Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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7 00 am

EJ - normally my favourite intraday pair for scalping

Made high 2 days ago of 144 70 area - dropped to 143 34 area and over last 20 hrs or so as risen again to just over 144 14 and since this new TW as been a scalp sell under 144 12 with supports 03 /05 area
7 19 am

Both scalp sells on EU and EJ I have exited after 7 09 am with a total of 19 pips -

Both have bounced - but have only taken scalp buy on EJ from just under my interim supports as normally that pair moves move than the EU

Currently at 144 11 after a 99 /144 00 low
Looking at another 3 pairs - so far nothing is off real interest - need to wait for more direction clues maybe after London Open

GU is trying to rise - but still in its 20 pip range so will leave until later as already the EU and EJ have provided me with 3 good scalps in a total of under 50 mins - so not a bad last hour

Will quickly check before I pop out after the 7 30 am frame change

So far EJ cannot make above 14 /15 its interim R area - so will exit scalp buy for now
Good Morning all FX Intraday Traders

I have a busy morning on some domestic jobs - so instead of me covering at least 4 hrs between now and lunchtime - it might only be less than 2 hrs

Out at 7 45 am for 45 mins for a start

Will do a normal quick update and review on key pairs I plan to trade - or already trading and then will update after 9 00 am

Have a good day

All the best - and any FX related questions etc - feel free to ask etc



are things so bad that you had to sack butler:?:
7 34 am

Looks as though both EU and EJ want to test higher - both just breaking through their respective R areas now - but with it being half hr change - could be a false manipulated move to attract more bulls - before a pull back

I am off out soon - but should be back around 8 30 am UK time

See you later - 3 scalps 29 pips so far - so happy with my first hours work ;-)
Hi Fugazsy

a). TW - time window - a period in the hour when there is a higher probability of a price direction change. There are 60 mins in an hour period so you would think every minute as a 1.7 % chance of a direction change - but in reality - the 2 x 18 min TW periods maybe have a 80% probability and then the 6 minutes of the 36 mins have a 50% of the 80% ie 40% divided by 6 = nearly 7% chance of something happening in each of those 6 mins - ie better odds etc

b) Reason - might be bot timings - ie so much automation in placing orders etc

c) ideally in that 60 second period of the 6 key minutes but might be 30 seconds either side of the 1 minute - some days its always in the 1 min period

Remember nothing is 100% but if many factors all occur at the same time - then higher probability of a new small or large direction change

Hope that helps

Have a good day




Thank you and good morning, I will look at those times.....

morning all ........after good bull activity later yesterday we now see progressive selling on the greenback

got to pick up my wifes car and then back hopefuly later to do some scalping

Hi Fugazsy

a). TW - time window - a period in the hour when there is a higher probability of a price direction change. There are 60 mins in an hour period so you would think every minute as a 1.7 % chance of a direction change - but in reality - the 2 x 18 min TW periods maybe have a 80% probability and then the 6 minutes of the 36 mins have a 50% of the 80% ie 40% divided by 6 = nearly 7% chance of something happening in each of those 6 mins - ie better odds etc

b) Reason - might be bot timings - ie so much automation in placing orders etc

c) ideally in that 60 second period of the 6 key minutes but might be 30 seconds either side of the 1 minute - some days its always in the 1 min period

Remember nothing is 100% but if many factors all occur at the same time - then higher probability of a new small or large direction change

Hope that helps

Have a good day



wow F.............fascinating

theres a lot of statistical analysis and screentime (presumably) to back this up ?

I am currently doing some work on this regarding the usd index...........for me any USD pair has half of its dynamics influenced by the USD (durrr :p )...........all of my bespoke indicators fire off optimising best entries on the USD index signals and then riding the best pairings on the move ...a little like a slingshot

great work F (y)

low volatility swings on EU so far today ..............yesterday morning was a damn pipfest
7 34 am

Looks as though both EU and EJ want to test higher - both just breaking through their respective R areas now - but with it being half hr change - could be a false manipulated move to attract more bulls - before a pull back

I am off out soon - but should be back around 8 30 am UK time

See you later - 3 scalps 29 pips so far - so happy with my first hours work ;-)

nice .......(y)
beware ..........usd sells are testing the 2am usd index low already...........lets see if it bounces or follows through ........
BOUNCE - already worth a punt buying usd into normal pairs.......EU coming off a 25 pip move north now
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retrace looks over ............looks like business as usual selling usd ......I just need a little more confirmation and the usd falling below this recent support level
hmmmmmmm...............messy ...i'm staying out at moment ..........usd needs to tell us what its doing
ZZZZZZZZ..............usd is slowly retracing north......I think a little to uncertain to take positions ...........

back later ...........time to go argue with BMW..............(hey I argue about every bill I get presented with :cool:)

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