Ian Dickinson FX Trading

I am interested in following up any developments to this story. If anyone can help, please email me.

I am also keen on talking to anyone who invested money with Mr Dickinson. I am happy to respect their anonymity if they so wish.



What are you going to do for us in return, eh? Gotta sing for your supper pal!

I'm sure the readers of the Clacton and Frinton Gazette will be grateful.
As I think about that last remark, it occurs to me there is another similarity between the two.

The only slight difference being that Assange didn't rape his clients.
Well, why don't we start with you Whistleblower?

What is your involvement is this whole affair? How do you seem to know so much?

<snigger> I am just as my name states, an Assenge wannabe maybe..... I'd like to know where Insidergates has slunk off to? He was quite loud initially, but now has slunk back into the cellar of his house in the Avenues, perhaps - Come on, MIKE, speak up, man.... 😛
<snigger> I am just as my name states, an Assenge wannabe maybe..... I'd like to know where Insidergates has slunk off to? He was quite loud initially, but now has slunk back into the cellar of his house in the Avenues, perhaps - Come on, MIKE, speak up, man.... 😛

Who is Mike then -
Ian's alter ego,
Or one of his investors?
Given that this site is dedicated to those in the trade, I do hope that the people involved in this discussion do not represent this sector. I do not think that anyone's clients would appreciate harsh remarks on how 'smug' or 'greedy' they are, and lets not forget that you owe your income to these people. As someone with close personal ties to both the investor and clients in this case I am appalled at the assumptions being made. The majority of people who invested are hardworking and family orientated, many of them have built business from scratch and trusted their 'friend' with his advice and money-perhaps not due to greed but naivety. As you all should know, regulated officials are able to advise and someone in the building trade for instance, may not realise that promised returns are too good to be true-it is not their expertise.

As for the ludicrous comments being made about the residents of Frinton and in particular the members of Rotary, I would be interested in the perpetrators coming forward on their locations so that I can throw ridiculous stereotypes around and in particular the methods that they use to raise huge amounts for well deserved charitable causes.

It is fairly obvious whom one of you are, and without assumption I can clarify that you do not belong at any 'clubs' wether it be memorial, golf or Rotary and there are good reasons for that of which I am sure are clear from your threads.

I wish you a Christmas gift of compassion and pray that nothing like this ever affects your family or loved ones.
<snigger> I am just as my name states, an Assenge wannabe maybe..... I'd like to know where Insidergates has slunk off to? He was quite loud initially, but now has slunk back into the cellar of his house in the Avenues, perhaps - Come on, MIKE, speak up, man.... 😛

Well that's not entirely accurate, is it. You clearly have a disposition to mock those who you believe were involved in the scheme, mostly those who seemed to have lost money. One detects a considerable amount of schadenfreude on your part... I wonder why? Were you not invited to be a part of the thing in the first place, and so resent those that were? Are you the old queer fellow in that video?

You certainly have an axe to grind, which is going to p!ss me off unless you spill the beans.
As for the ludicrous comments being made about the residents of Frinton and in particular the members of Rotary, I would be interested in the perpetrators coming forward on their locations so that I can throw ridiculous stereotypes around and in particular the methods that they use to raise huge amounts for well deserved charitable causes.

I'm in Bangkok and I give charitably to a young ladies foundation at least once a week.

Please furnish us all with the finest ridiculous stereotypes you can muster.
Given that this site is dedicated to those in the trade, I do hope that the people involved in this discussion do not represent this sector. I do not think that anyone's clients would appreciate harsh remarks on how 'smug' or 'greedy' they are, and lets not forget that you owe your income to these people. As someone with close personal ties to both the investor and clients in this case I am appalled at the assumptions being made. The majority of people who invested are hardworking and family orientated, many of them have built business from scratch and trusted their 'friend' with his advice and money-perhaps not due to greed but naivety. As you all should know, regulated officials are able to advise and someone in the building trade for instance, may not realise that promised returns are too good to be true-it is not their expertise.

As for the ludicrous comments being made about the residents of Frinton and in particular the members of Rotary, I would be interested in the perpetrators coming forward on their locations so that I can throw ridiculous stereotypes around and in particular the methods that they use to raise huge amounts for well deserved charitable causes.

It is fairly obvious whom one of you are, and without assumption I can clarify that you do not belong at any 'clubs' wether it be memorial, golf or Rotary and there are good reasons for that of which I am sure are clear from your threads.

I wish you a Christmas gift of compassion and pray that nothing like this ever affects your family or loved ones.

That's more like it!
It is fairly obvious whom one of you are, and without assumption I can clarify that you do not belong at any 'clubs' wether it be memorial, golf or Rotary and there are good reasons for that of which I am sure are clear from your threads.

I really, really hope this means me.
Given that this site is dedicated to those in the trade, I do hope that the people involved in this discussion do not represent this sector. I do not think that anyone's clients would appreciate harsh remarks on how 'smug' or 'greedy' they are, and lets not forget that you owe your income to these people.

Just to put you straight. Those on this site that invest other people's money, (excluding those mudbloods that work for banks), represent the very tiniest minority. Most of the rest of us take personal responsibility for our own financial well-being (or not!) and the decisions we make in the financial markets. We tend not to go moaning to anyone else when it goes doodoo on the basis that nobody really cares.

As someone with close personal ties to both the investor and clients in this case I am appalled at the assumptions being made. The majority of people who invested are hardworking and family orientated, many of them have built business from scratch and trusted their 'friend' with his advice and money-perhaps not due to greed but naivety. As you all should know, regulated officials are able to advise and someone in the building trade for instance, may not realise that promised returns are too good to be true-it is not their expertise.
In other words, suckers. To have the wherewithal to build a business form scratch yet not have done the basic due diligence in ensuring claims of 10% per month was a realistic and sustainable makes you a muppet.

As for the ludicrous comments being made about the residents of Frinton and in particular the members of Rotary, I would be interested in the perpetrators coming forward on their locations so that I can throw ridiculous stereotypes around and in particular the methods that they use to raise huge amounts for well deserved charitable causes.
Certainly. Toxteth. Where would you like to meet?

I wish you a Christmas gift of compassion and pray that nothing like this ever affects your family or loved ones.
Well, keep your compassion for those that need it. We tend to depend on something a little more durable and useful. Brains.
As someone with close personal ties to both the investor and clients in this case

*ahem... serious post time*

If you are in close contact with Dicko, remind him not to top himself. Thanks in advance.

Everything else is all good for lulz though.
We tend not to go moaning to anyone else when it goes doodoo on the basis that nobody really cares.

In other words, suckers. To have the wherewithal to build a business form scratch yet not have done the basic due diligence in ensuring claims of 10% per month was a realistic and sustainable makes you a muppet.

Perhaps not having the brains of some of our more able posters as hinted, it may be that I haven't quite 'quoted' this correctly. However, if we can reference to the above:

I haven't been subject to anyone's moans since losses, in fact, those I know have been both financially and emotionally affected yet you wouldn't be able to detect them. So please share specifics if you have any?

As an ally of these 'suckers' I would be interested on which of your informants concluded this 10% pm return. Taking whistleblowers wording, 'in my humble opinion' it makes you the sucker if you believe they were fooled by that scam! As you say, quite diligent people, who I can assure you signed up to no such beliefs.
As you all should know, regulated officials are able to advise and someone in the building trade for instance, may not realise that promised returns are too good to be true-it is not their expertise.

Here is how you know the promised returns are too good to be true. Assuming an initial deposit of £20,000 (and it seems some people were in way more than that) multiply that sum by 10% a month.

end year one £62,000
end year 2 196,700
end year 3 617,500
end year 4 £1.9 million
end year 5 £6 million
end year 6 £18 million

Now does anyone with half a brain actually think you can invest £20,000 and get £18 million back in 6 years?

What about someone who invested £100,000?

end year 1 £313,800
end year 2 £984,900
end year 3 £3 million
end year 4 £9.7 million
end year 5 £30 million
end year 5 £90 million
end year 6 £270 million

Again utter stupidity to think that you could make £270 million from £100,000 in 6 years. What expertise do you need to figure that out, zero.

The issue is that people are greedy and when someone waves easy money in their face all common sense disappears and they fall for it. I'd be willing to bet that anyone who voiced any concerns was shot down as a nay sayer.