In a word - What is wrong with the World?


I nearly said that, but socialism and capitalism are at different points on the same circle, and barely indistinguishable where they interconnect. They both breed greed.

...As you will know if you've Read George Orwells Animal Farm.

(they're not as big as they used to be)

Yes - it all comes back to greed - offering a worse service & charging you more for it 😱 offering less, but charging the same or more...

I remember when a 12" pizza was a 12" pizza. Now 12" pizza means the box (barely) measures 12" 😢
I nearly said that, but socialism and capitalism are at different points on the same circle, and barely indistinguishable where they interconnect. They both breed greed.

...As you will know if you've Read George Orwells Animal Farm.

I agree.

Socialism and Capitalism - Distribution of the cake
Communism and Fascism - Totallatarian governments

Same circle different points. Good way of referencing them. 👍

Funny have state ownership seems to have trumped free market capitalism.

Even more surprising capitalist are endorsing it.

What is the world coming too.

China and Russia embracing capitalism.

ARRrrrrgggGGGGhhhhHHHH.... 🙂
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USA is now a socialist state for all intents & purposes, and a fascist one at that. Britain is following...
Yes, MARMITE tends to taste what you would imagine CANINE EXCREMENT to taste like, so there is a degree of repetition there also.
Marmite is an excellent source of B vitamins & rhiboflavin. These properties, It is said, helps as an excellent repellent against the troublesome highland midge. It puts them off biting you!