Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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10 56


Just stuck in a range now from 2250 to 2275

Above 54 bias still bullish - but if it cannot make above 66 and 73 - then its bound to test supports under2250

Will check out other pairs

It is ok, happens some time.

which platform did I see the tick time chart, can you post me a pic? Thank you.


its all down to terminology- I call all time frames under 60 secs or a minute - tick charts - but the time ones as on Oanda and some other brokers by rights should not be really classified as truly tick charts.

The trouble is there is hardly an difference between some genuine tick based charts and 10 or 20 second charts - and they can be combined or overlayed - but in most cases not worth it

I prefer time tick charts as I would call them to pure tick data info - time for me is more important than past data - but thats just me

Yes you have seen it as some brokers call any charts under 1 min / 60 secs - tick charts.
Yes you have seen it as some brokers call any charts under 1 min / 60 secs - tick charts."

Those charts are based on ticks in the market and not on time.
Yes you have seen it as some brokers call any charts under 1 min / 60 secs - tick charts."

Those charts are based on ticks in the market and not on time.

I agree with you

It is actually possible to combine tick data say on a 13 or 21 tick to a 10 or 20 sec time tick chart - in many cases unless you are HFT scalping then I woul not even bother overlaying them

Personally I prefer the 10 second time tick to a 13 or 21 tick chart

But that's me and I put time as more important for my trades more than pure data over last few seconds or minutes


11 17 am

Nothing really exciting me Fugazsy for now - not like from 7 00 am to 9 00 am

Will be back after midday - and although no lunchtime news will look for a few trades from 1 30 pm to say 3 30 pm / 4 o clock - UK time

GL and stay focused atm - otherwise you might get tricked - ie EU still in a up session bias and GU and AU in a down session price structure - something as to change lol
Yes you have seen it as some brokers call any charts under 1 min / 60 secs - tick charts."

Those charts are based on ticks in the market and not on time.

ok this make sense is just a way to present it... thanks, but I cannot find it anymore......must be the age...damn

thank you
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Coming up to 3 00 pm Monday afternoon - normally my favourite time of the day

Only been looking in at main hr changes since this morning and been out 3 times in between

Hopefully tomorrow will see more action as more red news announcements etc

Will pop in after 4 00 pm again - and meanwhile looking now for new scalp buys on EU and maybe EJ

See you later
4 37 pm

Not done much this afternoon worth talking about

After 3 00 pm the EJ scalp buy was on and in the end it moved up approx 18 pips over 45 mins

EU scalp buy after 3 00 pm only worth 8 -10 pips so not so good

Had not bothered with GU and AU scalp buys after 3 00 pm - but both would have made similar rises - but would not want to expose myself to 4 pairs for just a total 40 -45 pips and have to wait so long for the outcome - ie over 20 mins

Will be around in the early morning again as normally 6 30 am to 9 00 am can be good to achieve a decent daily target. Also more red news items tomorrow


11 17 am



GL and stay focused atm - otherwise you might get tricked - ie EU still in a up session bias and GU and AU in a down session price structure - something as to change lol

Over 7 hrs later and finally the EU / GU / AU have all been falling and been nice moves last 2 hrs

Would not dream of trading this time of the day on a Monday normally - but most of the day was slow and so stuck some 30% stakes sells on GU and EU after 8 00am from 7 51 am scalps

Cannot see EU under 2200 for now - but nice fall so far to 2216

See you in the morning


Short UJ 119.90

Interesting -

Tar called this call on the Indices thread at just after 1 06 pm UK time

I have attached chart to show when i would look at selling



  • UJ - 221214 Tar call.png
    UJ - 221214 Tar call.png
    73.6 KB · Views: 1,922
Tuesday 23rd December 2014 - Pre Opens

GM to all FX Intraday Retail Traders

Notice Japan is on a Bank Holiday today - but still a few Red news announcements for the UK Pound and the US and Canadian Dollar

Not going to be slogging it out all day - just hope to cherry picks some key periods and take a few trades in the respective TW's

Normal stuff - quick updates and reviews and then levels to look at as well for turns

Hope you are ready for Christmas ;-)

Have a good day



6 55 AM

Still not made under 2200 - low yesterday 2216 area and since then a morning high of 2235 ish and in a session bullish price structure bias

Supports at 2220 to 2225 - so would need to breach under to be scalp selling and above 27 really in a scalp buy

6 59 am

5571 low of yesterday and same price structure for session as EU with morning high at 5597

Supports 5575 to 5585 - above favours scalp buys and a breach under needed to be scalp selling more

7 03 am

This pair is the odd one out compared with EU and GU

Price been falling with a new morning low of 8089

Aa scalp buy from 6 30 am - but I will be looking at sells again under 8120 / 25
EJ and UJ

7 13 am

Both are still in a bullish price structure for this session whilst UJ stays above 119 90 and 120 00 and EJ above 146 85

Nothing much happening for now and Japan on a Bank Holiday today

7 15 AM

Only on 30% stake now on EU scalp buy and exited 70% at 2236 after a 2237/8 high so far

Will try and add with another scalp buy above 31 - under 29 would exit 30% and take no more scalp buys for now

7 18 am

So far scalped 4 pips - but PA ugly and range only really 11 /12 pips for now

Forget it for now until we see out of this current tight range area
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