Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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looks like usd is nudging north again after recent falls ........later all

12 30 pm approx

AU - under 8732 now a scalp sell - but above 8710 another scalp buy - we need under 8700 and 8690 to hold scalp sells on and above 8740 to hold scalp buys on longer

EU - still not quite made 2700 - above 87 still a scalp buy

We need over 138 96 and 139 00 to be back taking more scalp buys or holding them on

Supports around 138 70 so still in a range and need under 67 and 60 to hold scalep sells on

We reached the top of an up channel at 2706/7

We need to stay above main supports at 2680 to attempt further price gains

I can only hold scalp sells on now if we drop under 2670 and 60
2 04 pm

More price rises with EU and GU and even AU testing its high so far

Meanwhile EJ as carried on falling under the 85 support area along with UChf - which a dropped now under 9500 zone

We need now to stay above the 6235 - 40 support area on pullbacks and now test above 65 and 70 to hold or take more scalp buys
usd index peaked around early London 7ish..........since then a slow cyclical set of falls .and still falling
usd is teasy today ............I just bagged a few pips going against the recent trend and buying it ..................
3 17 pm

Got to admit - its been so boring had not really bothered last 45 mins

I see the EU stuck in a rang from 2715 to say supports at 2680 and ATM its a scalp sell
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