Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Would need over 42 and 45 to hold Gu scalp buy on - other wise - take what you can

See you later

Back after 5 00 pm



Comment above over 40 mins ago

We never reached above 41 - and at 4 39 pm - at 37/38 price - GU became a sell

No needs under 29 and 24 to hold the sell on under present low - otherwise - more manipulation going on ;-)
Hi F.,

I have been following you for a few days now as stated in my first post and also been reading your other thread about your trading method. I was sad to realise that you were going to have your last week this morning?
I was starting to learn so much from you and had the next 6 months set up to accumulate experience with your way of trading. I have some experience in Forex since 2003 but you are one of very few that have mastered the scalping way of trading.
Well thank you anyway... :(, I guess there are others that are participating to the thread. All the best.

Bernard (sunwest/sunwest3d)

H Bernard

Not planning to finish this blog totally at end of week - will do a year review and then if enough interest will look at doing a slightly different one involving more 2 way participation from all FX short term Intraday Traders

I am sure I will be here during most of early November but then have another holiday planned

Good Luck and I will try and help you on your FX trading journey as well over next few weeks


Last edited:
5 18 pm

Finishing soon - but will pop back later

Somewhere between 6110 and 6117 area - would be looking at scalp buying the GU again

EU needs to stay above 2695 / 2700 area to look at more scalp buys

Hope you all have not had to bad a day


6 30 pm

Just noticed the GU became a scalp buy above my area of 6110 -17 at 22/23

The turn happened dead on 6 00 pm

Would still need over 2642 and 45 to hold buys on for a test at 6155-60

See you tomorrow

Tuesday 28th October 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all FX Intraday traders

Yesterday was not so bad as I thought with the DST issues.

Last week of the month and October as been a great month so far with good activity on many of my favourite pairs

Normal stuff - quick reviews and updates on main currency pairs I plan to intraday trade along with levels that i will look for reversals and new short term trades

I will not be posting every scalp - instead I will be concentrating on wave movements of 5 to 30 pips - although more than likely they will be more likely 7 -25 pips - they are the most common

Today - I hope to cover most of the main trading period - ie I start 6 -630 am and will take 10 -20 trades between now and just after London Close .

I will not be at my desk and screens all day - generally just 3-5 hrs trading but covering a good 10 -12 hr time period. I try and take anything from 15 -30 min breaks at least every 90 mins - and more if markets are slow - but always try and be around for the 30 and 60 min time windows.

Will check calender to assist me on my choice of pairs - but will be trading EU and GU - what ever is in store

Have a good day and keep updating / refreshing page every 30 seconds in busy times to catch all comments



6 56am

First comment - we need to stay above 2665 if we are still looking at trying over 2723 and 30+

Price atm 2702 - supports from 65 upwards at 75-85 -90-95 and of course 2700

R's - ie lower highs at 2840 - 2780 -2760 - 2740 2723 2716 - so for now our range is approx 50 -60 pips

Not in any scalp atm on EU - but hope to be in next 5 -10 mins
morning all

USD still lets see if that continues today

For scalping we have atm 2695 as low and 2704/5 high

Above 2701 we are scalp bullish - but need to rise above 2705 and then stay above 01

I would only look atm at scalp sells if no try ovder 2705/6 and then under 2699 and 94
UChf - ( swissy)

As N as mentioned dollor looks weak atm and so you expect UChf to be falling

Main supports atm at 9475 -80 - with R's at 9500 and 9525

Approx 40 -50 pip range

Price at 94
UChf - ( swissy)

As N as mentioned dollor looks weak atm and so you expect UChf to be falling

Main supports atm at 9475 -80 - with R's at 9500 and 9525

Approx 40 -50 pip range

Price at 9494 atm - if EU is going to try aover 2705+ we should see UCHf fall under 90 and then test supports
Will it - or is the market just teasing atm ?

This pair as seen price trying to rise after falling under 6000 down to high 5800's

Atm price at 6121 - and its been a scalp buy from 14 at start of 7 00 am TW - ie 6 51 am

Wwe have LH's atm at 27 and 30 - so you expect to stay under 27 for now

Wwe peaked at 6145/7 area yesterday and for me above 6085/90 still favour tries up again

7 12 am

So far its made 2708 - but PA is manipulated to make it difficult to just see a nice rise

Above 2702 and 04 still scalp bullish with R's at 15 and 22/3
Whilst EU as been rising from 7 00 am TW - EJ as also turned up from 136 91 and so far made 137 05

All these moves can be spotted fairly easy on a 1 min LR chart using my time windows along with PA and LR assistance

Its then monitoring levels - as they will stop movements - or if weak - allow them to continue

137 05 as stopped the EJ rise for now - so another LH from 08 another level that stopped rises

If we went above 06 and say 137 10 - then that shows Euro strength and yen weakness

7 21 am - new TW

Barrier for GU ias 27 -29 for now and supports 6011 /13 - so only 16 pips to break out for a larger move

Under 22 favours lower and a test of 13
Some minor German news at 8 00 am that could be used as a EU excuse for a small move - but no major red news until 1 30 and 300 pm today - but to do with US Dollar
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