This speaks volumes about your priorities in life and personal character in general.first excuse is suspicious. Second is almost a total cover up.
My view on it is that those who make SOME money big it up and offer courses/seminars/systems. Those that make horrendous amounts keep very quiet and remain anonymous to avoid attention.
Your saying the above is akin to Darren Winters or Vince Stanzione saying they are giving up the markets after having made their millions to pursue other business interests. Why can't you say:
1) I haven't been making much money from my coaching and it's not rewarding enough
2) I haven't been making much money from the markets for what I put in because either I don't have it in me, or I can't be bother to go through what you need to go through
at least that would be honest......
You should really have a good long hard look at yourself in the mirror before it's too late.