🙂 Very, very interesting...very interesting indeed...particularly the post from 'Insidergates' whom I am willing to wager that has lost a bob or two, BUT does have a heart for Dicko! It appears that you are indeed local, for referring to the 'Mem Club' as such. Nobody not from around here would do such thing. However, as God is my witness, I gave not a penny to Our Dicko, and will not be moving away any time soon however much I actually would like to. In fact, personally, I have nothing 'too' much against Our Dicko as I DO have a heart and am not actually that greedy to have fallen for such a scheme, that I re-iterate, likely, very likey, began as a legitimate business proposition. Actually, I know it did begin as such. Certainly you have missed the entire point of my original post, sir, and shame on you for that. I think you are revealing far too much emotion....
There were, undoubtably, people who genuinely paid in 'hard earned' money, for whom I have every sympathy and consideration....but the ball was already rolling.
And...actually, I would give Our Dicko sanctuary. Ask that of most investors and see what their response is....
As for other posts associated to this thread, Footballerswife for example, no problems here. I was simply not here to immediately post comment, or even felt the need to. I think I see your direction, Black Swan. 😉
Your humble servant
The Whistleblower 😉