How To Think Correctly

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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CYOF said:
Unfortunately, my recent episode has left me exhausted, so I must be careful what I say, for I do not wan't to offend anyone.

But, do I see a hint of tit for tat returning, and instigated by whom?

I do not think it was you, for things were going just fine!

All should remember, their is a big difference between constructive criticism, and what is good for you, and episodel tit for tatting, which I hope is not going to erupt there again, although I do now see how easy it can happen.

To all readers, a final hint for the 90deg rotated charts - and this is the last hint I am giving:


You should now have it - I am waiting for the answer, please.

most would have guessed it, but didnt bother to reply.

Libra = scales = balance = pivot = tipping point = change of sentiment = whatever.

these concepts are in the public domain with ideas such as dojis, congestion break-out, pivot points, major S/R (did I really write that! ).

tell us something NEW. not a repackaged doji/sentiment concept with mystical properties.

Your belief that ALL wisdom and knowledge comes from just one person, or a small handful, is veering towards evangelical zeal, that does a disservice to the historical march of scientific method, with its concept of falsifiability, which is one of the fundamental cornerstones of intellectual debate - the acceptance of being proved wrong.

In any other context you would be declaring fatwas on anybody you dared to disagree.

So, which gospel have you re-hashed?

And Does Mr Soros have a copy?
By the way, while we are at it, in relation to the first chart, you ought to discuss it with Larry Pasavento and all will become clear to you, it has been suggested to me.

Now, this is very interesting indeed.

As soon as we get some energy flowing, albeit, some of it negative, we suddenly get the post that is the closest thing possible to the brief trading discussion that I am going to start - as this thread is mostly for those who wish to learn how to fly, and do other silly things like that.

So, to put the cheery on the cake so as to speak, and as we don't seem to see Larry around here that much, what is the important thing that Larry highlighted which many traders fail to notice, for whatever reasons?

And thank you Socrtaes, you NEVER cease to amaze me - I got it right this time, but then again, I suddenly feel full of energy, I wonder why 😆

Surely you and your ilk are not shirking from my challenge ?

Profitaker said:
But hey, why not make some prediction on where a stock / index / commodity price will be at the close on this Wednesday. Not asking for your methodology, just the prediction. How about you lot put up or shut up ? Who will accept the challenge ?
Unless I have missed it, nobody has come forward with a prediction ? How strange !

What conclusions should your followers draw ?

Should they start laughing their socks off, or hang on in there for more pearls of wisdom 🙂
rols said:
We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.

-Viktor Frankl, author, neurologist and psychiatrist, Holocaust survivor (1905-1997)

Yes rols, your gems are indeed noticed, for it is this sort of information that really matters, all else is trivial in the whole context of things.

Thank You.
CYOF said:
Now, this is very interesting indeed.

As soon as we get some energy flowing, albeit, some of it negative, we suddenly get the post that is the closest thing possible to the brief trading discussion that I am going to start - as this thread is mostly for those who wish to learn how to fly, and do other silly things like that.

So, to put the cheery on the cake so as to speak, and as we don't seem to see Larry around here that much, what is the important thing that Larry highlighted which many traders fail to notice, for whatever reasons?

And thank you Socrtaes, you NEVER cease to amaze me - I got it right this time, but then again, I suddenly feel full of energy, I wonder why 😆
Flying is not funny...some of us do it all the time....and hovering 5 feet above where you are and the detail is include the half empty teacup just to your right...😀
Profitaker said:

Surely you and your ilk are not shirking from my challenge ?

Unless I have missed it, nobody has come forward with a prediction ? How strange !

What conclusions should your followers draw ?

Should they start laughing their socks off, or hang on in there for more pearls of wisdom 🙂
Ha HA Ha you are the one who shrinks.

When are you going to explain in detail how it is that an option close to expiry and nearly worthless can be rolled over at no extra cost ?...rubbish you post all the time...

Do us all a favour and go and get yourself a job and do something useful for a change.

Nobody in his right mind here is going to volunteer any valuable information to you.
trendie said:
most would have guessed it, but didnt bother to reply.

Libra = scales = balance = pivot = tipping point = change of sentiment = whatever.

these concepts are in the public domain with ideas such as dojis, congestion break-out, pivot points, major S/R (did I really write that! ).

tell us something NEW. not a repackaged doji/sentiment concept with mystical properties.

Your belief that ALL wisdom and knowledge comes from just one person, or a small handful, is veering towards evangelical zeal, that does a disservice to the historical march of scientific method, with its concept of falsifiability, which is one of the fundamental cornerstones of intellectual debate - the acceptance of being proved wrong.

In any other context you would be declaring fatwas on anybody you dared to disagree.

So, which gospel have you re-hashed?

And Does Mr Soros have a copy?

But you are wrong trendie, it is not what you say!

Socrates has seemed to work it out, from simple logic, or maybe form spiritual guidance, but whatever, he has it cracked, that is for sure.

As for the remaining, I think it has been clearly stated that the method used is a PREFERENCE, and in as much so, will be of no INTEREST to those who do not hold the same INTERESTS.

You see, a lot of people fail to see the reality of trading, and I will, fwiw, give my little contribution as follows:

1. Some times are more profitable than others - fact.
2. Some methods are more profitable than others - fact
3. Some people will realise this - fact
4. Some people (the majority) will never realise this - fact

Now, do you not agree that all I say is factual? But, the big question to be asked is WHY?


The answers are in the questioning -not in the acceptance - do you see this?


How about the price of oil come Wednesday ?

How about the price of British Airways come Wednesday ?

How about the price of FTSE100 come Wednesday ?

How about the price of DJIA come Wednesday

How about you try to gain some credibility ?
CYOF said:
But you are wrong trendie, it is not what you say!

Socrates has seemed to work it out, from simple logic, or maybe form spiritual guidance, but whatever, he has it cracked, that is for sure.

As for the remaining, I think it has been clearly stated that the method used is a PREFERENCE, and in as much so, will be of no INTEREST to those who do not hold the same INTERESTS.

You see, a lot of people fail to see the reality of trading, and I will, fwiw, give my little contribution as follows:

1. Some times are more profitable than others - fact.
2. Some methods are more profitable than others - fact
3. Some people will realise this - fact
4. Some people (the majority) will never realise this - fact

Now, do you not agree that all I say is factual? But, the big question to be asked is WHY?


The answers are in the questioning -not in the acceptance - do you see this?

Yes, exactly, not just the questioning but the deep inward reflection that accompanies the questioning is the key, but there again, its not fashionable, and because it is not fashionable very nearly no one ventures to fashion it ......for themselves. :cheesy:
rols said:

For the benefit of others , I will clear up this matter.

I never said that Larry could trade himself, and in fact, I have never seen Larry's results, so I am not at liberty to comment.

What I did say, was:

what is the important thing that Larry highlighted which many traders fail to notice, for whatever reasons?

It is no concern what Larry did, or did not do, and thank you rols for posting this, as this clearly demonstrates how the "rat race" can make us all lose our correct focus on what we need to know, as opposed to what we think we should know.

I am now felling better 😀
Profitaker said:

How about the price of oil come Wednesday ?

How about the price of British Airways come Wednesday ?

How about the price of FTSE100 come Wednesday ?

How about the price of DJIA come Wednesday

How about you try to gain some credibility ?

Be careful PT, as you may very easily make a fool of yourself, and I do not take any pleasure in anyone making a fool of themselves because of me. I am true believer in what Montaigne and Socrates said, that is the difference between me and most of the "YES" people out there.

To be a "YES" man is to be an "IGNORANT" man, this is a fact of life, which unfortunately, like ION, we are surrounded by.

In reality, I have gone out of my way for to help some understand, and if I do say so myself, I am happy in my progress. But as Socrates keeps saying, and I hope he is wrong, btw, I am just wasting my time.

You still have a chance, and all it takes is a little searching on the net, about all of 1 minute I would say.

Yes, exactly, not just the questioning but the deep inward reflection that accompanies the questioning is the key, but there again, its not fashionable, and because it is not fashionable very nearly no one ventures to fashion it ......for themselves. :cheesy:

you are of course correct, and i should have said, the start to true understanding is in the questioning - but then again, I have admitted, and will always admit, that I know nothing about anything, period!
SOCS you play manipulation to create a problem and hope that the public on T2W will react in the expected manner. Then when the public reacts as predicted, your intention is for everything to get so twisted around, that the public ends up believing that the solution that was mentioned by someone else was actually your idea in the first place. It's called mind control or what I call people who don't get out much.
I must leave now until tomorrow, and hopefully some will have the correct answer to chart 1.

Maybe, even someone will start the brief discussion, which is to prove that we are talking facts here, not mumbo jumbo.

My EMF Train No1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009 is waiting for me 😆

Surely you and your ilk are not shirking from my challenge ?


never thought that those that did not conform to your way of thinking are considered ilks
as for predictions take a look at the dow thread i posted a basic chart with a potential low, i did not trade it as i have my focus on other instruments
but this was a quick eyeball note the first chart i state that the blue lines are almost equal and then i re post earlier today saying they are equal and look at the es now!!
as for where its going im not really interested at this stage but once that top has hit i will be shorting the crap out of it
i have also mentioned we have a top in the nikkei,euro is a short, dollar will rally and all this long before the market hit where it did
how i did it im not preapred to discuss it we would not talk the same language, but a little advice
when you want to learn from someone the person who is teaching guides you not the other way round, for you to demand does not give you a god given right one has to earn that right!!
Before I go, I have just noticed that this thread gets a lot of views, so I better think of something good after this exercise, as i would hate to disappoint a lot of people, but have no fear, for it is really the little Leprechaun that tells me everything to write - and you all thought it was something Mystical, but I fooled you all, for it is just PURE MAGIC!

Have a nice evening 😀

CYOF said:
I must leave now until tomorrow, and hopefully some will have the correct answer to chart 1.

Maybe, even someone will start the brief discussion, which is to prove that we are talking facts here, not mumbo jumbo.

My EMF Train No1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009 is waiting for me 😆

i must say you are on a roll mate
keep it up im seriously enjoying this
laptop1 said:
SOCS you play manipulation to create a problem and hope that the public on T2W will react in the expected manner. Then when the public reacts as predicted, your intention is for everything to get so twisted around, that the public ends up believing that the solution that was mentioned by someone else was actually your idea in the first place. It's called mind control or what I call people who don't get out much.
Daft you are.
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