what should I do?

I sent them an email. They are still working on the site. I don't want to buy yet. I wanted to know what their method is all about. Its ultra-conservative. They trade thousands to make hundreds, not the other way around. Too strict for my liking. They don't even like leverage.
Hi guys, I am a newbie trader that have started demo trading,the problem is that I dont have any strategy to work on because after I watched a guide on youtube he told me that the best way to learn trading is actually through trading.So I jumped on tradingview to start my papertrading journey the problem here is that I believe I lack confidence I sometimes make the right calls but whenever the trade go against me I jump out ,I thought that the main problem of my lacking of confidence in my trades is that I dont have a clear setup I just watch price action and jump into trade that I believe it is where the market is going.I told you about my situation I hope that you can give me insight and thanks to everybody
You need to know that it is not only you. The best trades even have the same problem. Then, consider having two demo accounts: one to just trade fearlessly and the other to trade the way you want with all your emotions. I think at the end you will see that trading fearlessly is not that interesting, but by checking the wins, you will put the emotions away for at least some aspects of your trading.
I sent them an email. They are still working on the site. I don't want to buy yet. I wanted to know what their method is all about. Its ultra-conservative. They trade thousands to make hundreds, not the other way around. Too strict for my liking. They don't even like leverage.


I can't work out whether you are serious or not. However I stand by my view that this is just a joke. Why would you put a half completed page together?

Plus this, after everything they talk about :


Gone are the days of worrying about market volatility or unpredictable shifts. This strategy leverages the best of historical insights, ensuring that profits are not just a possibility but an inevitability. Experience the reassurance of a prudent and careful system that safeguards your investments against unforeseen challenges.

Ha Ha😊
I won't buy it just yet. I like the videos. Vanguard fund people don't claim to make 100% and all that like those YouTube gurus,
they have ask question email. I wont part with my money without asking question.
This is the email response they gave me.


In the ever-changing landscape of financial markets, attaining success in trading demands more than just identifying lucrative opportunities; it necessitates the effective management of risks. Fundamental principle adhered to by experienced traders is the careful control of leverage and a dedicated commitment to a low maximum risk per trade. This disciplined approach serves as the cornerstone for a resilient trading strategy, placing emphasis on capital preservation and cultivating a sustainable path to long-term success.

EmbracingLow Leverage:

Leverages serve as a powerful tool, capable of magnifying gains and losses alike—a double-edged sword in the world of trading. While it offers the potential for increased profits, it also elevates the risk of substantial losses. Opting for as low a leverage as possible acts as a safeguard, reducing exposure and affording traders greater command over their positions.

Employing low leverage enables traders to navigate market fluctuations with resilience, mitigating the risk of significant drawdowns. This prudent approach fosters sustainability in trading, allowing individuals to weather market uncertainties and capitalize on opportunities with a measured and steady hand.

the significance of a 2% Maximum Risk Per Trade:

At the heart of EternalGains' trading strategy lies effective risk management, with the establishment of a maximum risk per trade at 2% being a tried-and-true practice. This rule dictates that no single trade should expose more than 2% of a trader's total capital. Such a conservative approach ensures that even a series of unsuccessful trades won't result in devastating losses.

Harmony in Practice: Balancing Low Leverage with the 2% Rule:

The marriage of low leverage with a 2% maximum risk per trade establishes a harmonious equilibrium between risk and reward. Traders can confidently engage with the market, secure in the knowledge that their risk exposure is carefully managed, and any potential losses are within manageable bounds.

This balanced approach fosters discipline, thoughtful decision-making, and a long-term perspective. Ultimately, it contributes to a more sustainable and prosperous trading journey, empowering traders to navigate the nuanced landscape of financial markets with sagacity and assurance.

Inconclusion, mastering risk control extends beyond capitalpreservation; it fortifies the bedrock of a successfultrading career. By embracing low leverage and adhering to the 2%maximum risk per trade rule, traders lay the groundwork forconsistent, measured growth, navigating the intricacies of financialmarkets with prudence and confidence.
I will post my 2 cents.

Embrace the journey!

You will inevitably go through ups and downs and usually it works like this:

- you start and jump from one strategy to the other
- you find a good strategy, start making some money, and then having a few losses.
- here you start hopping again! Haha
- if you’re brave enough to not give up, you will realise the strategy isn’t as important as you think and you start working on psychology.
- if you made it through here you will start being a break even trade and sometimes blowing accounts out of anger or frustration… ( spoiler it’s part of the process lol )
- soon or later will learn the lesson and stop blowing account employing sound risk management
- you will stop jumping from strategy to strategy and start being a bit profitable
- then you will start to make money consistently

Trust me, it’s worth it!

This post is meant to encourage you! If you’re brave enough and patient enough you will be able to make in a week an average UK salary.
( obviously not everyone will get to that point )

Stingy fuckers won't give any discount. They are still working on their site. That's what they told me. I want to see comments from others first. I asked for a 50% discount.
A group of us trade together so price is not an issue. We do ok but my friend became an ICT fan and gave back a large chunk of our winning. If I buy I will let you know.
we are going to buy it. I will let you know. If any of you run any room let me know I will post the trades there. This way I won't be able to bullshit to feed my ego
When you trade in a group you get free input from other traders. Sometimes it's hard to see holes in your method as you are biased but others will point out those. I am talking about traders, not trigger-happy duds.
ha ha


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When you trade in a group you get free input from other traders. Sometimes it's hard to see holes in your method as you are biased but others will point out those. I am talking about traders, not trigger-happy duds.

Are you telling us that everyone in your group has agreed to go with this? Nobody has challenged it?
I appreciate you've contacted them, but their response seems AI generated to me, and if that's all they've told you there's no substance at all.

Who are the people behind it? Their credentials? Contact details? Why has the price increased?

They offer a money back guarantee allegedly but only if you "faithfully follow" their strategy to the letter, and still lose. Well, you are unlikely to be able to follow it that closely because you miss one trade, or trade a different size etc, etc, they'll claim you haven't done so.

Come on, don't waste your money
We bought it on Saturday. Spent the weekend going over it. I will let you know how this thing performs. Not quick in quick ou system.