In a word - What is wrong with the World?

Stupidity -

The stupid are not only a danger to themselves. But the cunning are able to exploit the stupid & get away with it, often without the stupid realising it!
Sorry, i've moved away from original intention of this thread that was to try & sum up the root cause of the dominant type of problem that exists in the world in "a word" (or phrase/term etc). Will quit with the spam now.
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American Dream is good.

Application is poor... :idea:

Bad part is, the impossibility of achieving it, and the attainment of it, often leads to misery etc.
......American Beauty.......Kevin Spacey etc.

Perhaps the dream is only available to a very small & fortunate % of people. Perhaps it is the chasing of this imperfect & untouchable dream that often leads to jealousy, unhapiness (always wanting for more), crime, violence, etc. Perhaps if everyone accepted that the dream is at best superficial and materialistic, society would improve for the better.
Bad part is, the impossibility of achieving it, and the attainment of it, often leads to misery etc.
......American Beauty.......Kevin Spacey etc.

Perhaps the dream is only available to a very small & fortunate % of people. Perhaps it is the chasing of this imperfect & untouchable dream that often leads to jealousy, unhapiness (always wanting for more), crime, violence, etc. Perhaps if everyone accepted that the dream is at best superficial and materialistic, society would improve for the better.

I don't know, but the dream delivered on a plate is probably easier to digest than at the end of a rifle.

I read something amusing but can't remember where.

Mexicans apparently digging tunnells to get back home... 😆
We need more good guys in the world. More Jamie Olivers, thats what we need! He's my hero.

Or more specifically: the fact that in democracies the stupid, who are very large in number, have a disproportionately huge influence on how the world shapes up, solely because they far outnumber the few people who actually can understand what needs to be done to ensure that the right persons, who are capable of ruling in the best interests of most, are elected. The stupid are, sadly, not confined to any one area of the planet in particular and their influence has reached pandemic proportions. The ideal system of voting would, of course, give greater "vote weighting" to those who are less likely to be stupid (doctors, degree holders etc). But alas, the stupid masses would naturally revolt in disgust at their disenfranchisement (despite their having difficulty even spelling the aforementioned word!!) and thus the present system is doomed to continue forever more.

Oh dear... (btw, the ever present realisation of the above is partly why those of us who are smart aren't exactly blissful for most of the time.)

Or more specifically: the fact that in democracies the stupid, who are very large in number, have a disproportionately huge influence on how the world shapes up, solely because they far outnumber the few people who actually can understand what needs to be done to ensure that the right persons, who are capable of ruling in the best interests of most, are elected. The stupid are, sadly, not confined to any one area of the planet in particular and their influence has reached pandemic proportions. The ideal system of voting would, of course, give greater "vote weighting" to those who are less likely to be stupid (doctors, degree holders etc). But alas, the stupid masses would naturally revolt in disgust at their disenfranchisement (despite their having difficulty even spelling the aforementioned word!!) and thus the present system is doomed to continue forever more.

Oh dear... (btw, the ever present realisation of the above is partly why those of us who are smart aren't exactly blissful for most of the time.)

Liars/dishnest people.
They waste an awful lot of time, and those that lie usually get found out eventually, often as they slip up themselves due to an inability to keep track of all the lies they have told.
To the person with nym known as "Atilla" -

As you have called me "stupid" and a "fool" without submitting a valid counter argument, yours was a perfectly invalid response. A response, moreover, befitting of someone whose qualities are not unlike those which you've attributed, most wrongly indeed, to me. Lastly, I'd have thought that such a pathetically curt personal outburst was most contrary to the spirit of this board.
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