I Quit...!

I've said it and I'll say it again, if you KNOW you can it do you'd BEG, STEAL and BORROW.
What you really mean here is if you, temptrader, knew you could do it(and I'm not questioning that you can) then you, temptrader, would beg, steal and borrow.

That does not many anyone else at all would do so. Sure, many would. Many also would not. Personally, I would borrow but I would not beg or steal.

That you would do so, does not give you the right to call another a liar because they would not.
temptrader said:
here you go yet again . . . . . what's all this for, a character assassination? Do you get a high from it - or more importantly, how does/will it serves you on your road to consistent profitability?
Where have I said anything bad about your character? I have merely said that your remarks show much about your character. That you assume I mean to "assasinate your character" by doing so, would show that you know your remarks paint you in a less than flattering light. If you thought your remarks showed your character in the best possible light you would naturally assume that I was complimenting your character by pointing out that they say much about your character.

As for how does/will it serve me on my road to consistant profitability? It wont. But then again, not everything in life is about profitability. How will calling Damian a liar(sorry, claiming he is lying but not a liar apparently) serve in your quest of consistant profitability?

Jackanory in the 21st Century......

what, bent over a table with Cherie standing behind, with a book and some lubricant 🙂

The actions you describe say nothing much of today's society. No. What we need to know is what is the title of the book please? That will say it all.

So tell us a story......

Thank you very little. :cheesy:

If you want to continue this pointless discussion you may. And you may continue to see what you want to see in it.

If you want to know what I'm getting at, just read FXSCALPER2 posts on this thread. That's all you need to do . . . . . . because I'm tired of your sanctimonious cra.....
There may well be an opportunity for this as the current leader of our country is unlikely to still be in the same position in two years time 🙂


If you think I'm going to sit in any seat warmed by that 😈Stalinist after he's suffered the justifiable indignity of being done over by the 😡 Blair Witch Project ....