Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Well that's my +2% achieved for the day, not bad for 2.5hrs work.

I would have called them, but the time between entering, and typing there would have been quite a delay, as my typing is not as good as my trading. ;)


Have a fantastic day trading all, and I may post more when I'm back on Monday.

What the hell is that statement doing on this thread!!!!
Jeeeeez some people! :rolleyes:
well done btw :D


Great to see so many pips being stripped from the market by the pros!
I might try my hand soon as have been working on a new indicator, just for scalping. Havent played with 'GU' in good while now but im sure I can kill it. :D


  • Um Chief.png
    Um Chief.png
    44.2 KB · Views: 87
12 30 pm

EU - 2776/7 was the high - it then fell and under 72 became scalp sell - taking out my 30% stake and then under 63 and 59 - which were 2 areas I had previous for scalp selling

For now 58 is a bounce area - not 59

Not in EU either way now
What the hell is that statement doing on this thread!!!!
Jeeeeez some people! :rolleyes:
well done btw :D


Great to see so many pips being stripped from the market by the pros!
I might try my hand soon as have been working on a new indicator, just for scalping. Havent played with 'GU' in good while now but im sure I can kill it. :D

You will need a bit of fine tuning on the chief - but I am sure he will help you catch some nice pips at the correct times


12 35 pm

Really still a scalp buy on any price over 6005 on pullbacks

We then need to see over 23 and 28 for a test up

would need under 03 and 5595 for thinking about selling again


11 17 am

Still bullish above 8775

Needs above 8800 to hold scalp buys on longer etc for even higher

Under 8774 - then be in scalps sells to see if we test 55 -60 supports

AU comment from 80 mins ago

Price now at 8800 - and new high

#I am out with 70% stakes on last scalp buy
12 30 pm

EU - 2776/7 was the high - it then fell and under 72 became scalp sell - taking out my 30% stake and then under 63 and 59 - which were 2 areas I had previous for scalp selling

For now 58 is a bounce area - not 59

Not in EU either way now

missed one

No did not scalp buy at 59 or 60 - or even 61

shame as now at 2666 /7 - my cut off area on my 30% stake which was taken out on way down

i think 2660 -62 is a now a EU interim support - for higher again
What au doing???

Well it woke up - and now made 8805

Above 90 on pullbacks - then could be another scalp buy as need as need under 83 and 73 for holding any scalp sells on for now

Out at 12 50 - UK time R - hope to be back for 1 30 pm news and then out again - but will try and do 3 00 pm to 4 30 pm window
The Chief is just for a touch bias F. Entry and exit setup is very complex, you know how its is. :)

I had a sell at 6018 after 19 /20 last top - but for me above 12/ 13 - still in up bias again

would need under 6010 and then 03 to hold scalp sells on longer

Give the chief a kick - and he will shooting all over the place ;)
What the hell is that statement doing on this thread!!!!
Jeeeeez some people! :rolleyes:
well done btw :D


Great to see so many pips being stripped from the market by the pros!
I might try my hand soon as have been working on a new indicator, just for scalping. Havent played with 'GU' in good while now but im sure I can kill it. :D

Rather get the Shamen version 2.0 leading indi lol
1.19 pm

News in 11 mins

Notice EU still bullish and tested 72/3 again

Above 58 and 60 - still should have another go over 75 and even 2780+

would need news from strong dollar to send price back un 2755 and 45 to get me holding scalp sells

Will not be in for 1 30 though - will wait in case spikes both ways
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