trading coach


Junior member
Seeking for a trading coach that will not charge me the price it would cost to purchase a home 😆 I trade the forex, and I have been trading for atleast 1 1/2 years so I know all the basics I just need help fine tuning in some area's of my trading. Any refferences will be appreciated thank you.
Seeking for a trading coach that will not charge me the price it would cost to purchase a home 😆 I trade the forex, and I have been trading for atleast 1 1/2 years so I know all the basics I just need help fine tuning in some area's of my trading. Any refferences will be appreciated thank you.

You'll get hit with a few PMs now bud...😆 On the subject of your "fine tuning" what's the problem/s?
Yeah, just tell us your problems and we might be able to offer advice... and if you're appreciative of our help, you could donate some money to a charity or two that we support.
Choosing a mentor can be difficult because its hard to know who you can trust..

I trade the market live everyday for a group of about 200 forex traders, and you can watch me trade live daily through our live forex trading room webcam

I dont think anyone else is offering that kind of transparency.

..good trades,
Let the Legendary Members from Trade to win coach you before you find someone who wants pay. With these guys advice I was able to get up and running in 2-3 years. I think that's a relatively short time frame compared to what I was expecting. You're taking on one of the hardest professions in the world.

Just ask away. Even if they blast you with criticism, it's likely what you need to hear.