Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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yes but cld not get any pips on way to ll below 71, so waiting for an opp on a retrace up, but not looking good. i cannot just sell it here at 58

Agree - and appreciate

Ideally it was at say 85 or 84 or 83 at say 2 25 or 26 pm then stop only 3- 5 pips

I notice present low is 54/5 - so above the support and yes staying under 76 might be another sell opportunity

Noticed many times price stopping 2 -5 pips from S & R areas - to confuse etc and then on next test - its gets traders in - only to change again within another 3 -5 pips - to fry the bulls or bears then
Not a perfect scalp sell by any say

Did have 3 white Lrs over though as another clue with 85 ish tested as a LH a fe times and so its a case of jumping in with stop at say 86/7 or even 92

yes i need to be far more in the swing of it to take those kind of entries.
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