In a word - What is wrong with the World?

Marmite is an excellent source of B vitamins & rhiboflavin. These properties, It is said, helps as an excellent repellent against the troublesome highland midge. It puts them off biting you!

Cruelty to highland midges...
Naked mixed saunas in german gyms. ja! Es ist nicht recht!! Wir brauchen sie in der UK auch! Ich bin neidisch!
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Buy 1 get 1 free..

Its BS. Tesco just doubles the original price. You end up paying for 2 😱.

Same with "up to 70% off" offers - eg. at sportsworld. They just lie about the original price! fooling no one suckers!
Naked mixed saunas in german gyms. ja! Es ist nicht recht!! Wir brauchen sie in der UK auch! Ich bin neidisch!

Outrepped at the moment but that deserves one 😀

OK, back to business, my word:

- Intolerance -