In a word - What is wrong with the World?

Honestly Postie, you're no fun at all these days.

I vote that we sort Att out an AK47 (remarkably cheap these days :) ) and a few fragmentation grenades and send him off to put those Yankees straight.

Prefer M16 if it's all the same to you. Better recoil. 🎅
How ironic that the big chump has tested positive !!
Will he survive it ?
Probably scare the virus to death......................
There are various judgments about Democracy as a system of governance,I prefer this one:

How ironic that the big chump has tested positive !!
Will he survive it ?
Probably scare the virus to death......................

Betcha his lying in bed thinking the Chinese are attacking me. Somebody fetch me the nuke button. (y)
There are various judgments about Democracy as a system of governance,I prefer this one:

View attachment 288627

This is effectively populism.

Trump and Boris make exceedingly good stupid cake.

People discovering indigestion bout now-ish.

Trump was taking the p!ss out of Biden for wearing the BIGGEST mask EVAR and now the silly sausage is not feeling well. Gotta laf :p
In my lifetime, I can never remember the UK, and the USA, having a pair of leaders, simultaneously, who are unfit for their positions. The similarities between them are quite frightening.