Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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never got over 136 83 for now and did LH at 81 - needs under 71 to hold scalp sells on - other wise just wait now for more clues - as like EU - a real tease going on

12 52

Been a scalp buy last hour - but so far no new session high over 6123 from early on this morning

Above 21 and 25 hold any scalp buys

If not made - look for scalp sells after hr chnage

never got over 136 83 for now and did LH at 81 - needs under 71 to hold scalp sells on - other wise just wait now for more clues - as like EU - a real tease going on

comment on EJ from 20 mins or so ago

EJ as been easier than EU - now dropped under previous low to approx 70

we should bounce above say 65 and then stay under 76 and try lower

Should do = whether we do depends on manipulators ;-)
No main red news this hour - but still be careful - as PA far from easy and of course US session now started with hr change out of sync

See you in a bit
back again for a while ....

well I see the usd is still grinding north slowly since late Asian session .......naturally cycling as all currencies do ....during this period plenty of currencies have been happy to short.......euro, chf,cad .....etc etc

its about 60% retraced now on Fridays close


we should bounce above say 65 and then stay under 76 and try lower

Should do = whether we do depends on manipulators ;-)

EJ comment from approx 50 mins ago

We did stay above 65 - bounced at 66


instead of staying then under 76 - price went above 80 to pull in more buyers - peaked at 85 - and then did what it should have done by 76 - ie fell

Using the half hr time window by 1 39pm it was another scalp sell at 82 /83 and since then in last 18 mins dropped to now 71 - ie so i would call that a double whammy - catching out both bear and bull intraday traders in under 75 mins

Now - the EJ should test lower on bounces staying under 80 - but the trick as been a LH - but no LL under 65 so far - that will be the clue for lower then
back again for a while ....

well I see the usd is still grinding north slowly since late Asian session .......naturally cycling as all currencies do ....during this period plenty of currencies have been happy to short.......euro, chf,cad .....etc etc

its about 60% retraced now on Fridays close


Hi N

some lovely scalp waves today - but PA not that nice for swing traders as so many ups and downs

If you look at EU - its at approx same level on price as at 7 00 am this morning in fact higher - but as actually moved over 120 pips - scalp wise

ie up say 25 pips down 50 pips and now back up 50 pips

Our objective would be less than 5 trades to catch at least 70 pips of the 120 + pips
GU and EJ now new highs

All the moves have developed in last 15 mins - from in last 2 00 pm time window from 1 51 pm approx

12 52

Been a scalp buy last hour - but so far no new session high over 6123 from early on this morning

Above 21 and 25 hold any scalp buys

If not made - look for scalp sells after hr chnage

Comment on GU from approx 80 mins ago

we did not make over 21 and 25 and dropped to 6107 area

Then from 1 51 pm - scalp buys

once over 21 and 25 you could take more buys - or hold on to any you were in

Topped so far 6137

Pullbacks staying over 25 - still then another scalp buy

2 20PM

So far a LH at 2707

pullbacks staying above 2695 can be scalp bought again

Need over 2715 and 21 to be holding scalp buys for tests at 25 to 40

still think we can scalp sell again under 137 05 area

Need to see when it lines up with other R's on other pairs and in a new time window
Comment on GU from approx 80 mins ago

we did not make over 21 and 25 and dropped to 6107 area

Then from 1 51 pm - scalp buys

once over 21 and 25 you could take more buys - or hold on to any you were in

Topped so far 6137

Pullbacks staying over 25 - still then another scalp buy

now made 6147 and I am down to 30% on latest scalp buys above 25

2 30 PM

So far topped at 2719

down at 30% stakes on scalp buy - above 2703/5 still a scalp buy on any pullbacks - but watch 30 min rule on interim highs

still think we can scalp sell again under 137 05 area

Need to see when it lines up with other R's on other pairs and in a new time window

From 20 mins ago

we pulled back at 137 00 - but less than 10 pips and now price as risen again to 137 02

It gone along with other pairs into more tease areas - above 135 90 - EJ is still a buy but from 137 00 to 10 is all R areas
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