Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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10 48 am

Its just not nice - too much order manipulation by LPs

Its tried again to go above 1350 -52 - but the LP's are stopping in for now by balancing orders to dump weak Bulls

I am a weak bull scalper on this pair - I will just grab a few pips if I can - but just dont trust it this morning until we either go above 1360 and 1370 - or drop back under 1300
10 33


Not been my favourite so far today - its taken 2 losses off me for a total 6 pips

Finally we have seen it rise agin above 133 07 and 133 16 with a high so far of 133 27 - and no- I missed it as concentrating on GU and UCad

Above 133 07 on pullbacks can still be looked at for more scalp buys

We would need back under 133 00 and 93 to be taking and holding on to scalp sells


Just over 22 mins later from comment above

So far its made 133 45

Ideally would like to scalp buy again on pullbacks staying above 133 29 /30

Just over 22 mins later from comment above

So far its made 133 45

Ideally would like to scalp buy again on pullbacks staying above 133 29 /30

Got that wrong on levels

Could fall to 25 /27 area as dynamic support there as well

Lets see and if it happens before 11 09 am
Ucad now down at 2547

moving stop in profit down to 59 and if it bounces and takes me out - no problem at all

11 06 am

UCad now down to 2536

Moving stop in profit down to 2541 - yes I know too tight - but happy to have those nice pips - approx 40 pips from scalp sell at 9 50 /51 am

Off out in next 15 mins

Will be back after Midday hopefully by 12 30 pm or so

Stay focused and watch the clock ;-)

See you later

The last scalp sell on UCad at 9 50 /51 am - as dropped 28 pips

Still in it on 30% stakes with stop in profit now at 2567

My take on your USD/CAD trade, (simpletons view), I can see why you sold where you did. IMHO M30 is down, thus short trades only and 2 entries in the trend direction are marked, I can see your trade within my trend trade.


  • usdcad fomo.bmp
    1.3 MB · Views: 95
My take on your USD/CAD trade, (simpletons view), I can see why you sold where you did. IMHO M30 is down, thus short trades only and 2 entries in the trend direction are marked, I can see your trade within my trend trade.

robby the robot (y):cheesy:
10 20 am


I notice 5045 to 55 is all an R area

So far we have made 5046

Above 5033 we still have up scalp bias - but that does not stop us scalp selling for 5 -10 pips

this is on atm

My take on your GU, (simpletons view), 5045 is the simpliest of R&S, its the pivot, M30 is trending up, so for me, longs only, IMHO scalping short is juggling with knives, eventually you'll get cut.

Swim with the flow, its easier as your not fighting agaiunst the current :cheesy: Trade I would have taken highlighted, usual format, same entry point / criteria as every trade I take, I've circled where your suggesting scalping short


  • gu fomo.bmp
    977.5 KB · Views: 76
Dinos man is there any more info on what you are doing? Or you are not that kind of person? :D

Its not brain science, just identify a t/f for trade biase and a lower t/f for entering trades, IMHO, all simple stuff, no over complicated analysis, tight fixed stops, trading not that difficult, traders make it hard themselves.

Consistency and repetition of the system delivers results.

15 mins later

Well we made over 5040 at 10 37/8 am - just before end of TW

Price carried on up as a scalp buy and now topping at 63

I am going to drop to 30% under 55 and put stop in profit at 46


nearly 2 hrs later at 12 39pm

We stayed above 5050 and now made 5081 and currently at 76

Moving stop in profit up to 5067 no
My take on your GU, (simpletons view), 5045 is the simpliest of R&S, its the pivot, M30 is trending up, so for me, longs only, IMHO scalping short is juggling with knives, eventually you'll get cut.

Swim with the flow, its easier as your not fighting agaiunst the current :cheesy: Trade I would have taken highlighted, usual format, same entry point / criteria as every trade I take, I've circled where your suggesting scalping short


Still in a 30% buy on this pair Dinos with stop now at 67 - so over 30 pips of profit there

But in between my 2 scalp sells - one making 12 pips - made me more money than the 30+ pips on 30%


If we had dropped under 5029 and 27 ( we did not stayed above 5030 ) then it would have been a different ballgame

Fine if want to leave your main trades on with trailing stops of say 18 -25 pips - but there is no way I would do that - especially if on 5 lots + pip

My scalping in the most profitable - as extra tight stops and can load on higher stake size and end results can be RR's of 2-4 in under 30 mins and then banked

To me that is a far superior - and more difficult way to trade - not recommended for normal traders etc - but of course extremely profitable and in my case - very safe

The number of times I have seen other traders with the KISS approach be up 25 - 35 pips - move their stops to B/E - and then get stopped out 1 hr later

Simple is inefficient for maximising pure capital / money returns

Trouble is to trade my way - is just not easy for 90% of traders - and as you say it takes lots of experience and time etc to get to a really high level - a bit like most things in life really.

i will be looking at selling the GU now if we fail to make over 5085 and 90 in next 20 mins

In fact there as already been a scalp sell worth 9 pips and on a 3 pip stop that a RR of 3 - but not attempted it as typing this comment as I look at chart on another screen

Good Trading


Scalp wise on GU

12 51 pm at 5069 was a scalp buy

We need to see over 83 and 86 to hold it on longer - otherwise I will scalp sell again
Hey F, when you get a minute can you just check GJ... I took +15 pip buy at 12:53 because of all the spaghetti on my screen :D was this a good trade or just luck what you feel?
Last edited:
1 08 pm

near end of TW

GU cannot make under 69 now and 70 was another scalp buy

this is becoming a BTTZ now - so ideally you wait for over 79 and 83 - or sell if 65 goes

In between the LP's just manipulate etc holding and balancing orders etc
Hey F, when you get a minute can you just check GJ... I took +15 pip buy at 12:53 because of all the spaghetti on my screen :D was this a good trade or just luck what you feel?

Well done, for comparison only, I would have waited until the PA was rising, but hey, thats me and my system, I cannot trade against I see as the trend, goes to show, so long as you have a system, no matter how complicated or simple, if it works and you trade the principles of your plan to a tee, then good luck to you.


  • dearlife.bmp
    358.7 KB · Views: 59
1 08 pm

near end of TW

GU cannot make under 69 now and 70 was another scalp buy

this is becoming a BTTZ now - so ideally you wait for over 79 and 83 - or sell if 65 goes

In between the LP's just manipulate etc holding and balancing orders etc

Proper experienced FX scalpers can clean up on moves like this

Its just made 17 pips in 4 mins - easy a RR of 5
1 14 pm


Nice to see that its made above the 1360 area and now at 1380

Not in it as it gave me 2 losses early on this morning when it was being difficult

Now its got a direction and still a scalp buy above 1375

1 18 pm

All stops on 2 x 30% stakes moved up to 5084 now

So far topping at 5103 area but not in a TW and is there news at 130 pm need to check ?
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