Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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6 57 am

I keep seeing 1578 this week and as I look at my chart - its that price again

We have had higher lows from last Friday - with one HH but now back into the flat range of say 1560 to 1585 area.

Get the feeling EU will not be making any large moves in next 4 - 5 hrs - it will await the main news announcements - but remember in this game - it could all kick off a few hrs beforehand as a pre set up and then reverses after the news

I dont think I will be scalping this pair too much - it may fall to the GU / AU and even EJ to make me some morning pips

7 04 am

After yesterday's news and rate cut it moved up over another 200 pips up to 2393 area and since then pullbacked and then made a LH this morning at 2372

I am looking at buying again at 2 points - either around 2360 area - or if that does not work with a TW then at 2338 - 48 area

For me need under 2330 and 2320 to be falling out of this bull price structure session

7 09 am

First scalp after the hr frame change.

Its been a scalp sell since the 6 30 am TW and 118 30 area

I jumped aboard at 118 19/20

Price now 118 09 after a 06 low

Down to 30% here and will leave it on with stop in profit at 16

7 16 am

Not jumped in scalp buy after hr change - instead want to sell it at either 1592 to 95 area - or if thats not one at 1600 - 03

Got the feeling price then might try and stay above 1570 on pullbacks again
7 23 am

Out again this morning from 7 40 am to 8 35 am ish

Hope to then get a couple of hrs in before back after 11 30 am etc

Moved 30% stop in profit on UJ down to 09 now and will try and exit at 118 00 before 7 30 am

7 26 am

At my first scalp sell area at 1592/3 area - but cannot scalp sells just yet and will leave it to at least 7 32 am if its then set up correctly

7 26 am

At my first scalp sell area at 1592/3 area - but cannot scalp sells just yet and will leave it to at least 7 32 am if its then set up correctly

Set up on EU was perfect prior to 7 30 am at 7 23 am onwards

Waited - so missed out on first 5 pips - but now within 2 mins made 9 pips and still counting

That was too good to be true (y)
F, how do you set your profit target and stop loss in ctrader?

You do this manually for each trade? I couldn't find an automate way where I can set 5 pips stop for each trade... Any hints?

right click on this, then choose modify position
the shield icon on the left also


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  • rc1.PNG
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Simply EU trade this am, 1:2 (minimum) RR, +25 pips bagged, draw was only 3. PA was ahead of the PA trend and momentum(point 2) confirmed the entry.


  • eu1 simple.bmp
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Simply EU trade this am, 1:2 (minimum) RR, +25 pips bagged, draw was only 3. PA was ahead of the PA trend and momentum(point 2) confirmed the entry.

Morning Dinos

A very good start to the day - keep it up

One of my daughter's friends can ride a unicycle and also juggle at the same time

He has been doing both for over 6 yrs

He says it's easy.

Me being me - have tried it several times - I love certain challenges - but so far no luck

You think your method is simple and easy - and I am sure it is to you.

But how many years did it take for you to perfect a system that at times is "bang on" with PA and PS and works maybe 80% of the time if certain conditions are met

Those conditions were met after LO and 8 00 am this morning with the EU / EJ and even the GU and AU to a smaller extent

Shame was not here to take advantage


+25.3 pips, gotta love tw...

Well Done gft32

Looks as though its been fairly easy this morning so far

Maybe the lull before the storm - LP's and market makers saving all their manipulation tricks to later on - ie get the traders feeling good with a bit of confidence - before the kill ( lol)

I hope not - stay focused and now say - what ever happen I am not going to risk say more than 15 pips out of my winnings etc

Have a good day


8 55 am

Would like to buy again if we stay above 2355/60 area

We did another high at 2374 this morning - lower than yesterday - but a HH for this morning

8 56 am

Ideally would like to sell it again under 118 03 area

Will be keeping an eye on it next hour - but with GU as we do have some minor news on it at 9 30 am
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