In a word - What is wrong with the World?


Ie, the erronoeus notion that the world is a static pie, and that we must compete for our piece of it, that my gain is your loss, rather than seeing the world as the plus-sum, value-adding, expanding pie that it is, with more than enough for all, with new problems begetting new solutions.
To the person with nym known as "Atilla" -

As you have called me "stupid" and a "fool" without submitting a valid counter argument, yours was a perfectly invalid response. A response, moreover, befitting of someone whose qualities are not unlike those which you've attributed, most wrongly indeed, to me. Lastly, I'd have thought that such a pathetically curt personal outburst was most contrary to the spirit of this board.

My sincere apologies Peakoil, 😱

It was really an experiment. I was being devils advocate honest. :clover:

I STRONGLY disagreed with your take on democracy labelling most people stupid to understand what is going on. So it was a bit of a protest.

Who decides who is stupid and who is not? That's a tough one...

Take care and no hard feelings. 👍
Sex and the city

Had to watch it with the missus last night
It is the most tortureous experience I ever had to endure!
I agree.

Socialism and Capitalism - Distribution of the cake
Communism and Fascism - Totallatarian governments

Same circle different points. Good way of referencing them. 👍

Funny have state ownership seems to have trumped free market capitalism.

Even more surprising capitalist are endorsing it.

What is the world coming too.

China and Russia embracing capitalism.

ARRrrrrgggGGGGhhhhHHHH.... 🙂

Must bring back memories of your youth Atilla ?


Good question about what is enough tho !
Mustn't be greedy I suppose
Must bring back memories of your youth Atilla ?


Good question about what is enough tho !
Mustn't be greedy I suppose

Yes - it certainly does. To think I used to support the USA in its battle against the commies in Latin America is one of my biggest mistakes in life.

Now, I feel utterly devastated and very sorry for all abuse that has taken place in the stupid name of capitalism and freedom.

No less for shooting people for trying to climb over the Berlin wall.

Life and history of our troubles pretty daft and so very sad...

During my youth I was relatively poor. Didn't have change for bus fares or decent food.

Now I have the money and can afford the rich deserts - I still can't eat what I want as I have dairy intollerance and putting on the weight.

At almost 50 - I still find my self looking at cheese cakes and ice creams - unable to eat the stuff. 🙁

Health and 'shared' happiness is key to life imho. :smart:
Only a matter of time before there is a mass extinction on planet earth.

Let's hope the next lot don't make the same mistakes.

When the telly is fixed tomorrow I shall relapse back into my usual coma, thanks to Big Brother Corporation.
The fact that our mind "thinks" it is who we are and that it believes we are an accumulation of the attachments it has made throughout our life.

Well quite.
And yes I did have to look it up in Google I admit.

Use the adjective sesquipedalian to describe a word that's very long and multisyllabic. For example the word sesquipedalian is in fact sesquipedalian

And now get on with the ironing woman 😆