Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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9 54 AM

2670 TO 85 is all R area

Need more clues to find exact price to scalp sell at

Would need over 88 and 93 to hold EU scalp buys on etc
Pete ---- just curious about EU when did your north bound long swing play start ???


8 30 am for me

Was not here previous 50 mins

But notice from HL at 2637 - that we could have a turn going on

Stated then - wanted to sell under 60 as first main interim high

I did - it only got to 45 = so still a HL over 2637

Then above 60 or really 57 - another HH

So sequence from pre 8 00 am - but from 8 30 am OK
Will now review popular main 6 or so pairs I intraday trade - starting with EU

Already played a tease whilst I was out from under 27 to 22 - to get bears in

The clue was it happened near start of 7 30 am time window - and so that favours change and false sentiment play

From 7 51 am - start of 8 am TW - is was scalp buy from 2629 and now nearly an hr later price is at 2646

It had been a scalp buy above 2627 pre 7 21 am - and that was worth 5 pips - but missed that one whilst scalping the EJ

Now the EU could go down under 2600 - but needs to stay above yesterdays low for a HL sequence etc etc

If we get over 2650 and 60 - then the turn up is continuing - and pullbacks should then stay above ideally 30

Maybe a scalp sell under 60 for a 5 -15 + pullback - before more scalp buys above 2630 - could be on ??[/


My thoughts on EU earlier on this morning

8 30 am for me

Was not here previous 50 mins

But notice from HL at 2637 - that we could have a turn going on

Stated then - wanted to sell under 60 as first main interim high

I did - it only got to 45 = so still a HL over 2637

Then above 60 or really 57 - another HH

So sequence from pre 8 00 am - but from 8 30 am OK

Thanks - so far only interested on EU longs myself (8.30 and 9.30 tws):cheesy:

My favourite - again - first thing this morning pre London Open

Then those London scallywags get involved and start playing with it to make the PA awful

Its still a sell under 85 - but now need under 65 and 60 to stay with scalp sells
10 15 am

EU now at 2677 - and 6 mins to new TW

70 to say 85 is all R for me - but 15 pips there - too big a stop - and dont forget - we might get say a 10 -15 pip pullback - then a 40 pip rise taking us over 2700

You just dont know

Step by step and gather the clues

Lets looks at clues

Above 2670 on pullbacks - still a scalp buy

85 area a BIG R

New TW in 2 mins

A pullback over 4 pips already
10 20

Pullback to 2672 atm

66 to 70 - all support for me now

Can I scalp buy now ??

Would now need under 64 to hold scalp sellson
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