I think T2W should be doing more for members?

Yeah a lot of those things sound interesting, would be nice to see Trade2Win to continue to improve. I enjoy it (apart from people fighting to destroy each others posts and obviously it can be quite hard to sort the wheat from the chaff but good free resource)
Sorry if this has been mentioned, or inappropriate for this thread, but I have not read any posts yet and just going on thread title.

I would like to see a proper and pushed book review section. Where members can add books too.

I can read reviews on FF but I don’t know many of the posters. You get to know T2W members styles and you can guess to their trading ability enabling you to make a better decision on the reviews.
I would like to see a proper and pushed book review section. Where members can add books too.

Hi Jason,
We already have a 'proper' book review section with 149 titles so far!
T2W Trading Reviews - Books
It's structured in such a way that only T2W staff can add new titles. So, if there's anything missing that you want added, just let me know and I'll add it for you - no problem.
How about charging vendors to be here. Anyone with a vendor badge must pay a subscription or per post if it is about there product or service.

Surely that would help cut down on some of the 'multi accounts'
And ironically, the worst ever book ever written on trading is in there TWICE !

Brilliant !
Hi 4dLulz,
Thanks for bringing this to my attention - I'll ask the tech' team to remove the duplicates. Btw, as there's more than one, I'm curious to know what you regard as being the worst book ever written on trading?
Have a read and see what T2W thinks of its members, see the kind of people it allows to operate.

If that is what you think then why waste your time posting or being here at all ?

Personally, I have no commercial agenda.

I did not endorse anything, I gave an assessment of a product and stated who it may help and that was all and this was before my current role.

My comments stand in that if people are so dissatisfied with T2W then why waste time saying so and regardless of that I am sure they don't need you to answer for them.

I've no moral problem with T2W profiting from the ignorance of others, if they can get away with it, and theres a market thats fine. However, there's a tradition of traders giving back and assisting others. There are individuals who feel a moral obligation to counteract disinformation, and to shed some light on the murkier aspects of this business.

I have done a lot in the past to expose scams being pushed on T2W and been very vocal in doing so. One of the reasons why I didn't continue the way I had previously done was because I started getting more hassle from those being scammed than the scammers themselves. At that point I thought what is the point if those I am trying to help shoot the messenger.

Trader33 is still defending his original endorsement, and he always will, competely blind to the reality that he's been used
Regardless of the end situation, my intention was honest and honourable. Maybe I was being used but even if that is the case there was nothing for me to gain from what happened and my conscious in clear.

Regardless of the end situation, my intention was honest and honourable. Maybe I was being used but even if that is the case there was nothing for me to gain from what happened and my conscious in clear.


Yeah, me too Paul. My sentiments exactly.

I haven't been told who Xenophobia was, even though I have sent decently-worded correspondence to Sharky. But a forum friend informed me that someone called David Robertson was the person who trashed my thread for his own purposes.

Had I been told about that through the decency of a response to my PM's to mods and the owner of this forum, Sharky, I might still be posting here. I expected an apology from the mods, and from Sharky, and still do expecte some feedback - but I have only had total silence from them all - clearly they have been instructed by Sharky not to enter into correspondence, and to simply let it die.

You can easily understand now, why someone would find the need to start a thread called "I think T2W should be doing more for its members."

Moral of the story: No one is bigger than the forum.
No individual has any rights here ... just the privilege of making an occasional post.

Thanks for the lessons.
Thanks Ingot54 for starting the thread and everyone else who's contributed to it so far. I thought I'd leave it run for a bit before chiming in just give people a chance to air their views.

So the question posed was 'Should T2W be doing more for its members?'. Well given that how quiet things have been of late, I'd say, for sure!.. but with the caveat, that actually we are - it's just we don't do a very good job of communicating it.

As far as Trade2Win goes, I've come round to a different way of thinking than perhaps even two or three years ago. The focus used to be very much on adding lots of new features and usually whatever grabbed my attention at the time. Whilst we've had a few success, like the Articles, and to a lesser extent, the Reviews; the majority ended up either dead or buried, for example the Traderpedia, Blogs, Competitions etc. Whilst all had merit, for whatever reason they just didn't catch on. That's fine though, it's good to experiment with different ideas. The only problem was it ate up huge amounts of time and the more things we added, the more we had to maintain then upgrading the site starts to become a real headache.

Fast forwad to today and the focus is almost in reverse. I'm asking myself, how can we reduce the bloat, what are the things can we remove? - Okay, so you might start to wonder why? Well, the leaner the site is, the more time we can focus on the stuff that really matters. It's almost like getting back to basics. So what can you expect for the rest of this year on T2W? Well, for a start, we'll be slimming down features that don't add any real value to the site aren't going to get chopped. At the same time, we'll be working harder on making existing features better. Right now, there are three projects going on. Firstly to speed up the site. Our goal is to shave the page load times by half. This will make everyone's viewing experience a whole lot better. Secondly we're integrating the reviews directly into the forums. The is going to really help to raise the visibility of the reviews section and thus make it a lot more worthwhile to share your reviews. Thirdly, the articles section is getting the same kind of makeover as the reviews section. We've got 380 articles in there (some better than others) and it's a brilliant resource, but right now you can't even sort the articles by rating - that's just unacceptable and will get fixed on the next release.

Okay, so that covers the current status of Trade2Win. It still doesn't explain what we've been doing the past several months. Well I believe it's been mentioned on the forums already, but I'm pretty sure most people will have missed it. So, we're actually working on a new project called ForexDesk. Yes, if you try typing in forexdesk.com you'll get the beta site. It's funny that Ingot54 should talk about T2W having a 'formal system testing laboratory' because that's essentially what it is. We've been working on this project since May 2009, and 15 months later and nearly 100,000 lines of code we're almost ready to launch in beta. So if you're interested head over and request an invite. There's a comment field on there, if you write down your a T2W member, we'll put you at the front of the list.

The final thing that we're working on is the first T2W branded book. We've lined up our good friend, regular poster, former content editor and Amazon bestseller author, John Forman (better known as Rhody Trader) to co-author and edit it. In a nutshell, it’s about building on what Trade2Win is already about. It’s about answering, all in one place, many of the questions developing traders most commonly ask. As much as John will be heading up the book project, the FAQ will be a community project in many ways and we'll be asking for your input along the way.

So, hopefully that short summary answers both your question should we be doing more, and gives you some insight into that we're doing. I hope in future we do a better job of letting you know what we're up to.

(NB. For those under the impression I spend most of my days on Copocabana beach, I'm sorry to disappoint. As much as I like the beach a) I never fail to go a lovely shade of lobster red, and b) there's no a lot of wifi action, which for a tech geek like myself is like going without food and water ie. it very quickly loses its appeal).
I like T2W as it offers a lot of references and explanations and opinions that are educational; definitely there is a lot of information that could be packaged and marketed.

Perhaps a consideration would be to conduct periodically a very detailed poll to gather about what changes people prefer.

I am sure there are readership and participation cycles on the board, different groups of people and different interests from time to time.

There could be ideas that would benefit many and readers, and perhaps there could be more contributions.

My suggestion, then, is to start to survey and poll the readership on a regular basis.
Thank you, Sharky, for your post. In every facet of life communication is important and is the key to a long lasting relationship.

I would like to clarify some of my earlier blanket statements targeting the moderators for not acting decisively and swiftly to stop Xenophobia from trashing my thread in the "Commercial" section of "Mechanical & Systems Trading".

In fact Barjon DID act quickly and sorted out the situation very fairly, and I apologise unreservedly for including him in that group.

In hindsight we could all have done this better, but neither I nor the moderators knew with whom we were dealing then. I have contacted the moderator via PM who I believe should have stopped the rot by banning Xenophobia from the thread.

It was this post #82 that displayed lack of insight into the hijacking of the thread:

there we go, i see the olive branch, well said xenophobia

what you say ivan? carry on with the thread, yes? with lindencourt? yes?

oh go on you know you want to

In fact it was none of the other moderators except that one, who failed to intervene correctly. I have contacted him via PM, but he has so far either not received that message, or is choosing to ignore it

Whatever - I no longer have any desire to have any dealings with L_McQ.

I also thank Sharky for his constructive post above - and also for the encouraging PM today.

Thank you, Paul.

Time for me to take on board what has happened and do as Pat494 advised in post #13 of that dead thread:

Good luck with the thread Ivan ( hope you have got a thick skin and loads of patience )

It's time I developed a thicker skin.
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I would like to clarify some of my earlier blanket statements targeting the moderators for not acting decisively and swiftly to stop Xenophobia from trashing my thread in the "Commercial" section of "Mechanical & Systems Trading".

In fact Barjon DID act quickly and sorted out the situation very fairly, and I apologise unreservedly for including him in that group.

In hindsight we could all have done this better, but neither I nor the moderators knew with whom we were dealing then. I have contacted the moderator via PM who I believe should have stopped the rot by banning Xenophobia from the thread.

It was this post #82 that displayed lack if insight into the hijacking of the thread:


In fact it was none of the other moderators except that one, who failed to intervene correctly. I have comtacted him via PM, but he has so far either not received theat message, or is choosing to ignore ne.

Whatever - I no longer have any desire to have any dealings with L_McQ.

I also thank Sharky for his constructive post above - and also for the encouraging PM today.

Thank you, Paul.

Time for me to take on board what has happened and do as Pat494 addvised in post #13 of that dead thread:

It's time I developed a thicker skin.

hey that suits me fine ivan, as far as i'm concerned you and lindencourt both changed your attitude to the thread as soon as xenophobia claimed he was a purchaser of the system and threatened to expose that it didn't work, the pair of you were up tight and were in a flap that the fact it would be exposed as wanting imo, as far as could be seen xeno was a user of the system, granted he was found the next day to be an alleged unscrupulous toe rag but the point is you and lindencourt wanted him banned from the thread, i question why? the worst posts were deleted by both barjon and i, you left it a full two hours, or more, after the last deletions before throwing your toys out the pram.

off topic and abusive postings made between 7:41pm to 8:21pm were deleted,the first run through was started at 8:16pm with a further look back through at 9:27pm with further posts deleted, not bad considering i was the only mod on and had other duties. anyway, you threw your wobbler post at 11:40 even though the posts had been deleted well over two hours earlier! in fact i deleted more of yours and lindencourt's posts than xenophobia's at the end as you tried wrecking your own thread, especially lindencourt.

of course it most regrettable that this xeno guy was a stooge, there was no indication otherwise, no ip match to mr spreadbetting, the following day it was brought to my attention that his posting in another thread was suspicious, a further check of the post and missed info from his profile was uncovered to his likely identity, but it was not till the evening that his true identity was know with certainty and he was banned, for i failed to spot him for what he was at the time, and i apologise.
hey that suits me fine ivan, as far as i'm concerned you and lindencourt both changed your attitude to the thread as soon as xenophobia claimed he was a purchaser of the system and threatened to expose that it didn't work, the pair of you were up tight and were in a flap that the fact it would be exposed as wanting imo, as far as could be seen xeno was a user of the system, granted he was found the next day to be an alleged unscrupulous toe rag but the point is you and lindencourt wanted him banned from the thread, i question why? the worst posts were deleted by both barjon and i, you left it a full two hours, or more, after the last deletions before throwing your toys out the pram.

off topic and abusive postings made between 7:41pm to 8:21pm were deleted,the first run through was started at 8:16pm with a further look back through at 9:27pm with further posts deleted, not bad considering i was the only mod on and had other duties. anyway, you threw your wobbler post at 11:40 even though the posts had been deleted well over two hours earlier! in fact i deleted more of yours and lindencourt's posts than xenophobia's at the end as you tried wrecking your own thread, especially lindencourt.

of course it most regrettable that this xeno guy was a stooge, there was no indication otherwise, no ip match to mr spreadbetting, the following day it was brought to my attention that his posting in another thread was suspicious, a further check of the post and missed info from his profile was uncovered to his likely identity, but it was not till the evening that his true identity was know with certainty and he was banned, for i failed to spot him for what he was, and i apologise.

Throwing mud at me now and attempting to belittle me won't quite cut it McQueen.

I clearly stated on the thread that I was at work - a nurse - and was posting when I could. Xeno even noted that fact - taunting that "I thought you said you were at work - how come you have charts" or something to that effect - in fact I took a screen-shot of HIS charts, not from my home computer . Another red herring.

Look McQueen - I have the timeline and the posts notified to my email box from the thread as they were posted - your attempt to cover up your inaction won't quite cut it with me.

You didn't want to act because you were gutless - and you sided with Xeno.

bad choice mate - siding with a dead-set loser.

Blind Phredericke could see the trashing and hijacking going on - the man had 25 posts to my 20 ... all with the same derogatory trashing theme - and YOU couldn't pick that he was determined to hijack my thread???

Get real McQueen.

It was never "me and Lindencourt" ... the thread was mine, and I invited Andrew Searle to "keep an eye on it to see if he approved what I was attempting to do" as he did on the Donnforex thread. Nothing wrong with that, and in fact I never objected to Xeno disagreeing with me. If you had the eyes that Barjon had, you would easily see that my objection was to Xeno posting the metrics of the indicators, which is a breach of commercial secrets. I

I have all the email correspondence between myself and Andrew Searle after I bought his system - so if the public want any proff to see where the truth is, I am happy to post it all or send it to Barjon privately as an independent adjudicator.

Listen mate - next time you see a monkey throwing bananas all over someone else's cage - question WHY he would do that. Why would that monkey throw so many bananas?

usually people debate, and discuss. They do not abuse, and reveal someone else's privileged and private property in a public arena as leverage to advance further along the reoad to hijacking a thread.

I would say the members of this forum can judge me for how I conducted myself on MY thread. As for throwing my toys out of the pram - quaint expression McQueen - and very chic ... but the reality is I removed all posts I was able to edit so that the thread was closed. No one else had the gonads to ban Xeno or restrain him at least long enough to allow me to even begin to develop my ideas and begin to show some of the failed setups I promised to do.

I did post 2 charts of successful trades - even admitting my foolish error in calling one of my winning trades as a 7 pip loss. The thread was going quite well, but Xeno's attacks intensified - I think 4 or 5 posts in a row at one point ... all denigrating the system and the theme.

What would you call that - civilised discussion? Enlightened debate?

...it was not till the evening that his true identity was know with certainty and he was banned, for i failed to spot him for what he was, and i apologise

If that is the hint of an apology, then it is probably all I will ever get from you. You are pi$$ed off because you were found wanting - get over it - stuff happens.

So I offer you what you offered me ... I accept your tiny kind-of apology.

there we go, i see the olive branch, well said xenophobia

what you say ivan? carry on with the thread, yes? with lindencourt? yes?

oh go on you know you want to

I hope you see the irony McQueen, and in future, consider who is being constructive in threads you are responsible for moderating, and who is being destructive ... should I need to go to all of this trouble to try to vindicate myself and my thread?

Should I have had to endure what happened? Please don't attempt to twist it to make it look like I deserved what happened - at all times I was open and accommodating.

Think about that. I allow you the last word.
This kinda thing is precisely why I am nowhere near as active on these boards as I used to be. Dull dull dull dull dull.

Yes GJ ... I suppose I will have the same attitude one day.

Until then I may keep trying to create constructive threads.

But I am close, very close indeed, to sitting back and commenting on the bad luck of others too.

I wonder if you have ever felt the need to straighten the record?
In life - many times mate. On an anonymous internet forum however, I just can't see myself getting that worked up about it. But each to his / her own. I'm not commenting on the rights and / or wrongs of that thread as I didn't read it, I just meant in general.
Yes GJ ... I suppose I will have the same attitude one day.

Until then I may keep trying to create constructive threads.

But I am close, very close indeed, to sitting back and commenting on the bad luck of others too.

I wonder if you have ever felt the need to straighten the record?

on an open board you will get trashed. it wasn't always like that but these days it seems like. its driven many serious traders away who provided a lot of good stuff but who now communicate via private messages msn etc.

imo the only way to keep the quality is to charge. but who will do that?

feeding the trolls isn't an essential part of trading. unless one wants to do it as a hobby. 🙂

the best way to be positive is only respond to people asking questions.imo for anything else its best to start a blog where you can delete the rants.