Ian Dickinson FX Trading

I haven't been subject to anyone's moans since losses, in fact, those I know have been both financially and emotionally affected yet you wouldn't be able to detect them. So please share specifics if you have any?
Your first post. It’s what’s called moaning.

And if 'you wouldn't be able to detect them' how do you know they have?

As an ally of these 'suckers' I would be interested on which of your informants concluded this 10% pm return. Taking whistleblowers wording, 'in my humble opinion' it makes you the sucker if you believe they were fooled by that scam! As you say, quite diligent people, who I can assure you signed up to no such beliefs.
Obviously not quite diligent enough.
I would just like to say that I applaud Youwish for coming forward and addressing some of the accusations and conjecture that has been made in this thread so far. I encourage all you other "lurkers" to join in and perhaps we can build a multilateral discussion.
As established, not quite grasped the quote system, so:

@ TheBramble yes, I was having a moan, yet I do not dispute this, if you re read my post it was about others and how I had not heard them moan. My moan is different entirely and is not concocted from a financial loss.

My knowledge of some of the investments comes prior to this terrible outcome, and as I said previously and didn't think I would need to repeat, it has be gained from close friendships and relations with the 'victim's

@ Glyder probably some may say not much diligence but then those I know have never played a round of golf in their life, and unlike most of you on here I would not like to comment on the diligence or lack of those I do not know.
@ Glyder probably some may say not much diligence but then those I know have never played a round of golf in their life, and unlike most of you on here I would not like to comment on the diligence or lack of those I do not know.

To me the level of diligence has nothing to do with knowing the investors or not.
Its about who they gave their money to an unqualified 'pillar of the community'.
Baseless trust born out of greed.

Don't get me wrong I feel sorry for anyone lsoing their hard earned cash like this.
But in these types of cases all the signs are there if someone wants to avoid it they need only think of what they can lose. This Dicki was a conman or had inflated ego about his abilities, or more likely both. If he had really cared about other people and their cash he would not have taken it off them in the first place.
Hang on, what are you saying? They start off as ace traders and then the Ozone buildup somehow addles their brains?

Explain Burlington Bertie from West Worthing then.

Ah, no, it's OK. With you now.

{just kidding Bertie, you know I love you really; you salty old sea dog in from the salty sea...}
They don't appear to be regulated either Mr.G. But I know a man who has ears in there so I'll see what I can find out.
As for the ludicrous comments being made about the residents of Frinton and in particular the members of Rotary, I would be interested in the perpetrators coming forward on their locations so that I can throw ridiculous stereotypes around and in particular the methods that they use to raise huge amounts for well deserved charitable causes.

London and oop north. Member of several charitable clubs, including the biggest. Volunteer at a mental health charity.

I also like to think I play a unique role as an ambassador for the complex and sensitive cause of reconciling Islam with western culture .

P.S. I don't believe you about Frinton. I reckon we're right.
As an ally of these 'suckers' I would be interested on which of your informants concluded this 10% pm return. Taking whistleblowers wording, 'in my humble opinion' it makes you the sucker if you believe they were fooled by that scam! As you say, quite diligent people, who I can assure you signed up to no such beliefs.

So what did they sign up to then?
My word! Didn't that last little splurge get all serious and 'rattle throwing'! Well done, Youwish, you will get a free pass into Heaven. But, for the love of God, listen to yourself, will you, you self-righteous person, you!

Most, if not all, of my posts are 100% reflections of some of the investors and lurkers. Every piece of humour is theirs originally. This is purely because they have been able to face up to the whole thing and be 'men' enough to laugh at themselves, as well their own lack of skiing holiday this winter....and a few to come probably. And quite right that they should - a ridiculous investment, gone bad. What else is there to do? Cry?

The main route of this thread has been humour. The comments from, as far as I can see, are people not from around FOS, have been so gut-bustingly hilarious (Don't bother commenting on my choice of humour - God gave it to me, and its here to stay!), that they should be on the stage. Investors/lurkers have been following this with equal mirth!

If you have the ar$e with all of this, then you perhaps should go away and wallow in your self pity. If you can't face that, and want to get very, very serious about this whole Dicko investment scheme, and EVERYTHING that goes with it, such as greed, naivity etc. then sharpen your pencil....

But I think pboyles has very clearly illustrated by example of how bloody ridiculous this is. Yet people fell for it......
Volunteer at a mental health charity.
Not totally correct is it Arabian. Part of your community service order requires every 4th Sunday be spent there, but it's not exactly volunteering is it?

I also like to think I play a unique role as an ambassador for the complex and sensitive cause of reconciling Islam with western culture .
There's really no way I can argue with that as you've certainly done more than most in that particular area. Peace upon you, Inshallah.

Interestingly, under Sharia, Ian Dickinson would not have got into this mess, nor would his clueless 'investors'. Well, actually, as I think about it now, he and they could.

As long as you don't make a prophet (sorry, couldn't help it) it's OK. So it seems Dicki has inadvertently cornered the market on a Sharia compiant FX trading model.
It's their relatives I feel sorry for. How dare these Frintonites willfully squander their children's inheritance on ill conceived ventures.
It's their relatives I feel sorry for. How dare these Frintonites willfully squander their children's inheritance on ill conceived ventures.

yup, especially since their kids are unlikely to have the talent to get on in life without mummy and daddy's help
My word! Didn't that last little splurge get all serious and 'rattle throwing'! Well done, Youwish, you will get a free pass into Heaven. But, for the love of God, listen to yourself, will you, you self-righteous person, you!

Most, if not all, of my posts are 100% reflections of some of the investors and lurkers. Every piece of humour is theirs originally. This is purely because they have been able to face up to the whole thing and be 'men' enough to laugh at themselves, as well their own lack of skiing holiday this winter....and a few to come probably. And quite right that they should - a ridiculous investment, gone bad. What else is there to do? Cry?

The main route of this thread has been humour. The comments from, as far as I can see, are people not from around FOS, have been so gut-bustingly hilarious (Don't bother commenting on my choice of humour - God gave it to me, and its here to stay!), that they should be on the stage. Investors/lurkers have been following this with equal mirth!

If you have the ar$e with all of this, then you perhaps should go away and wallow in your self pity. If you can't face that, and want to get very, very serious about this whole Dicko investment scheme, and EVERYTHING that goes with it, such as greed, naivity etc. then sharpen your pencil....

But I think pboyles has very clearly illustrated by example of how bloody ridiculous this is. Yet people fell for it......

Pboyle wasted time on a demonstration that has no relevance-as I said, not sure where this 10% claim comes from, but you obviously do not know as much as you claim to if you are utilising this numrical evidence (though Pboyle, you are very good with numbers regardless and that's commendable)

I do not want to get personal on here, however I can assure you that I am a true radical, and reguarly challenge the views of Frintons residents with the odd swear word or mini skirt and have even been know to befriend the youths from the station approach and bring them into the lock and barrell-that's all my own humour-I do not need to borrow it from the 'investors and lurkers' as you claim to.

What reason for self pity do I have? Please remind me if I have let something like that slip?

I would not classify myself as self righteous, although you can have your opinion of course, I would mearly say that unlike yourself and those mention I do not find it 'gut-bustingly hilarious' to laugh at others woes.

However whistleblower, I would like to thank you for the contradication you have made when you say

'This is purely because they have been able to face up to the whole thing and be 'men' enough to laugh at themselves, as well their own lack of skiing holiday this winter....and a few to come probably.'

Because that was my point from the offset, the people involved are not all 'smug' etc they are normal down to earth families with sense of humours and aspirations for the furture which have now been shattered thanks to 'a ridiculous investment gone bad' or as I would put it, advice from a friend that turned out to be wrong.
Male players at Frinton Golf Club were allowed to wear short socks instead of knee-length ones only two years ago. So who says it's a fuddy-duddy place? Change is a-happening at breakneck speed.