Ian Dickinson FX Trading

Reading that article shows what you can actually publish without fear of 'legal action'. The guy hasn't even been convicted yet and they can say all that about him yet a boiler room scam can get a government warning deleted from T2W.

It may be time for you to run your own website then...how about pboylesscambusters.com

Then we can see how long it stays up !
The Whistleblower
For someone so knowing and clever I see you have only just joined the forum and this is your first post. Reading your lovely piece of rubbish I thought I was reading the mussings of an expert, how wrong I was.

If I wasn't such a nice guy I would think that you googled Dicko and seen the link and thought to your self, I know how to leap on a band wagon and gossip a bit and sound like I really know when really all you know is what you've read in the mail and gazette and heard in your little gossip shops.

Well to give you another topic of gossip I hear a planning application has just gone in for a sex shop in the avenue, spread that one around!!!!
The Whistleblower
For someone so knowing and clever I see you have only just joined the forum and this is your first post. Reading your lovely piece of rubbish I thought I was reading the mussings of an expert, how wrong I was.

If I wasn't such a nice guy I would think that you googled Dicko and seen the link and thought to your self, I know how to leap on a band wagon and gossip a bit and sound like I really know when really all you know is what you've read in the mail and gazette and heard in your little gossip shops.

Well to give you another topic of gossip I hear a planning application has just gone in for a sex shop in the avenue, spread that one around!!!!

What's your interest then buddy? 🙂
🙂 Very, very interesting...very interesting indeed...particularly the post from 'Insidergates' whom I am willing to wager that has lost a bob or two, BUT does have a heart for Dicko! It appears that you are indeed local, for referring to the 'Mem Club' as such. Nobody not from around here would do such thing. However, as God is my witness, I gave not a penny to Our Dicko, and will not be moving away any time soon however much I actually would like to. In fact, personally, I have nothing 'too' much against Our Dicko as I DO have a heart and am not actually that greedy to have fallen for such a scheme, that I re-iterate, likely, very likey, began as a legitimate business proposition. Actually, I know it did begin as such. Certainly you have missed the entire point of my original post, sir, and shame on you for that. I think you are revealing far too much emotion....

There were, undoubtably, people who genuinely paid in 'hard earned' money, for whom I have every sympathy and consideration....but the ball was already rolling.

And...actually, I would give Our Dicko sanctuary. Ask that of most investors and see what their response is....

As for other posts associated to this thread, Footballerswife for example, no problems here. I was simply not here to immediately post comment, or even felt the need to. I think I see your direction, Black Swan. 😉

Your humble servant

The Whistleblower 😉
Did you have any skin in the game, were you gamed? You're a happy nappy trapper aren't you? Can't see why you're bovvered re. this thread...

I live in Frinton and I know or rather knew him, I don't think he'll be back any time soon. Lots of people have been burnt, not rich people, not bigotted people, not smug people, the only ones like that are the sh1t stirrers
🙂 Very, very interesting...very interesting indeed...particularly the post from 'Insidergates' whom I am willing to wager that has lost a bob or two, BUT does have a heart for Dicko! It appears that you are indeed local, for referring to the 'Mem Club' as such. Nobody not from around here would do such thing. However, as God is my witness, I gave not a penny to Our Dicko, and will not be moving away any time soon however much I actually would like to. In fact, personally, I have nothing 'too' much against Our Dicko as I DO have a heart and am not actually that greedy to have fallen for such a scheme, that I re-iterate, likely, very likey, began as a legitimate business proposition. Actually, I know it did begin as such. Certainly you have missed the entire point of my original post, sir, and shame on you for that. I think you are revealing far too much emotion....

There were, undoubtably, people who genuinely paid in 'hard earned' money, for whom I have every sympathy and consideration....but the ball was already rolling.

And...actually, I would give Our Dicko sanctuary. Ask that of most investors and see what their response is....

As for other posts associated to this thread, Footballerswife for example, no problems here. I was simply not here to immediately post comment, or even felt the need to. I think I see your direction, Black Swan. 😉

Your humble servant

The Whistleblower 😉

No.2 post well done
Black Swan - Clearly, we have the same thoughts. Insidergates does seem to have a bee in his bonnet, and does appear to be the one whom, 'protest too much'. Those in for a 'quickie', with a bucket or two sloshing with cash, in the majority, have taken it on the chin. Indeed, many have profitted. I imagine Insidergates hasn't, yet is indicating heart for Our Dicko. What a fellow! Praise be to him! Had I done a bucket, I'd be either, counting my blessings as I'd had my stake out, or keeping my head beneath the parapit. Perhaps Insidergates should be doing this? ....The name he is using speaks a lot locally too, and its not good, believe me. 😉

Your humble servant

The Whistleblower 😉
I live in Frinton and I know or rather knew him, I don't think he'll be back any time soon. Lots of people have been burnt, not rich people, not bigotted people, not smug people, the only ones like that are the sh1t stirrers

Gotcha...sad episode...
Black Swan - Clearly, we have the same thoughts. Insidergates does seem to have a bee in his bonnet, and does appear to be the one whom, 'protest too much'. Those in for a 'quickie', with a bucket or two sloshing with cash, in the majority, have taken it on the chin. Indeed, many have profitted. I imagine Insidergates hasn't, yet is indicating heart for Our Dicko. What a fellow! Praise be to him! Had I done a bucket, I'd be either, counting my blessings as I'd had my stake out, or keeping my head beneath the parapit. Perhaps Insidergates should be doing this? ....The name he is using speaks a lot locally too, and its not good, believe me. 😉

Your humble servant

The Whistleblower 😉
Ooh Whistleblower how wrong you are, but that's all you've been good for gossiping and dreaming.
btw why do you have to keep trying to get Blackswan involved, are you feeling like you've been caught out? Perhaps it is you that should keep your head below the parapit as clearly you don't know.

I will not indulge in the tittle tattle of gossip which you seem more than happy to do. My wish is to point out that this is a tragedy for many people and is not helped by people like you making your sweeping statements accussing anyone caught up in it as smug, bigotted and rich, its simply wrong
FAO The Whistleblower, insidergates, footballerswife,

Call me a cynic (I've had worse), but it is patently obvious that you three individuals have more than a passing interest in this whole affair (and all probably live within a 3 mile radius of Fin-summit Cricket Club). I do, however, encourage each of you to keep up the momentum of what is sure to be the tabloid interest of T2W until it's near enough Christmas that we can all do something else and get on with our lives.

Additionally, there are four points that I believe should be addressed:

1) If you lost money, tough sh!t.
2) If you wagered more than a long boozy lunch on the thing, you're an idiot.
3) No doubt you are all W.A.S.P's
4) LOL!

I'm enjoying this thread ....whistleblower please keep us
updated with the gossip.
And Insidergates too, ...from your name can I infer you might be
One of the unfriendly and rude undesirables of FonSea.? Not that you
Are ever likely to see it that way.
Hmmmm.... there are four Ian Dickinson's on the FSA register. None seem to have a profile that fits with Forex dealer based in FonSea either currently or in the past.
So was he operating without FSA authorisation ??
Of course FSA approval is no way a guarantee of financial success but why would people give their money over to someone without even that basic legal requirement. ?
Because they see Hyacinth Bucket as a role model... I'm 99% I know the type. Horrible bigots incapable of original thought.

This doesn't excuse the scum bag who ripped them off of course.
Is this him..? 😀 Moonlighting on telly too the dirty rotten scoundrel..

I knew when I handed over my dosh to him that I'd seen him before. B!astard.

Why is it always this time of year......
Glyder - Ah ha! I see with great delight that you have some insight into Frinton on Sea and the 'Inside or outside the Gates' saga, and I am with you on that! To give yourself such a name as 'Insidergates' you sincerely have to be one of those who gives a Castlemaine XXXX (Remember those ads?) about your geographical location in this manor. 🙂 This, to the likes of me, says a great deal more than one might expect. I fear for Insider as he is certainly showing his colours!

For interest, I point out that the greedy 'victims' locations were not restricted to Inside The Gates. They are scattered far and wide.

Insider - Please have the courtesy to note that I do not pull in other posters to get them onside, I merely agree with them. To an outsider, (not of the Gates, you understand!), a reader, this will be abundantly evident.

As for 'hard earned money' again, I would suggest that most have seemed to have genuinely made a packet of money over the last few years, indicating 'new' money. Now, anything new is terribly exciting; a new bicycle, car, golf club, cricket bat, and one is inclined to 'use' something new with great gusto. Thus, new money arrives on the block, and needs to be played with. How did they do this....? Whack it into Dicko of course! As for old money, and there was a quid or two in Dicko's little hands too, may well have gone with the flow, got bored with their noses pressed against their bedroom ceilings or just fancied a flutter....

I wonder...I wonder....mmmmm

Let me go and see what other little gems are kicking around today...

Your humble servant

The WHistleblower 😉