I love it when Tar and the wolf mob during the first few months I was posting used to say - you cannot work off 5 pip stops - and now Tar is using 3 pips - rofl
Tar was so adamant that you would get spiked and that the slippage would even be 5 pips - just on its own
Then Dow Jones mentioned more about LMAX etc - who of course Tar dissed again and so Tar as been doing a brilliant job of trying to put the whole of the T2W forum off scalping with tight stops - when suddenly he is now doing all the time
Talk about telling tales through your teeth -
This happens a lot on many forums
You have dissers doing their best trying to discourage traders finding out how to trade and make constant money - whilst behind every bodies back - they are doing the same as the trader they Diss
Most great traders - will never give their secrets away - I am an exception - thats why I get stick
The traders who sell stuff - maybe they have no real trading edge
Most dissers have not got a clue - ie like wonder boy Trade 2 windows
Tar - will he is an odd ball
Why dont we all ask how he does it ?
I know and many followers of this thread will know
But will he share his secrets ??
Meanwhile though - Tar has a lot of explaining to do about all the cr*ap he gave me about the way I trade