Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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1 47 am

Exited 30% scalp buy at 80 - re- entered 100% scalp buy at 76/77 - will take 70% off at 81 and hope 30% will make over 85 - if not will stop it out at 78 again

Back then after 2 10 pm
2 30 pm

EU high was at 2 06 pm

So would need to see it breached in next 5 -9 mins now

Otherwise it favours a sell from a LH - but if no LL under say 81 then it could still just wait and attempt a new high after 3 00 -3 10 pm
Seem to have done a lot of scalps today - over 15 so far and normally by this time would only have taken say 10 -13 trades
2 52 pm

Whilst the EU goes into pause mode - noticed AU as done another high at 8319 as I type

Shame - not in it and really should have bought above 8300 - but forgot to whilst trying to suss the EU and GU out

2 55pm

still in slow mode at it teases to 2404 - above 2387 still in scalp buy bias and so far not tried under 83 and 81 etc

2 58 pm

Just posted another low of the day - as you might expect with EU etc trying still higher

14270 low for now - price as bounced - but need over 52 and 61 to think its turning and worth holding scalp buys on
Very crafty gameplay there by the bar stewards at the big institutions - and / LP's

By doing new highs and lows at the hr change - many would have exited their trades - as it was a false stall

Then after holding for a few mins - the LP's put the big orders on

Result EU goes up 40 pips in 6 mins and many others move 20 -35 pips in similar times

i was OK on EU but was out of 2 other pairs - and missed out
3 17 am


2445 - YES 2445 as I type

taking my 30% stake off buy and will see if I can buy again above 2415

Similar great moves on other pairs
3 35 pm


It did not drop under 20 and I want back in at 25

Price now at 2447 as I type - I am going to have to drop to 30% if we do not go over 2450 now
3 37 pm

EU exited totally at 38 - looked like a false set up above 45

Off out again in 10 mins

Will be back later before 5 00 pm
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