Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Just realised the time - I should have stopped ages ago - but it been busy after 4 00 pm - especially for a Monday

Will pop back in later and see you all in the morning

Hope its been a good Monday for you


Notice we have early red news on UK Pound at 7 00 am and then EU red news at 8 00 am in the morning - UK time

Be aware of it ;-)

Typical crafty market stuff ;-)
Its so sad made worse by being so close to Christmas - a time for good will and peace.

I am sure we will be getting similar in the UK as well

See you later on in your day Fzsy



I hope not.

Time to get tough with those nonsense, zero tolerance will be a solution, if they do not like it they can go, if already citizen, it will be stripped off......I doubt anyone will miss them..

a good day for me


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Tuesday 16th December 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all FX Intradays.

We have 2 red news announcements this morning - one at 7 00 am for the Pound and then at 8 00 am UK time for the Euro

Be careful at these times etc - and expect spikes and quick moves etc etc

Just seen Major Magnums results for yesterday - 26 trades - only 2 losses and many hundreds of green pips - Well Done MM - shows what can be done with focus, study, a great method, etc etc etc - Keep it up (y)

Ok - normal stuff again today

All FX related comments etc welcome - please join in whenever you want

Have a good day



Price atm at 6 53 am in 2447 and its been a scalp sell from 6 00 am TW and 2462 area - confirmed under 55

The EU is in a bullish session price structure still above 2430 /35 as far as I am concerned - but needs now to make over 2466 and 79 and 87 to test the high of 2500.

6 57 am

Like EU - ie in a bullish price structure for morning session - but not been a scalp sell and price at 5663

Above 55 on pullbacks still in scalp buy mode and needs under 5640 and 35 to be turning bull bias back into bear down bias

Not in a scalp for this news on this pair
News on Pound - as initially dropped it about 7 pips or so - but now we are seeing it rise again with another morning high so far at 5666

Noticing we have a lot of red news this morning on the UK pound - again at 9 00 am and 9 30 am UK times

Its still in a bullish price session structure - and for now above 5655 and 60 I favour scalp buys and price moving still up higher

Things can change quickly and with Euro news out as well next hr - expect both way movements on theses pairs

7 12 am

As carried on bouncing from 2440 from its previous scalp sell up to 7 00 am

Now price at 2454 - and a nice scalp buy from 42/3

Needs over 58 to hold the scalp buy on longer - otherwise take what you can get

Will post another chart on this pair continuing on from yesterday

I left 30% on one of my scalp sells from yesterday afternoon and you will see why from the chart

Low this morning at 146 00 area and still sells again on bounces staying under 45 /50
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