Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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AU bounced up 40 pips in last hr - EU 50 pips - but many difficult in BTTZ area and GU up 40 pips

130 pips - even just 40 -50 was good scalping
3 24 pm

EU / GU / AU took my attention off Cad - so missed out on its rise - at to exit other scalp buys and then catch part of AU fall

Manually to scalp 2 or 3 pairs is difficult - 4 or 5 only possible if you immediately stick a stop in 2 or 3 pips profit when up over 8 pips - so that you dont have to baby sit / manage it
How do I PM you Foexmospherian ?

Hi topgunfx

Sorry - nothing personal etc - but don't do PM''s or emails or Twitter / Facebook etc etc

It got too much a couple of years ago - was inundated with traders wanting answers to loads of questions and wanting to talk via skype etc about doing one to one mentoring etc etc

So now agreed to just stay open on thread and try and take any questions either on this thread or the other one in trading systems.

Anything I may be help you with on FX intraday trading - no problem fire away


Friday 7th November 2014 - Pre Opens

GM - FX Intraday Traders

Freaky Friday - ie NFP day

Its been a busy week so far with many new highs and lows - mainly Dollar strength and Yen weakness resulting in some large moves

Yesterday we had a busy news day and today is looked upon as the big one - NFP being a big indication with regards to the state of the US Economy ( well used to be)

Many traders dont trade today - mainly because its looked upon as being a day to lose any weeks gains. We dont normally get the 150 -250 pip moves in under an hour like we could do pre 2009 time - but movements can still be very volatile - enough to change daily trends etc

Normal stuff and I hope to be around on and off most of the day

Have a good one



6 45 AM

Low yesterday of 2364 and since a HL at 2368 and since then its been a scalp buy

R's at 2385 to 2395 - so really we need to see above 2400 to stay holding any scalp buy - as I would expect a pullback soon as the pair now tests 2384

Only a low of 5815 approx 2 hrs ago - with a barrier area we overcome at 5825 ish and more R's at 5850 ish

Price currently like EU in a scalp buy above 5832

6 50am

Another similar set up to GU - but not in this scalp buy for now

Low of 5841 - supports now 5850 ish and price rising at 60 with R's all from 67 to 80

We would really need above 8625 + to come out of the down bias - but thats over 60+ pips away - so there is room for larger pullbacks if dollar weakness stays for longer during this am session
UChf ( Swissy)

Peaked with a high of 9738 area yesterday with LH around 34 this morning and since a scalp sell - but like AU - have not taken this one - staying with just EU and GU last 40 mins instead

Supports 9675 to 90 area
7 01 am

Still holding 30% stakes on both EU and GU - maybe a mistake - as would have been better exiting 100% at 6 51 am and the scalp selling as pullbacks over 5 pips before the bounces

Sod's law but the nice thing is the 70% stakes banked covers any reductions by the 30% allowing me to still go below my entry points if I wanted - and still end up in profit

Normally I always make sure my 30% stakes are at least with a 1 pip profit stop and for now OK on both pairs
7 18 am

Just checking through another 5 pairs

Will be looking at a yen cross - normally I favour the EJ above UJ and GJ - but all depends on the days news and also PA.

Been getting more into the UCad last few months and maybe have been ignoring the EA more now

I am out for 30 mins over the 8 00 am window and do have to pop out again before 10 am as well - so maybe this morning might stick with under 4 pairs for now
7 21 and TW and out GU 30% with another high now at 5841 - so was worth holding them on both GU and EU -

Will review for next move after 7 30 am

6 50am

Another similar set up to GU - but not in this scalp buy for now

Low of 5841 - supports now 5850 ish and price rising at 60 with R's all from 67 to 80

We would really need above 8625 + to come out of the down bias - but thats over 60+ pips away - so there is room for larger pullbacks if dollar weakness stays for longer during this am session

Still not taken this scalp buy - and so far it was cleaner than both EU and GU and as now made 76

I think though we are going more into R areas now and so we might get pullbacks on all 3 before next TW

I am off out in 15 mins so will only take scalps prior to me leaving and just comment if any other change etc
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