very disappointed that I have missed big pips off EA and EJ falls - had scalp sells on earlier - but left no free trade on either pair - and in total they have produced 280+ pip of drop. Even though I have had a decent day - don't like missing big pips off 2 of my favourite pairs why I focused on EU / GU and Swissy - shame - but thats trading ;-(
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EU - still odd one out - as EJ and EA falling again - now in half hr time window - so get ready for any changes that might now happen
Gu - taken all of scalp sell at 6425.

It need under 21 and 18 now - so might renter again later - depending on the bounce
EJ - dipped under 143.00 - but now trying bounce back above. Only scalp sell again under 142.89 and 86 - as supports might be trying to hold here
EU - be careful - need under 28 and 25 to think its still falling and over 38 is scalp buys again

Either pull out if not certain - or just wait for more clues
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