Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Forexmospherian, I've not been one of your biggest fans I'm sure you're aware and have even probably strayed a little too far on occasion into being downright rude in expressing my views on the manner in which you post what you call live trades. But I don't believe I am alone in being very frustrated with what to be brutally honest looks like nonsense. I've trawled all today's posts in this thread made by you. I'll happily apologise if I've missed one, but I don't think there has been a single post from you which unambiguously states a trade you have taken with entry price, stop, any changes to stop level while in trade and final exit level.

It appears to me to be nothing more than a running narrative of what is happening across a selection of forex pairs with guidelines, nothing more than that, on levels that could be considered support or resistance. Up until today this thread has been on ignore as I find the concept of hoodwinking abhorrent and also because I don't want to waste my time, but I tried, genuinely tried today to find a glimmer of reality and honesty in your posts, and I failed. If it's just me failing to identify the salient tradeable details then fine, that's my tough luck. But I'm fairly certain others have similarly commented from time to time and, like me, have simply given up visiting the thread.

My point, is that with it being such a tough task to profitably trade on the retail side, your posts, if they are just what I think they are, make the whole task that much harder and are a disservice to the trading community. Would I be correct in saying that you seem to attract a cadre who would die for you and defend you loyally against all comers, but that this small cadre over time, is not comprised of the same individuals? Which suggests, if true, that even those most taken with your apparent successes, eventually have the realisation that most have right from the outset.
Forexmospherian, I've not been one of your biggest fans I'm sure you're aware and have even probably strayed a little too far on occasion into being downright rude in expressing my views on the manner in which you post what you call live trades. But I don't believe I am alone in being very frustrated with what to be brutally honest looks like nonsense. I've trawled all today's posts in this thread made by you. I'll happily apologise if I've missed one, but I don't think there has been a single post from you

which unambiguously states a trade you have taken with entry price, stop, any changes to stop level while in trade and final exit level.

It appears to me to be nothing more than a running narrative of what is happening across a selection of forex pairs with guidelines, nothing more than that, on levels that could be considered support or resistance. Up until today this thread has been on ignore as I find the concept of hoodwinking abhorrent and also because I don't want to waste my time, but I tried, genuinely tried today to find a glimmer of reality and honesty in your posts, and I failed. If it's just me failing to identify the salient tradeable details then fine, that's my tough luck. But I'm fairly certain others have similarly commented from time to time and, like me, have simply given up visiting the thread.

My point, is that with it being such a tough task to profitably trade on the retail side, your posts, if they are just what I think they are, make the whole task that much harder and are a disservice to the trading community. Would I be correct in saying that you seem to attract a cadre who would die for you and defend you loyally against all comers, but that this small cadre over time, is not comprised of the same individuals? Which suggests, if true, that even those most taken with your apparent successes, eventually have the realisation that most have right from the outset.

Hi Sigma D

Did you follow my posts using a one minute chart with my LR settings on along with the time windows either side of the 30 minute and 60 minute frame changes?

If you did - it would all make more sense

Today being a Monday was quiet although 7 am for 90 mins onwards was good and after 4 00 pm as well

I forecasted well in advance the scalp buys on the EU at the 4 00 pm time window at at level which WS within 3 - 5 pips and that trade made over 25 pips on its own

That was just one of approx 14 trades today

Let me go through your comment again as only just seen it - and then I will answer further to your specifics

I have no qualms assisting you on intra day fx trading and certainly have no problem proving to how my method works etc etc


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Hi Sigma D

Did you follow my posts using a one minute chart with my LR setting on along with the time windows either side of the 30 minute and 60 minute frame changes?

If you did - it would all make more sense

Today being a Monday was quiet although 7 am for 90 mins onwards was good and after 4 00 pm as well

I forecasted well in advance the scalp buys on the EU at the 4 00 pm time window at at level which WS within 3 - 5 pips and that trade made over 25 pips on its own

That was just one of approx 14 trades today

Let me go through your comment again a only just seen if - and then I will answer further to your specifics

I have no qualms assisting you on intra day fx trading and certainly have no problem proving to how my method works etc etc


Did you post any live calls today for any specific pair, giving a specific entry price, specific stop, specific changes to that stop (if any) and finally a specific exit level. Any at all?
Did you post any live calls today for any specific pair, giving a specific entry price, specific stop, specific changes to that stop (if any) and finally a specific exit level. Any at all?


See it obvious you have not followed the thread properly and have not read the other thread to understand how I trade.

The reasons being are as follows

1 I have said through out the last 10 months - every trade I take repeat every trade - is taken with a minimum stop of 3 pips and a maximum stop - ie if the spread is say 2 or 3 pips - then 7 pips

2:So every trade stop is between 3 and 7 pips maximum including the spread

Therefore why would I post my stop on every trade I take through out the day ?

That is in stone - taken given etc

3 my entries are scalp precision entries - specific to my platform - they could be from 1 to 4 pips different from what you are seeing at that exact time on your platform - as price differ, I therefore give a price or prices within - 3 to 5 pips range and I will be entering in that range

4 There is a delay on the thread from 30 secs to up to 5 mins before what I type might be seen by you or other traders. I request all followers to refresh the page at least every 30 seconds to see the last comment - and even then it could have been posted 20 seconds beforehand - so exact price is irrelevant and only important for me

5 - This is the most important part - I am not selling anything at all . I am mainly posting the thread for ME - ie to keep me focused and to clock levels and my thoughts etc. Also it to prove that you can intra day profitable every day - when you become really good - but it will not just happen in 6 months - its taken me years to obtain all the "edges' I presently have

6 The devil is in the detail and your due dilergence on my thread is very poor - showing maybe you are not a technical focused trader.

7 I have said many times on both threads my method is complex and difficult - it he's to sort out those who accept challenges to those who are just get rich quick merchants. I don't think you are a get rich quick merchant - you are intelligent but maybe you have a short attention span or do not want to focus on the small details etc etc

8 I deliberately make sure I am not.just a trade alert service - anyone who wants to follow me - can do - but will need to see what I am seeing ( copying my chart set up) and understand all about time windows and both static and dynamic S& R levels

9 All my scalp targets are dynamic - they might only make 4 pips or they might make 18 pips- so I pyramid and peel and use time for extra guidance. If I think the trade as longer potential I drop to 30% stakes and place the stop in profit and then forget about it

Most of my regular followers would understand all of this.

My method / system works in any market conditions when you understand where no trade zones are etc

No new follower would be consistent using it under maybe 3 or 6 months - it took Major Magnum 8 months and he is only say 85% there as still not taken over 1500 live intra day trades.

As I say you are welcome to join in at any times I am about. Today I was away from my desk at least 5 times and over a 10 hour time span traded less than 3 hrs.

Some days I cover easily six or eight hours - but that will mainly be on busy days and Monday is not normally one of those days

Hope that helps



See the hunt is on again :)

Good morning FXW

Well I hope he will join us for a few days and then maybe he will understand more :)

Late today and also got to pop out just after 7 40 am for about 40 mins

Will try and do a quick update then be back to normal next hour

Have a good day Fxw - you know I will (y)
Tuesday 30th September 2014 - 7 10 am approx


Price at 2690 area

Supports at 2675 /80 area and first RMS at 2700 /05 approx

Flat for now not in a trade on it ATM - not even a scalp

Need the break either way out of this 25 pip range

Under 139 00 I favour looking at more scalp sells than buys and I hope to get a scalp sell in around the 138 85 to 90 area then we need to breach under 70 and below

Above 8730 I favour further tries up and scalp buys

Its 7 20am and so far 2 scalp buys - the GU and then the EU which as only made me 2 pips

Need to see how 7 30 TW pans out - but then not here fore 8 00 am change but back that hour
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OK out in 5 mins back next her

EU - in a range of approx 22 pips now - we need above 2703 and 07 - OR under 79 and 74 to hold scalp sells on

See it obvious you have not followed the thread properly and have not read the other thread to understand how I trade.

The reasons being are as follows

1 I have said through out the last 10 months - every trade I take repeat every trade - is taken with a minimum stop of 3 pips and a maximum stop - ie if the spread is say 2 or 3 pips - then 7 pips

2:So every trade stop is between 3 and 7 pips maximum including the spread

Therefore why would I post my stop on every trade I take through out the day ?

That is in stone - taken given etc

3 my entries are scalp precision entries - specific to my platform - they could be from 1 to 4 pips different from what you are seeing at that exact time on your platform - as price differ, I therefore give a price or prices within - 3 to 5 pips range and I will be entering in that range

4 There is a delay on the thread from 30 secs to up to 5 mins before what I type might be seen by you or other traders. I request all followers to refresh the page at least every 30 seconds to see the last comment - and even then it could have been posted 20 seconds beforehand - so exact price is irrelevant and only important for me

5 - This is the most important part - I am not selling anything at all . I am mainly posting the thread for ME - ie to keep me focused and to clock levels and my thoughts etc. Also it to prove that you can intra day profitable every day - when you become really good - but it will not just happen in 6 months - its taken me years to obtain all the "edges' I presently have

6 The devil is in the detail and your due dilergence on my thread is very poor - showing maybe you are not a technical focused trader.

7 I have said many times on both threads my method is complex and difficult - it he's to sort out those who accept challenges to those who are just get rich quick merchants. I don't think you are a get rich quick merchant - you are intelligent but maybe you have a short attention span or do not want to focus on the small details etc etc

8 I deliberately make sure I am not.just a trade alert service - anyone who wants to follow me - can do - but will need to see what I am seeing ( copying my chart set up) and understand all about time windows and both static and dynamic S& R levels

9 All my scalp targets are dynamic - they might only make 4 pips or they might make 18 pips- so I pyramid and peel and use time for extra guidance. If I think the trade as longer potential I drop to 30% stakes and place the stop in profit and then forget about it

Most of my regular followers would understand all of this.

My method / system works in any market conditions when you understand where no trade zones are etc

No new follower would be consistent using it under maybe 3 or 6 months - it took Major Magnum 8 months and he is only say 85% there as still not taken over 1500 live intra day trades.

As I say you are welcome to join in at any times I am about. Today I was away from my desk at least 5 times and over a 10 hour time span traded less than 3 hrs.

Some days I cover easily six or eight hours - but that will mainly be on busy days and Monday is not normally one of those days

Hope that helps



Did you post any live calls yesterday for any specific pair, giving a specific entry price, specific stop, specific changes to that stop (if any) and finally a specific exit level. Any at all?
Did you post any live calls yesterday for any specific pair, giving a specific entry price, specific stop, specific changes to that stop (if any) and finally a specific exit level. Any at all?

Morning S D

I hope you can be with us

The part I would fall short on with regards to this question - is not the entry price area - not the stop - not the direction - BUT - no I don't give specific fixed targets -- I instead base my targets on time and the next interim resistance level

I therefore expect to try and make at least 5 or 7 pips as a minimum - giving me a RR of at least one

A good scalp is 10 to 15 pips - very happy with that target

Anything over 15 pips within say 10 mins becomes a great scalp - I would then drop to 30% stake size and leave on with the stop in 1 to 5 pips of profit

That trade will then be a win / win - I will either end up with just a few pips - or it might make in the next hour or longer anything from another 10 to 100 pips +

I have some 30% trades make over 500 pips - 2 this year on the EA and in 2013 had one make 1000 pips

However 50% will only make me a few pips profit 40% will make me another 10 to 50 pips and then maybe only 10% make the 100+ pips over days or weeks

The market is dynamic - not fixed or static

Only my stops are fixed - the rest of my method is fluid or dynamic - simply because I don't fortune tell - I trade in the now and will always play safe and not let a profit go to a loss

Please stay around this week - tell me what you are looking at on FX pairs etc and I will say what I am seeing with my advice etc etc


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