Lightning McQueen
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Throwing mud at me now and attempting to belittle me won't quite cut it McQueen.
I clearly stated on the thread that I was at work - a nurse - and was posting when I could. Xeno even noted that fact - taunting that "I thought you said you were at work - how come you have charts" or something to that effect - in fact I took a screen-shot of HIS charts, not from my home computer . Another red herring.
Look McQueen - I have the timeline and the posts notified to my email box from the thread as they were posted - your attempt to cover up your inaction won't quite cut it with me.
You didn't want to act because you were gutless - and you sided with Xeno.
bad choice mate - siding with a dead-set loser.
Blind Phredericke could see the trashing and hijacking going on - the man had 25 posts to my 20 ... all with the same derogatory trashing theme - and YOU couldn't pick that he was determined to hijack my thread???
Get real McQueen.
It was never "me and Lindencourt" ... the thread was mine, and I invited Andrew Searle to "keep an eye on it to see if he approved what I was attempting to do" as he did on the Donnforex thread. Nothing wrong with that, and in fact I never objected to Xeno disagreeing with me. If you had the eyes that Barjon had, you would easily see that my objection was to Xeno posting the metrics of the indicators, which is a breach of commercial secrets. I
I have all the email correspondence between myself and Andrew Searle after I bought his system - so if the public want any proff to see where the truth is, I am happy to post it all or send it to Barjon privately as an independent adjudicator.
Listen mate - next time you see a monkey throwing bananas all over someone else's cage - question WHY he would do that. Why would that monkey throw so many bananas?
usually people debate, and discuss. They do not abuse, and reveal someone else's privileged and private property in a public arena as leverage to advance further along the reoad to hijacking a thread.
I would say the members of this forum can judge me for how I conducted myself on MY thread. As for throwing my toys out of the pram - quaint expression McQueen - and very chic ... but the reality is I removed all posts I was able to edit so that the thread was closed. No one else had the gonads to ban Xeno or restrain him at least long enough to allow me to even begin to develop my ideas and begin to show some of the failed setups I promised to do.
I did post 2 charts of successful trades - even admitting my foolish error in calling one of my winning trades as a 7 pip loss. The thread was going quite well, but Xeno's attacks intensified - I think 4 or 5 posts in a row at one point ... all denigrating the system and the theme.
What would you call that - civilised discussion? Enlightened debate?
If that is the hint of an apology, then it is probably all I will ever get from you. You are pi$$ed off because you were found wanting - get over it - stuff happens.
So I offer you what you offered me ... I accept your tiny kind-of apology.
I hope you see the irony McQueen, and in future, consider who is being constructive in threads you are responsible for moderating, and who is being destructive ... should I need to go to all of this trouble to try to vindicate myself and my thread?
Should I have had to endure what happened? Please don't attempt to twist it to make it look like I deserved what happened - at all times I was open and accommodating.
Think about that. I allow you the last word.
thanks ivan, for sure it is your right to have a go, and fair enough, but if you think i'm just going to sit here and take your guff then you are mistaken, i've said it's not always easy to spot multinick identities, it was not until the following day that we were alerted to the suspicion on identity of xeno, that later when the new david robertson nick was used then all the dots were joined, and all the nicks banned. the fact is also that your thread was moderated and posts deleted in as timely manner as was possible, i could understand your issues more if the postings were left until the following day for example. the fact remains that posts that are ok and on topic stay, end of, no matter how much they are reported just because it doesn't suit. all is documented in t2w logs with mod comments to it all, the administraters of this site can review if they wish.
allow me to put your much used and malined quote of mine in context, please keep in mind that i'd just had words with xeno via pm on his posting conduct, of which also in a previous, prob now deleted, post (rant) of yours you even draw attention to this coms and screamed foul that i dared to communicate with him. indeed it was alledged i was in cahoots with him. you really have to get over this "everyone is against you" feeling, it would help you a lot i believe.
after my talking with him xeno, he said in a changed and reasonable manner
Remember everyone before I get banned for my strong opinions, VOTE .... XENO for next T2W president!!!! 😆😆😆😆😆
No seriously Lindencourt why not work together instead of the hate mail!
I will post signals LIVE, and you or ignot can correct them if wrong ?
I'm not slateing you dude, I will post my understanding of your system over the next week and when you have time correct or agree with the signals ?
Is that fair ?
to which i replied
there we go, i see the olive branch, well said xenophobia 🙂
what you say ivan? carry on with the thread, yes? with lindencourt? yes?
oh go on you know you want to 😀
perfectly reasonable post i believe, as i was attempting to defuse the fight (which is my role) and get you and lindencourt back into the thread. that you have taken this all the wrong way is unfortunate. get some therapy mate.
did xeno really have the lindencourt system? though i don't believe at any time did lindencourt himself make any attempt whatsoever to verify publicly that xeno was a bona fide paid up user. let us just think of who xeno was, then it seems to me quite reasonable to believe he may indeed have tested it! mr spreadbetting you see, is alleged to have plagiarised and sold other peoples systems, it is not unreasonable to think that as part of his market research into systems to copy he would buy and test many of them, repackage those that looked reasonable maybe. i suggest lindenpoops system was indeed likely tested, xeno told me in his coms it had lost money for him. you and linden trashed your own thread smartish. that xeno was flakey and wouldn't follow through with a live trial was unknown at the time but lindenpoops believed it that xeno would follow through, then he was likely in grave danger to be outed as crap, after all the jumping up and down didn't work and on topic posts stayed lindenpoops ran away.
i'm not wasting any more of my time on this, i've wasted enough already, carry on with the thread, don't carry on with it, your choice. its people like you, poops and mr sb that make me wonder why i do this at all, cue facepalm piccy. nope can't be bothered to do that now either.
ps. mr sb i've seen is still trying to gain access to t2w, thankfully the mod bot is holding up well so far and keeping him out, maybe? 🙂