Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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GDP estimate not really moving things on the GU

yes GU as gone quiet

Really 6080 to 6120 - approx 40 pips is difficult - its a scalp buy above 6100 but no 15 and 20 - and it could drop back down to 6080 area again

I dont like BTTZ areas - even if 30 -50 pips - always harder to trade - yes OK for quick scalps etc- but not so nice for finding 15 -30 pip moves etc you can hold

GL John
yes GU as gone quiet

Really 6080 to 6120 - approx 40 pips is difficult - its a scalp buy above 6100 but no 15 and 20 - and it could drop back down to 6080 area again

I dont like BTTZ areas - even if 30 -50 pips - always harder to trade - yes OK for quick scalps etc- but not so nice for finding 15 -30 pip moves etc you can hold

GL John

Just stopped myself out on GU, leaving it for a while.

finally dropped under 9222 and now under 19

we could have scalp sold this last 20 mins - but without making another low - could have easily turned up above say 28 or 32

For now pullbacks staying under 30 can be scalp sold again for lower again

AU being nice for us ;-)

Now down at 9188 and bounces staying under 9205 still ok to sell again

Above 9207 and 10 - dont know then
Yesterday and today have been like FX trading in the good old days - ie proper moves going on etc and decent PA

How long it will last - have not got a clue - but I really hope it does last ;-)

Check out UCad at 1 21 pm and then after 1 30 pm in time window

Perfect move up from 0975 - and that kept going for over 45 pips as well

Managed to get quite a few of those pips and still on 30% above 1001

Cad comment from an hr ago

Price topped so far at 1032

Moved stop up tight up to 1016 - if i get taken - no problem - nice profit in it

had to exit scalp sells at 9203 - as 9204/5 was a scalp buy.

Maybe we can scalp sell again under 9222 now - but remember if low at 88 last above 30 mins with no breach - price favours a turn then
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3 30 pm


had a scalp sell under 92

got taken out at b/e as it as now tried up above 2904 for now

A turn being tried again.
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3 41 pm

OK - out in 10 mins

Will check back next hr some time

EU interesting if we stay above 2900 and do another high over 2910

The rest now - either taken profits or out of - but not bothering scalping again - as had enough practice this last 2 days ;-)

Good Luck - and stay focused

Could not make another high and as now pulled back - above 136 85 still in bull scalp bias - but no good if we cannot make over 137 05 and 137 10

Under 81 and 76 would be favouring holding scalp sells

EJ comment from 2 hrs ago

Well we went above 137 05 and 10 in last hour and now touched 137 30

UJ - yes same John - looks as though yen been weak in US session

EU as well - now made over 2910 and 2920 - above 2902 on pullbacks would be more scalp buys

Need back under 2900 - 2890 and 2870 to be looking at holding scalp sells
Tuesday evening and approx 10 30 pm after US close

EU - made 2957 and on pullbacks staying above say 25 /30 could still be looked at as further scalp buy possibilities

I think main R's to breach for a start is 2980 area - then 3000.

We can only really look at holding scalp sell on longer under 2900 and then 2890 for a larger fall again

Swissy also still in down mode for now

The first two days of this new week have been great for trading - can the markets stay busy all week ?

See you in the morning


Wednesday 10th September 2014 - Pre Opens

GM Intraday FX Traders and welcome to this thread.

Half way through a so far great trading week - will these movements continue

Normal stuff - will do a quick review and update on the main FX pairs I plan to intraday trade.

Will concentrate on the key main pairs - but don't mind looking at some other ones I don't normally trade if anyone wants an heads up

Please refresh browser every 30 seconds in busy times to catch all the comments

Have a great day - and as normal all FX related questions and queries welcome


6 51 am


price currently at 2926 - after making 2957 high yesterday and a LH at 51/2 in the Asian session

Above 2920 we could be looked upon as still being a session bull bias according to price structure - but really would need to see back over 52 and 60 to be holding scalp buys on longer

For scalp sells - under 2920 - 10 - 2900 and 2890 etc then it might be testing the supports formed over the last 2 days at 2860 /70 area.

Not in a trade on EU atm - but favour scalp buys above 25 and 28
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Price atm at 6118 - and for me whilst above 6100 still think we might try and turn higher again

High in Asian session 6141 ish and low so far 6108 with yesterday's low at 6160 ish

Its been a scalp buy from 6109/10 and the 6 30 am TW - but I need to see above 26 and 29 to hold it on longer or not drop to 30% stakes

My favourite intraday fx trading pair. I have been neglecting it so far this month - it not been as nice as some of the other pairs but this morning in last hour just made a daily high so far at 137 71 and price now at 137 61 and still in scalp bullish mode above 53/4 on any pullbacks

Would need under 55 and 49 to be holding any scalp sells I take under 66 - and over 67 and say 74 I would be scalp buying more.

Price atm at 6118 - and for me whilst above 6100 still think we might try and turn higher again

High in Asian session 6141 ish and low so far 6108 with yesterday's low at 6160 ish

Its been a scalp buy from 6109/10 and the 6 30 am TW - but I need to see above 26 and 29 to hold it on longer or not drop to 30% stakes

Its made 26 so far - so took 70% stakes off scalp buy and will hold 30% stake above 18 with stop then in a small profit

Will take 30% stake off on scalp buy at 6135

Still in scalp buy mode - but now R around this area and a new time window at 7 21 am

Ideally - would like to scalp buy again if we stay above 26 - but back on 100% stakes - and as first main scalp of the day - need to get some money in the kitty and pips on the board

was a scalp buy above 24 but had nor originally taken it - but now jumped on board at 27 and thinking it might make 35 to 40 area.

If we fell under 25 - I would pull - as 23 and 19 are scalp sell prices for testing lower
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