Ian Dickinson FX Trading


I shouldn't have buggered off for a fat lunch for I have been beaten to the post in respect of Harry Hill, The Curious World of ..., and the bird on the steps. It would be most pleasant to be able to take responsibility of the bird at least. I understand, though, that there is also a Frinton in the US. I haven't seen her, her grand-mother or those steps around here, and by God, I have searched!

As for The Curious World of......I am afraid they only scratched the surface and clearly didn't wish to shock the world with the REAL people who reside and hang out here. :/

I note that Insidergates referred to the Cricket Club and 'The Mem' (This is the old faithful Memorial Club that adorns most English towns somewhere or another) Ours has the privilege that it contains REAL old farts, who boldly break wind whilst piling pension funds into the fruit machines. I believe once there was a seemingly stubborn old ******* who wouldn't sod off after the final bell....only to be found dead at his table.

But I digress.....I don't think the Rotary Club or the Golf Club were much mentioned in Insidergates rants. Is this because these are potential places he wallows in his own self-importance. I would suggest, 'Yes!' for those two locations are crammed to the rafters with self-indulged, self-opinionated, head up their own arses, bigotted, smug gentlemen. A few however do seem to wander around the town with heads held not quite so high as they once did...

Ah, and to Our Dicko....

During the balmy summers here in FOS the Cricket Club have a week of pomp and ceremony engulfing most of the knobs all at the same place at the same time; every day from luncheon, held at the Cricket Club, obviously, in a huge tent. A little cricket is indulged in, but that is merely a token bi-product. The evenings tend to result in little short of similar episodes to the current student riots. HOWEVER, this summer, Dicko kindly invited and paid for many of his investors to join him in celebrating his new found wealth.....all on him! Such a lovely gesture, wouldn't you agree? <snigger!>

It should also be noted that Our Dicko was un-biased and not discriminate in whose cash he accepted for 'investment'. He was quite happy to take the gains of all types, including, pikeys and gipsies. How splendidly generous of him!

As for his current location.....perhaps more later... 😉

Your humble servant

The Whistleblower 🙂
This would be better if there was some conflict between two Finton-on-Sea'ers you know. There are a few reading (investors that got their fingers burnt IMO*) but not posting - why don't you join in?

Did "Dicko" do the dirty on you?
Will he still be invited to the Rotary Club Annual Dinner?
What about next years Pro-Am competition?
Did you ever get your hands on the Gates after they were removed?
What, pray tell, is the Finton-on-Sea residents association doing about this gross injustice?

Enquiring minds want to know...

* FYI** "IMO" is internet parlance for "In My Opinion". Closely related to IMHO (In My Humble/Honest Opinion)

** FYI = For Your Information

P.S. @ footballerswife - prove that you are a footballers wife and show us a pic of your baps.
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I always knew you were a classy act...😀

Mate thats prolly well tame for what some of these volvo driving daily mail reading M&S shopping (but only when guests are coming) BBC news watching shortbread at coffee morning birds get up to... I bet there is a Finton-on-Sea Swingers association for sure... How do you think Hyacinth got the nickname "Mrs. Bucket?"
localjourno has been hanging around all day but not found the wherewithal to post yet....give her time...
something-or-other 61

all have been eavesdropping but have not yet introduces themselves.

There are others but I've forgotten their names.
And angryman...obviously not that angry...

Perhaps you have to be REALLY angry in FoS to actually say something or do something.
And angryman...obviously not that angry...

Perhaps you have to be REALLY angry in FoS to actually say something or do something.

I might go there over the weekend and generally do pikey things like wear trainers, listen to radio 1 in my car, play fetch with the dog, walk around with headphones in or talking on the mobile.

That should rile them up a bit.
Might see you there.

I'll be hanging around those apples and pears to see if that twist is flashing her bacon baps again.
This would be better if there was some conflict between two Finton-on-Sea'ers you know. There are a few reading (investors that got their fingers burnt IMO*) but not posting - why don't you join in?

Did "Dicko" do the dirty on you?
Will he still be invited to the Rotary Club Annual Dinner?
What about next years Pro-Am competition?
Did you ever get your hands on the Gates after they were removed?
What, pray tell, is the Finton-on-Sea residents association doing about this gross injustice?

Enquiring minds want to know...

* FYI** "IMO" is internet parlance for "In My Opinion". Closely related to IMHO (In My Humble/Honest Opinion)

** FYI = For Your Information

P.S. @ footballerswife - prove that you are a footballers wife and show us a pic of your baps.

I couldn't agree with you more!! ...Actually, I know that there are victims watching this, and agree that they should be indulging us with their 'feelings' and knowledge...BTW(That means By The Way 😎 ) that includes you, Insidergates. I've seen you skulking around. I don't play Poker(obviously, otherwise, I may have given Our Dicko a wad or two too!), but why not put in your two penneth worth (if you have that much left!) LMFAO (I'll assume you all know what that might mean!). Surely you have much more that you'd like to get off your chest, Fellow Frintonian? 👍

I'd like to comment on festive dinners this year, but will keep that one for the moment. I doubt he'll be present at the Rotary dinner as they have removed his picture (The one that looked like a rather chubby Julian Clary 😆 ) ....Yet, they keep his name there as a previous President! Why, if you think he's a ****? How cool was that of him to climb his way to Presidency! Nice one, Dicko! 😉

How wonderful would it be to actually hear from Our Dicko here?? I suspect that would be more likely than Assange getting bail today!

I must admit that I am taken slightly off guard by the sporadic posts by Footballerswife! Obviously very interesting and intriguing. But we have none of those here <said in a disgustingly pompous voice! 😉 ) Perhaps we should have more of that...smut <spat!> 😛

Come along...before I get bored and progress to something more interesting, like the sexual habits of Frinton's mayor! 😛 )

Your humble servant

The WHistleblower 🙂
Mate thats prolly well tame for what some of these volvo driving daily mail reading M&S shopping (but only when guests are coming) BBC news watching shortbread at coffee morning birds get up to... I bet there is a Finton-on-Sea Swingers association for sure... How do you think Hyacinth got the nickname "Mrs. Bucket?"

😆 Actually there is a Swingers Club here....AND one of the 'less' fortunate investors is/was an investor in that too! (I say was as they may well have charged an 'entrance' fee of which he (oooops! I mean they!) may not now be able to afford! 😆

Your humble servant

The Whistleblower 🙂
I am interested in following up any developments to this story. If anyone can help, please email me.

I am also keen on talking to anyone who invested money with Mr Dickinson. I am happy to respect their anonymity if they so wish.
